Toapekong (Da Bo Gong / 大伯公)

Dewa Tua Pek Kong (Hanzi : 大伯公; pinyin : Dàbó Gōng) merupakan salah satu Dewa Taoisme dalam kepercayaan masyarakat Tionghoa perantauan di Malaysia dan Indonesia.

Namanya sendiri memiliki beragam sebutan. Orang Hakka menyebutnya Thai phak kong, orang Hokkian memanggilnya Tua peh kong, sementara orang Kanton mengejanya Daai baak gung.

Di Indonesia sendiri, masyarakat Tionghoa sering disebutnya sebagai Toa PekongToapekong, atau Topekong, yang secara harafiah berarti “Paman Agung”).

Dalam dialek Hokkian, Toa/Tua sendiri memiliki arti “yang paling besar, atau yang tertua”. Sementara Pek sendiri memiliki arti “paman, atau kakak“. Lalu Gong sendiri memiliki arti “kakek”.

Jadi, pengertian Da Bo Gong (atau Toa Pek Kong) secara keseluruhan adalah “Kakak Tertua dari Kakek, atau Paman Buyut”. Sebutan tersebut merupakan sebutan paling terhormat, karena kultur masyarakat Tiongkok sangat menghormati orang2 yang lebih tua.

Tua Pek Kong sendiri dianggap sebagai “Dewa Kemakmuran”. Menurut kisah hidupnya, beliau merupakan seorang pelaut dari wilayah Fujian Tiongkok, yang mengorbankan dirinya untuk umat manusia.

Beliau juga dipercaya sebagai reinkarnasi Dewa “Fu” dari trio Dewa Fu Lu Shou 福祿壽, yang mewakili “Kemakmuran, Keberuntungan, dan Umur Panjang”.

Berikut riwayat hidup Toa Pek Kong :

Terdapat beberapa versi sejarah tentang kehidupan Toa Pek Kong sebelum diangkat menjadi Dewa.

Versi pertama menyebutkan bahwa Beliau adalah seorang pelaut dari propinsi Fujian, yang memperoleh mimpi bahwa suatu ketika di tengah laut terdapat seseorang yang mengapung dalam kondisi keracunan. Ia menemukan orang tersebut, lalu menyedot racun dari mulut korban sehingga selamat, namun dirinya sendiri meninggal.

Masyarakat kemudian memujanya, untuk mengenang keberanian serta pengorbanannya.

Versi kedua menyebutkan bahwa Beliau adalah seorang pelajar Fujian yang lari ke wilayah Malaya (saat ini Malaysia) pada masa dinasti Qing, tepatnya pada pemerintahan Kaisar Qianlong 乾隆帝 (1736-1790). Ia digambarkan sebagai pria yang jujur, berbudi, ramah, dan memiliki jenggot yang panjang.

Tua Pek Kong adalah seorang pria bernama Zhang Li (张理) yang berasal dari suku Hakka. Suatu ketika hendak menuju wilayah Sumatra, perahunya dilanda angin yang kuat, dan secara tidak sengaja mendarat di pulau Penang di Malaysia, yang ketika itu baru dihuni sekitar puluhan penduduk saja.

Beliau diyakini telah tiba di pulau itu 40 tahun lebih awal dari Francis Light (seorang penjelajah dan pendiri koloni Inggris di Penang, pada tahun 1746). Pasca kematiannya, penduduk setempat mulai memujanya dan membangun Kuil Tua Pek Kong di sana.

Ia dimakamkan di belakang pulau Mutiara kuil Tua Pek Kong (Sea Pearl Island) di Tanjung Tokong. Kisah Tua Pek Kong pertama di Penang menunjukkan tradisi persaudaraan tersumpah, diantara sesama perantauan orang2 Tiongkok :

Zhang Li (张理) tinggal di komunitas nelayan kecil sebagai guru. Dia dikenal karena kebaikan dan keramahannya, sehingga penduduk desa setempat selalu mencarinya untuk meminta bantuan dan bimbingan ketika mereka memiliki masalah.

Menurut catatan, 2 orang yang menjadi saudara lelakinya yang disumpah, yakni Chiu Hsiao Ching, pembuat arang, dan Ma Fu Choon, seorang pandai besi.

Karena Ia adalah anak tertua, Ia biasa dipanggil oleh anak-anak muda di desa itu dengan sebutan Tua Pek (dialek Hokkian). Dalam dialek Hokkian, Toa/Tua sendiri memiliki arti “yang paling besar, atau yang tertua”. Sementara Pek sendiri memiliki arti “paman, atau kakak“.

Sebutan tersebut merupakan sebutan paling terhormat, karena kultur masyarakat Tiongkok menghormati orang2 yang lebih tua. Mereka ber-3 tampak sangat dekat satu sama lain. Ketika pekerjaan di hari itu selesai, mereka selalu bertemu satu sama lain di satu tempat favorit mereka di desa.

Suatu hari, Chiu dan Ma, seperti biasa pergi menemui saudara tertua yang mereka segani, tetapi terkejut ketika menemukan dia duduk tidak bergerak di samping batu besar. Mereka mencoba membangunkannya, tetapi kemudian segera menyadari, bahwa sesepuh yang mereka hormati itu telah meninggal dunia.

Perasaan sedih membanjiri seisi penghuni desa, yang kemudian ikut membantu menguburnya tak jauh dari batu besar itu. Lalu ketika Chiu dan Ma meninggal, mereka juga dimakamkan di sana, di samping saudara tertua mereka yang disumpah.

Saat ini, kuburan ketiganya masih dapat ditemukan tepat di belakang kuil Sea Pearl Island Tua Pek Kong, Penang, Malaysia.

Sejak saat itu, masyarakat kemudian membangun sebuah kuil untuknya, dan menyembahnya sebagai seorang Dewa oleh masyarakat Tionghoa peranakan di Malaysia. Kepercayaannya kemudian menyebar hingga ke wilayah timur Malaysia, Singapore dan Indonesia.

Kuil Pagoda Tua Pek Kong di Sibu, Malaysia

Beliau dipercaya sebagai Dewa yang melindungi keselamatan para pelaut dalam pelayaran, yang dikenal luas di wilayah Malaya dan Indonesia.

Beliau juga dipuja oleh para buruh imigran Tiongkok (dinasti Qing) yang bekerja di perkebunan lada di Semenanjung Malaya, sekitar awal tahun 1800-an, dikarenakan banyak yang meninggal akibat malaria serta penyakit iklim tropis lainnya.

Namun masyarakat Tionghoa sendiri juga menganggap Toa Pek Kong sebagai Dewa perdagangan dan kekayaan (rezeki). karena melindungi para pekerja dari sakit dan kecelakaan, sehingga mereka dapat fokus untuk bekerja mencari kekayaan; serta akan memberkahi orang2 yang berhati baik.

Di Sarawak – Malaysia Timur, ada sekitar 76 kuil Tua Pek Kong yang tersebar disana. Di Batam, Indonesia, Kuil Tua Pek Kong yang paling terkenal terletak di Nagoya (Lubuk Baja).

Menurut penulis, Dewa Tua Pek Kong sendiri dapat dianggap seperti “Dewa Lokalnya” masyarakat Tionghoa di wilayah Malaya (Malaysia). Ini halnya seperti Dewa Wong Tai Sin (黄大仙; Huang Daxian) di Hongkong.

Karena kesamaan fisiknya juga (visualisasi), masyarakat Tionghoa sendiri sering keliru dalam membedakan, antara Tua Pek Kong dan Tu Di Gong.

Backup And Restore Database MySQL All Schema Data Routine Trigger Specific Database

It is necessary to make a backup of the database before reinstalling the server or just in case something unexpected happens. We can actually do backups through Phpmyadmin by exporting all databases. But what if we haven’t installed Phpmyadmin on the Server?

How to Backup All Databases

1. Backup Schema and Data

mysqldump -u username -p --all-databases > backup.sql
mysqldump -u username -p -A > backup.sql

2. Backup only the Schemas

mysqldump -u username -p --all-databases --no-data > backup_schema.sql
mysqldump -u username -p -A -d > backup_schema.sql

3. Backup by Remote Server

mysqldump -u root -h -p -A > backup.sql

4. Backup Routines

mysqldump -u username -p db_name --routines > backup_routinetrigger.sql
mysqldump -u username -p db_name -R > backup_routinetrigger.sql

5. Backup Routines and Triggers

mysqldump -u username -p db_name --routines --triggers > backup_routinetrigger.sql

6. Backup Specific Database

mysqldump -u username -p --database db_name > backup_db_name.sql
mysqldump -u username -p db_name > backup_db_name.sql

7. Backup Specific Table in Specific Database

mysqldump -u username -p --database db_name table_name > backup_db_name_table_name.sql
mysqldump -u username -p db_name table_name > backup_db_name_table_name.sql

How To Restore Database

8. Restore all Databases

mysql -u username -p < backup.sql

9. Restore one database

mysql -u username -p db_name < backup_db_name.sql

10. Manual command line for mysql

man mysqldump
man mysql

11. References

Thomas Shelby Business Money Supreme Tag

Peaky Blinders is a British period crime drama television series created by Steven Knight. Set in Birmingham, England, the series follows the exploits of the Shelby crime family in the direct aftermath of the First World War. The fictional family is loosely based on a real urban youth gang of the same name, who were active in the city from the 1890s to the early 20th century.

Install PostgreSQL 14 and Remote on Ubuntu – Easy Install

Install PostgreSQL 14

1. Update Ubuntu and get PostgreSQL requirements

sudo apt update
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postgresql-pgdg.list > /dev/null

sudo apt update

2. Get PostgreSQL 14 installed on your Ubuntu system

sudo apt install postgresql-14

3. PostgreSQL’s default port (5432) should not be held hostage by any other system process.

sudo ss -atnp | grep 5432

4. Next, restart, enable PostgreSQL so that it keeps running even after your Ubuntu system reboots, and check on the status of PostgreSQL to make sure it is running.

sudo systemctl restart postgresql
sudo systemctl enable postgresql
sudo systemctl status postgresql 

5. Connecting to PostgreSQL 14 Database in Ubuntu

sudo -u postgres psql

6. For example, to create a PostgreSQL admin superuser that has all the database user privileges, we would execute the following query.


<username> : any usernames , <password> : any passwords

7. To confirm the existence of the PostgreSQL superuser, execute the following command.


8. To exit PostgreSQL shell, run the command


Remote Configuration PostgreSQL 14

1. Edit the configuration file to allow remote access

vi /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf

Look for this line in the file:

listen_addresses = 'localhost'

Uncomment, and change the value to '*', this will allow Postgres connections from anyone.

listen_addresses = '*'

2. Save and exit the file. Next, modify pg_hba.conf to also allow connections from everyone. Open the file with your preferred editor:

vi /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf

Modify this section:

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               scram-sha-256

To this:

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               scram-sha-256

3. Allow PostgreSQL port from Firewall

sudo ufw allow 5432/tcp

4. Restart PostgreSQL

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Cannot sudo apt update failed to update UBUNTU

1. Edit netplan File

sudo vi /etc/netplan50-cloud-init.yaml

2. Add Nameserver Google / Cloudflare or any, on nameserver

                - 2001:4860:4860::8888
                - 2001:4860:4860::8844

notes: don’t use tab on this file, only space allowed.

3. Apply and Test the Network

sudo netplan apply
systemd-resolve --status

Pajak Untuk Programmer Freelance

Lampiran II Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pajak

Nomor : PER- 17 /PJ/2015 Tentang : Norma Penghitungan Penghasilan Neto


Kelompok ini mencakup jasa konsultasi yang berkaitan dengan analisis, design dan pemrograman dari sistem yang siap pakai. Kegiatan ini biasanya menyangkut analisis kebutuhan pengguna komputer dan permasalahannya, pemecahan permasalahan, dan membuat piranti lunak berkaitan dengan pemecahan masalah tersebut. Termasuk pula penulisan program sederhana sesuai kebutuhan pengguna komputer. Perancangan struktur dan isi dari, dan/atau penulisan kode komputer yang diperlukan untuk membuat dan mengimplementasikan, seperti sistem piranti lunak (pemutahiran dan perbaikan), aplikasi piranti lunak (pemutahiran dan perbaikan), database dan halaman web. Termasuk penyesuaian piranti lunak, misalnya modifikasi dan Penyesuaian konfigurasi aplikasi yang sudah ada sehingga berfungsi dalam lingkungan sistem informasi klien. Kegiatan sejenis yang dilaksanakan sebagai bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari penjualan piranti lunak dimasukkan dalam subgolongan 47413.


Programmer, Web Programmer, Web Designer (KLU : 62010) :

10 Ibukota propinsi : 50% (Medan, Palembang, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar, Manado, Makassar, Pontianak)

Ibukota propinsi lainnya : 50%

Daerah lainnya : 50%

Jadi kalau penghasilan programmer jakarta setahun 250 juta maka penghasilan netnya :

Rumusnya : Penghasilan neto = Penghasilan bruto x Norma Penghitungan Penghasilan Neto (NPPN)

250.000.000 x 50% = 125.000.000

Jadi 125 juta ini yang akan dihitung pajaknya.

O iya masukan penghasilan kotor setahun di kolom PEREDARAN USAHA bagian PEKERJAAN BEBAS, kemudian masukkan jumlah Norma lalu isikan manual hasil netnya di kolom PENGHASILAN NETO. Masing-masing form diisi manual karena tidak bisa perhitungan otomatis.

Dan Norma ini dilaporkan tertulis ya pada saat kita ke kantor pajak untuk merubah data.

Bisa di download formnya di sini Form Laporan Penggunaan Norma

Contoh Pengisian Form Penggunaan Norma
Penghasilan kotor setahun dikali norma akan dapat penghasilan bersih

Setelah pengisian Formulir 1770-I Halaman 2 maka hasil perhitungannya otomatis akan masuk ke Formulir induk 1770. Di form induk ini jangan lupa centang Pencatatan di pojok kanan atas. Lalu Status Kewajiban Perpajakan dicentang KK (jomblo/udh nikah pilih ini). Dan yang paling penting di formulir ini adalah centang PTKP (Penghasilan Tidak Kena Pajak) yang bisa mengurangi jumlah penghasilan net sebelum dihitung pajaknya.

Untuk Jomblo pilih TK, yang udah nikah belom punya anak pilih K, nikah udah punya anak pilih K dan jumlah anak dibawahnya (maks. 3), yang nikah penghasilan suami istri digabung pilih K/I dan jumlah anaknya. Kalo nikah dan punya anak PTKPnya makin besar lumayan pajaknya bisa kecil.

Tarif PTKP 2018 :

PTKP 2018

Kasus di sini Wajib Pajak sudah menikah dengan tanggungan 2 anak, sehingga PTKP yang didapatkan sebesar 67.500.000

Jangan lupa centang yang diberi lingkaran merah

Nanti penghasilan net akan terhitung otomatis jumlah pajaknya.

Pajak akan terhitung otomatis

Jika penghasilan Net kita di atas PTKP maka pajak akan terhitung otomatis dan jumlah itulah yang harus kita bayarkan ke negara. Tapi jika penghasilan Net kita di bawah PTKP maka kita tidak berkewajiban membayar pajak tapi tetap wajib melaporkan SPT kita.

Dari kasus di atas dari pendapatan neto 80 juta maka setelah dikurangi PTKP 67,5 juta maka penghasilan yang wajib dibayar pajaknya adalah :

80.000.000–67.500.000 = 12.500.000

Jadi 12.500.000 ribu inilah yang akan kita hitung pajaknya.

Tarif PPh 21 dijelaskan pada Pasal 17 ayat (1) huruf a Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pajak Nomor PER-32/PJ/2015. Tarif PPh 21 berikut ini berlaku pada Wajib Pajak (WP) yang memiliki Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP):

  • WP dengan penghasilan tahunan sampai dengan Rp 50 juta adalah 5%
  • WP dengan penghasilan tahunan di atas Rp 50 juta — Rp 250 juta adalah 15%
  • WP dengan penghasilan tahunan di atas Rp 250 juta — Rp 500 juta adalah 25%
  • WP dengan penghasilan tahunan di atas Rp 500 juta adalah 30%
  • Untuk Wajib Pajak yang tidak memiliki NPWP, dikenai tarif pph 21 sebesar 20% lebih tinggi dari mereka yang memiliki NPWP.

Berdasarkan tarif PPh 21 di atas maka penghasilan kita yang 12.500.000 masuk dalam penghasilan 50 juta dan tarif pajaknya adalah 5%. Jadi jumlah pajak yang harus bayar sebesar :

12.500.000 x 5% = 625.000

Dari penghasilan Rp 250 juta setahun ternyata pajaknya cuma Rp 625.000 setahun.

Nah ternyata pajaknya gak sebesar yang dibayangkan kan? Itu karena sebenarnya banyak variabel yang bisa dijadikan sebagai pengurang penghasilan kotor kita di mana kita tidak mengetahui info ini.

Setelah semua form selesai terisi dan dirasa tidak ada yang salah maka klik tombol Submit di atas form untuk pengiriman online. Form pajak kita juga bisa diprint dengan memencet Ikon Printer di bawah. Jangan lupa masukan token yang sebelumnya sudah dikirimkan melalui email lalu klik tombol Submit.

Masukkan toke untuk pengiriman SPT online

Kalau pengiriman berhasil maka akan dikirimkan tanda terima melalui email.Tanda

Tanda terima akan dikirim melalui email

Dan form yang kita kirim otomatis akan masuk ke Daftar SPT online kita.

Eform langsung update

Jadi sebenarnya mudah kan buat laporan SPT tidak susah seperti yang dibayangkan? Apalagi yang sudah punya NPWP maka kamu wajib lapor kalau gak diurus maka akan susah ke depannya untuk urusan misalnya pembelian properti (rumah,ruko) karena notaris akan mengecek NPWP kita (untuk urusan pajak jual beli), jika kita tidak pernah melaporkan SPT sebelumnya maka NPWP kita otomatis akan di nonaktifkan plus gak bisa balik nama dan untuk mengaktifkannya harus melapor SPT 2 tahun terakhir plus dendanya. Jadi repotkan?

Makanya sebelum terlambat silahkan urus laporan SPT kamu bagi yang sudah punya NPWP. Terakhir lapor tanggal 31 maret 2018 loh!

Sumber :

Temporary ad serving limit placed on your AdMob account | Google Admob

As a result, Google may sometimes place a limit on the number of ads your AdMob account can show. This might be a temporary ad serving limit to evaluate your traffic quality, or it might be because we’ve identified invalid traffic concerns in your AdMob account.

Admob offers popular ad formats such as native banners, transition ads, and award-winning video ads, as well as harmonization tools that help publishers get the most out of every impression. Unity Ads, on the other hand, is a popular mobile device advertising network specially created for game developers. The network has links to some of the biggest brands and advertisers looking for game inventory.

Unity Ads has been hugely popular and known for its highest eCPM for award-winning video ads. In this Unity Ads vs Admob article, we will discuss the topic of Google Admob and Unity Ads. If you own a mobile app or a game and haven’t decided which advertising company to use, you’re in the right place!

Unity Ads vs Admob: Ad units


  1. Banner Ad: A rectangular ad unit can be added to the upper, lower right, or left of the game and application. It automatically renews within an optional period of time after a specified time. Compared to Admob’s other ad units, banner ad earnings are low.
  2. Interstitial Ad: Leveling up is a full-page ad unit that is displayed at the click of a button or during any transition. It is the most profitable ad unit considering some policy violations. Admob users generally increase their earnings thanks to interstitials. An interstitial ad is known to earn 5 to 10 times more than a banner ad.
  3. Award-winning ad: A full-page term ad unit that rewards users who choose to view an ad. Unlike rewarded interstitials, users should choose to view the ad. If abuse occurs and no rewards are awarded, your Admob account may be banned temporarily or even permanently. In terms of earnings, you get high impressions and good earnings per click.
  4. Native advanced Ad: The native advanced ad unit is the native advanced Admob ad unit, which is often used for news apps, VPN, and other apps. Android games are also not recommended. In terms of earnings, it is known to earn 2 times more than banner ads.
  5. With the application open: It is a newly added ad unit with good impressions per thousand. It is a native advanced ad unit that comes out full screen the moment the app or game is open and the return is made to the app again.
  6. Award-winning interstitial (BETA): This ad unit is the new ad unit that is equivalent to an interstitial ad unit, and in some cases even offers high eCPM values. It offers high values in terms of gain. The problem is that it is highly annoying for the user.

Unity Ads

  1. Banner Ad: It is a rectangular banner ad unit that is not used much on Unity Ads. It is known to be extremely low in terms of gain.
  2. Interstitial Ad: The interstitial ad unit is the frequently used and preferred ad unit over-unity ads. Compared to the banner ad unit used in Unity Ads, the interstitial ad is 10 times more profitable.
  3. Award-winning Ad: Since Unity Ads does not have strict rules, some cases have been seen by those who frequently use award-winning ads. Award-winning advertising earnings are only preferred for the Application (Game). According to the known, the ad content consists of 60% or more game content.

Unity Ads vs AdMob: Google Admob Earnings

I have been using Admob frequently lately. And I recommend it! If you have a problem-free Gmail account and an Adsense/Admob account with a pin, you should choose Admob without thinking.

As you can see in the chart, earnings from Google Admob, not Unity ads! If you are getting frequent impressions from developed countries, it is a good idea to use the Admob interstitial ad unit. Unity Ads Vs Admob.

Admob vs Unity Ads Result:

In short, when Unity ads vs Admob revenue are called priority, we need to find out for what reason we need to choose. As you know, Unity Ads can be used temporarily because AdMob policy and installation are very difficult. But if you have a Google AdMob account (PIN), you can choose Google AdMob. This is exactly the result of Unity Ads Vs Admob.

Unity Ads Vs AdMob is generally compared to earnings-oriented. I certainly let’s not forget that! To use Unity Ads, it must certainly be used to appeal to developed countries. 1,000 impressions from economically worthless countries are worth $0.00 CPM. You can be careful about that.

It is possible to see the Unity ads vs Admob revenue values at the top. The winner of this is Google AdMob. Any kind of Unity Ads vs AdMob Revenue encounter is discussed, but as you know, Unity Ads advertising is very easy to install and does not have very strict rules in terms of the policy.

Google AdMob, on the other hand, has annoying strict rules. Also, for a beginner, installing AdMob is very difficult. Here’s your answer: what might be the most logical decision for you when it comes to Unity Ads vs AdMob Revenue?

Unity Ads vs AdMob: Account Confirmation Process And Withdrawals

With Unity Ads and Google AdMob, one of the monetization platforms, you may need detailed account confirmations and withdrawals before you can monetize your mobile apps.

Unity Ads

From games developed with Unity 3D, you can add ads and start earning instantly. Although unity ad mediation is hardly recommended, it is generally recommended to use the Rewarded Ads format. You can choose Unity Ads because Unity Ads does not have strict and strict rules. Another important issue that most interests app developers are that the minimum shooting starts at $100.

Google AdMob

Google AdMob, one of the most important advertising platforms for app advertising, has become available for apps and games. You can opt for AdMob to monetize your app. AdMob is strongly recommended for advertising mediation. Mobile ad networks have millions in AdMob advertising. So What are Google AdMob’s strict rules? If you click on your ads even 1 time, you will instantly get a ban. Also, the biggest other problem is that New AdMob users need to enter home addresses for account verification. A 6-digit pin code (envelope) is sent to the home address you enter. If the code in this envelope is not entered, you will not be able to request payment in any way. Minimum shooting amounts vary depending on all countries. It ranges from $40 to $100 Dec. (General)

FaQs; Unity Ads vs AdMob? Brief Tips On.

What is Unity Ads vs Admob Revenue?

It is possible to see the Unity ads vs Admob revenue values at the top. The winner of this is Google AdMob. Any kind of Unity Ads vs AdMob Revenue encounter is discussed, but as you know, Unity Ads advertising is very easy to install and does not have very strict rules in terms of the policy.

Unity Ads vs Admob Which Earns More?

In short, when Unity ads vs Admob revenue are called priority, we need to find out for what reason we need to choose. As you know, Unity Ads can be used temporarily because AdMob policy and installation are very difficult. But if you have a Google AdMob account (PIN), you can choose Google AdMob. This is exactly the result of Unity Ads Vs Admob.

What is Unity Ads Ad Earnings?

Unity Ads, Likewise, the banner ad in the fight game was $0.67 per thousand impressions, while the interstitial ad was $9.8. These data were calculated based on US-weighted ad impressions. So this means that if you are targeting advertisements from developed countries, you should consider such possibilities.

Unity Ads or Google Admob?

It is possible to see the Unity ads vs Admob revenue values at the top. The winner of this is Google AdMob. Any kind of Unity Ads vs AdMob Revenue encounter is discussed, but as you know, Unity Ads advertising is very easy to install and does not have very strict rules in terms of the policy.
Google AdMob, on the other hand, has annoying strict rules. Also, for a beginner, installing AdMob is very difficult. Here’s your answer: what might be the most logical decision for you when it comes to Unity Ads vs AdMob Revenue?

Does Unity Ads or Admob earn more?

There are a lot of ad networks on the market, but none as big as Admob. There are many ad units in AdMob that your application needs. You can increase your earnings with Banner, migration, award-winning, and locally advanced ad units. On the other hand, Unity Ads is an extremely popular advertising network created especially for Game Developers. Unity ad has ad units(Bannertransitionawardwinning) like AdMob. The installation of two advertising services is very simple.

Daily Unity Ads Revenues

you can earn $0.01 as your ad has been shown 1000 times. 622 views can also earn $2.19.

Daily Admob Revenues

Banner ads on the Admob network are more profitable because they work efficiently. Based on the earnings without including Banner ads, it earned about $45 in 19k impressions. 1K impressions were calculated at $2.34. Along with Banner ads, it earned $52.

How To Enter Singapore in 2022


This SG Arrival Card is only valid for one time use on the expected date of your arrival in Singapore indicated above. Please note that the SG Arrival Card is not a visa. The use of the SG Arrival Card e-Service is free of charge. Click here for more information regarding entry visa requirements.

Thank you for using the SG Arrival Card! We wish you a pleasant visit to Singapore.


Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)

Privacy Policy – Android Apps – siakew – Snake World – Fun Nostalgic Game

Snake World is a game for fun! The game looks like Nokia first handphone game in that era, the game play is snake that you can move from the screen, to eat apple and the snake become grow longer until maxed! There is a level after you achieve some points. The game is free but you can buy the skin for the snake itself. Customer security and privacy are the main things to be handled properly. Snake World continues to maintain the security of all important customer data and information. Guaranteed servers, privacy data protection, periodic back-ups, and access to customer data, are Snake World efforts to continue to maintain the security and privacy of every customer. Snake World ensures that all your information and data is encrypted and protected very well.

Data collection is using Unity Ads #

Does the SDK collect or share any of the required user data types?Yes
Is all of the data collected by the SDK encrypted in transit?Yes
Does the SDK provide a way for users to request that their data is deleted?Yes

I believe that this apps following Privacy Policy

Other siakew’s Apps

Privacy Policy

siakew built the Wonder Word app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by siakew at no cost and is intended for use as is.

This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service.

If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which are accessible at Wonder Word unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Use

For a better experience, while using our Service, I may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. The information that I request will be retained on your device and is not collected by me in any way.

The app does use third-party services that may collect information used to identify you.

Link to the privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app

Log Data

I want to inform you that whenever you use my Service, in a case of an error in the app I collect data and information (through third-party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing my Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.


Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device’s internal memory.

This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third-party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service.

Service Providers

I may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:

  • To facilitate our Service;
  • To provide the Service on our behalf;
  • To perform Service-related services; or
  • To assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.

I want to inform users of this Service that these third parties have access to their Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.


I value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and I cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Links to Other Sites

This Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by me. Therefore, I strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. I have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

Children’s Privacy

These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. I do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13 years of age. In the case I discover that a child under 13 has provided me with personal information, I immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact me so that I will be able to do the necessary actions.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

I may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

This policy is effective as of 2022-09-01

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about my Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact me at work(dot)josuamarcelc(dot)com(at)gmail(dot)com.

Paxel Co | Kecewa! Tanda Tangan Kurir Palsu

Pelayanan Paxel Co tidak bagus. Biasanya mengirim barang dari Bandung ke Jakarta hanya memakan waktu 3-5 jam, tetapi sekarang bisa sampai 12 jam lebih!! Dan yang paling parah tidak sampai ke penerima hanya ditaruh di depan rumah dan diberi tanda tangan palsu oleh kurir Paxel Co.

Paxel Co yang saya kenal untuk mengirim makanan, dan dengar-dengar cepat untuk mengantar Bandung-Jakarta / Jakarta-Bandung. tetapi 12jam baru sampai dan ditaruh di depan rumah seperti itu, pertanyaannya:

  • Bagaimana jika makanan kadaluarsa 24jam (leleh / bau jika berada diluar rumah)?
  • Bagaimana jika barang dicuri orang? Apakah pihak Paxel Co dapat mengganti?
  • Bagaimana jika ada binatang merusak barang (tikus / anjing / kucing)?

Pihak kurir Paxel Co seharusnya tidak memberikan tanda tangan palsu. Jika barang belum dapat diterima dan penerima tidak dapat dikontak, tidak seharusnya barang dibiarkan di depan rumah, pihak Paxel Co boleh mengaca dari JNE / SiCepat / dan pihak ekspedisi lain. Saya kecewa oleh pelayanan Paxel Co, lebih baik jika menggunakan ekspedisi lain yang sudah mahir dalam pengiriman barang.

Tidak ada balasan dari Pihak Paxel Co

Disclaimer: Ini mungkin hanya terjadi pada saya, tidak ada motivasi untuk menjelek-jelekan pihak ekspedisi hanya untuk menolong para calon customer baru.

Silakan Pembaca memilih jasa ekspedisi yang pasti-pasti saja.

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