If You Hate Someone Too Much You Will End Up Becoming Their Fan

It’s an interesting thought, but not necessarily true in every case. Sometimes intense emotions like hate can stem from an underlying fascination or admiration, which might eventually manifest as begrudging respect or even admiration. However, there are also situations where hate remains just that—unyielding and unwavering. It really depends on the individuals involved and the dynamics of their relationship.

In the vast spectrum of human emotions, hate stands out as one of the most intense and visceral. It’s a force that can consume individuals, driving them to actions and thoughts they might not have imagined possible. However, amidst this intensity lies a paradoxical phenomenon: the potential for hate to transform into something unexpected, perhaps even admiration.

The Nature of Hate

Hate is a complex emotion, often born from a variety of factors such as fear, jealousy, resentment, or perceived injustice. It can be directed towards individuals, groups, ideologies, or even abstract concepts. At its core, hate is fueled by a profound sense of aversion and animosity, leading to hostile thoughts, words, and actions.

The Seed of Fascination

Interestingly, hidden within the depths of hate can sometimes lie a seed of fascination. This fascination may stem from an acknowledgment of the target’s power, influence, or perceived superiority. In some cases, the very qualities that provoke hatred—such as confidence, success, or charisma—can also evoke a begrudging respect or even admiration.

The Evolution of Emotions

As time passes and circumstances change, the intense flames of hatred may begin to flicker and wane. Exposure to different perspectives, personal growth, or shifts in the dynamics of the relationship can all contribute to this evolution. In some instances, individuals may find themselves experiencing a surprising shift in their emotions—from vehement hatred to a more nuanced and complex array of feelings.

From Hate to Admiration

The journey from hate to admiration is not always straightforward, nor is it guaranteed. However, for some individuals, the gradual erosion of animosity can pave the way for unexpected insights and revelations. They may come to appreciate aspects of the target they previously overlooked or dismissed. This newfound understanding can lead to a begrudging acknowledgment of their strengths, accomplishments, or resilience.

Examples from History and Literature

History and literature abound with examples of individuals who, despite harboring intense hatred initially, eventually developed a begrudging admiration for their adversaries. From rival politicians to literary rivals, these stories serve as testament to the complexity of human emotions and the potential for transformation.

The journey from hate to admiration is a testament to the intricacies of human emotions and relationships. While hate may initially blind individuals to the qualities of their adversaries, it is not immune to change. Through introspection, empathy, and open-mindedness, individuals can transcend the confines of hatred and discover unexpected insights and admiration in the most unlikely of places.

  1. If you hate someone, you get defeated.
  2. Love Your Haters They Are Your Biggest Fans.
  3. If you don’t like me and still watch everything I do, You’re a fan.
  4. When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred.

Jenis Warna Hio Dan Kegunaannya

Sebagai umat tridharma, taoisme, buddhis, khonghucu tentu sudah tidak asing dengan benda yang satu ini, sering kita temukan di rumah dan tempat ibadah HIO berarti HARUM, Yang di maksud di sini ialah dupa atau bahan pembakar yang dapat mengeluarkan asap berbau sedap. Dupa sudah dikenal sejak jaman Nabi Khongcu berwujud bubuk atau kayu.

Membakar dupa bisa di artikan : Menyampaikan pesan / mengirim doa kita melalui wewangian / asap yang menjunjung tinggi hingga ke segala arah.

  • Hio berbatang merah digunakan dalam sembahyang untuk meminta sesuatu, dengan catatan hio berjumlah 2 dan 4 untuk sembahyang leluhur setelah masa berkabung.
  • Hio berbatang hijau digunakan untuk upacara depan jenasah keluarga selama masa berkabung.
  • Dupa berbentuk piramida atau bubuk digunakan untuk menenangkan pikiran dan mengusir hawa jahat.
  • Hio berwarna kuning digunakan untuk sembahyang biasa.
  • Hio berbentuk spiral digunakan untuk wewangian/aromatherapy.
  • Hio besar sebenarnya tidak memiliki makna khusus, namun banyak digunakan pada hari besar.
  • Hio tanpa gagang biasanya digunakan untuk sembahyang khusus kepada Tian.

Pendek kata mitologi dupa ialah untuk menyampaikan/mengirimkan doa kita melalui wewangian/asap yang terus menjunjung tinggi hingga ke segala arah

Tata cara sembayang rakyat jelata alias minjian xinyang, secara umum sih sembayang dibagi 3 tata cara, yaitu cara Buddha Mahayana, Kong Hu Cu sama Tao. Semuanya menggunakan satu atau tiga batang hio.
Susunan meja sembayang secara umum :

Teh, air putih , arak ( ciri Tao , Kong Hu Cu ), lambang Taiji Yinyang, air putih lambang taichi, teh lambang yin, arak lambang yang
Lima macam buah atau lima warna , lambang lima unsur. Kalau agama Buddha , ada yang kaitkan sama 5 Dhyani Buddha.
Tiga batang hio lambang San Cai / Sanguan / Taiji Liangyi, Triratna, Sanqing.
Satu batang hio lambang Taiyi, DaoCara penghormatan :

Kepalan yg membentuk delapan kebajikan dan orang tua /cara KHC.
Kepalan yg membentuk bola Taiji / menggenggam Taiji / cara Tao.
Anjali atau merangkapkan kedua telapak tangan/ cara Buddha.

Tiga arti Pai.

Pai pertama membalas jasa Langit dan Bumi / yi bai baoda tiandi en
Pai kedua membalas jasa orang tua /er /zhai bai baodao fumu en
Pai ketiga membalas jasa para guru /san bai baodao enshi en

Tambahan menurut Xuan Tong :
Secara umum, jumlah hio ganjil adalah untuk Dewa, Tuhan, tokoh yang berjasa untuk masyarakat luas dan mahluk suci lainnya. Ganjil dalam metaphysic Tiongkok adalah lambang dari unsur Yang atau positif. Yang berjumlah genap adalah untuk leluhur, arwah yang meninggal, setan gentayangan.

Ketika melangkah masuk ruang sembahyang juga harus kaki kiri dahulu yang maknanya adalah kita harus mengutamakan sifat-sifat kebajikan kita. Menancapkan hio dengan tangan kiri juga artinya kita akan selalu menancapkan kebajikan di alam langit dan alam bumi.

Tapi dalam masyrakat awam timbul keyakinan bahwa melangkah dengan kaki kiri akan membuat rejeki melimpah dan jika dimulai dengan langkah kaki kanan adalah mengacaukan tatanan alam semesta dan mengundang bencana.Tentunya hal ini adalah salah kaprah kecuali 1 hal yaitu melangkah dengan kaki kanan, yang mana adalah mengutamakan keburukan tentunya mengubah atau mengacaukan tatanan alam semesta.

Pada umumnya kita sembahyang mengunakan 1 atau 3 batang hio .. tapi sebenarnya ada makna untuk berapa batang hio kita pakai..dari untuk yang seharian sampai yang digunakan pada keadaan terdesak/ khusus.

1 Batang Hio biasanya Kauw Siu Thao, Para Dewa-Dewi di rumah untuk hari biasa kecuali Ce It dan Cap Go setiap bulannya.
3 Batang Hio umum buat Pai Thien ( Ti kong ), Para Dewa-Dewi dll.
5 Batang Hio biasanya untuk usaha /dagang ( khusus untuk Dewa Hok Tek Ceng Sin dan Dewa Cai Sen lainnya )
6 Batang Hio biasanya untuk keperluan orang lain
7 Batang Hio biasanya untuk mohon khusus dan juga untuk sesuatu hal membalikan kepada orang lain.
8 Batang Hio biasanya dalam hal ini bila kesusahan2/kesialan2 terus menerus menimpa.
9 Batang Hio pujian2 untuk semua makhluk-makhluk dan Dewa-Dewi ( Paling bagus kalau sembhyang jam 9 malam di rumah ).
12 Batang Hio agar semua makluk dapat kebahagiaan
36 Batang Hio kesuksesan dan keharmonisan
108 Batang Hio bila terdesak oleh keadaan atau ada permintaan khusus sekali.

Mohon sedikit perhatian :

– Usahakan saat menancapkan hio…usahakan berjejer seperti kipas.
Tancaplah hio dengan hormat..jangan sembarangan.
– Khusus untuk 7 batang hio hanya digunakan bila terpaksa saja(keadaan terdesak)
– Khusus menggunakan 108 batang hio merah untuk sembahynag kepada THIEN ( Tuhan ) tepat jam 12 malam…Lalu sampaikan permintaan / permohonan anda. Minta ? Berdoa harus dengan hati yang tulus pada Thien ( Tuhan ) Setiap habis sembahyang, bakar Toa Kim 1 kunci, tulis nama, umur, shio dan alamat permohonan lalu dibakar di tempat yang bersih. Lakukanlah 3 malam berturut-turut.

-Hio warna merah khusus mohon sesuatu
-Hio warna kuning untuk sembayang biasa.
-Hio warna hijau biasanya untuk orang meninggal

Umumnya dalam Tao, Lima batang hio melambangkan lima arah. Tujuh batang melambangkan tujuh bintang utara. Dan duabelas batang melambangkan duabelas satuan waktu bumi. Ini semua berkaitan dengan ritual mereka yang ditujukan untuk kasus-kasus spesifik. Tapi dimasyarakat beredar pandangan bahwa duabelas batang hio untuk permintaan kepada Tian dan harus dilakukan jam 12 malam karena saat itu suasana hening dan sebagainya. Jam 12 malam dilakukan sembahyang atau meditasi ini berkaitan dengan pergantian qi alam semesta, dimana saat itulah unsur Yang menguat dan unsur Yin melemah dan dalam satuan pengertian zi di 12 cabang bumi adalah mulainya sesuatu yang baru. Artinya adalah berkaitan dengan perubahan waktu.

Ritual orang Tionghoa memiliki banyak nilai filsafatnya dan arti tersembunyi, seperti mengapa harus menaruh hio diantara ke dua alis, kenapa harus ditaruh di tengah dada dan sebagainya. Arti menaruh hio ditengah dada adalah menyalakan hio hati dan api hio hati itu harus selalu dijaga, artinya adalah kita harus melakukan kebajikan dan biarlah kebajikan kita itu bagaikan asap hio yang harum dan memberikan kebahagian kepada sekitar kita.

Untuk posisi diantara dua alis, ini berkaitan dengan titik jalan darah. Tapi bisa juga diartikan penghubung antara langit bumi dan manusia.

Hio warna hijau setahu saya digunakan untuk mereka yang meninggal ketika berusia dibawah 60 tahun dan masih dalam masa berkabung 1 tahun atau xiao xiang. Orang Tionghoa senang menggunakan simbol untuk menyatakan sesuatu, misalnya kain hitam yang dipasang di tangan ketika keluarga ada yang meninggal, posisi kain hitam di kiri artinya yang meninggal adalah ayah.

Guratan cat atau kertas putih di kaca rumah yang meninggal jugamengandung arti, jika guratan itu adalah X artinya ke 2orangtuanya sudah tidak ada, jika guratannya dari kanan kekiri artinya pria atau orang tua laki-laki yang meninggal. Dengan melihat simbol itu, kita langsung tahu siapa yang meninggal dan ketika kita masuk ke dalam ruangan, kita bisa tahu yang mana mantu, cucu dalam, cucu luar dan sebagainya.

Sayangnya simbol-simbol ini dianggap suatu bentuk kemunduran, hal yang memalukan, kuno, ketinggalan jaman atau juga lambang iblis. Sungguh ironis dan yang lebih menggelikan adalah orang Tionghoa sendiri yang memandang rendah tanpa tahu nilai atau artinya.
Mudah mudahan berguna dan bermanfaat buat kita semuanya, semoga semua selalu sehat, selamat, sejahtera dan bahagia bersama keluarga.

Berapa Kilo Bagasi ANA Airlines?


Boarding ClassSize LimitNumber of PiecesTotal Kg
First Class32kg / pcs396kg
Business Class32kg / pcs264kg
Premium Economy / Economy Class23kg / pcs246kg

All Nippon Airways (ANA) merupakan salah satu maskapai penerbangan terkemuka di Jepang yang menawarkan pelayanan kelas dunia kepada penumpangnya. Dalam hal bagasi, ANA memiliki kebijakan yang jelas dan terstruktur untuk memastikan kenyamanan dan keamanan bagi semua penumpang. Kebijakan bagasi ANA Airlines disesuaikan berdasarkan kelas penerbangan, tujuan, dan status keanggotaan frequent flyer penumpang.

Bagasi Terdaftar (Check-In Baggage)

  1. Kelas Ekonomi dan Premium Ekonomi:
  • Penumpang biasanya diizinkan membawa 1 atau 2 bagasi terdaftar, dengan berat maksimum tiap bagasi 23 kg.
  1. Kelas Bisnis:
  • Penumpang diizinkan membawa 2 bagasi terdaftar, dengan berat maksimum tiap bagasi 32 kg.
  1. Kelas Pertama:
  • Penumpang diizinkan membawa 3 bagasi terdaftar, dengan berat maksimum tiap bagasi 32 kg.

Bagasi Kabin (Carry-On Baggage)

Penumpang ANA juga diizinkan membawa satu tas bagasi kabin dan satu item pribadi ke dalam kabin. Berat maksimum untuk bagasi kabin adalah 10 kg, dan dimensi maksimum adalah 55 cm x 40 cm x 25 cm. Item pribadi dapat berupa tas laptop, tas tangan, atau barang kecil lainnya yang sesuai dengan ketentuan.

Kelebihan Bagasi

Jika bagasi penumpang melebihi batas yang ditetapkan baik dalam hal jumlah, berat, atau ukuran, ANA akan mengenakan biaya kelebihan bagasi. Tarif kelebihan bagasi bervariasi tergantung pada rute penerbangan dan berat atau ukuran kelebihan bagasi.

Bagasi Khusus

ANA mengizinkan pengangkutan bagasi khusus seperti alat olahraga, instrumen musik, dan peralatan medis. Penumpang harus menginformasikan maskapai terlebih dahulu dan mungkin dikenakan biaya tambahan tergantung pada dimensi dan berat barang.

Tips Bagasi

  • Periksa Batasan Berat dan Ukuran: Sebelum berangkat, pastikan untuk memeriksa batasan berat dan ukuran bagasi sesuai dengan kelas tiket dan rute penerbangan Anda.
  • Packing Efisien: Untuk menghindari biaya kelebihan bagasi, bawalah barang-barang yang benar-benar Anda perlukan dan gunakan teknik packing yang efisien.
  • Label Bagasi: Pastikan semua bagasi Anda dilabeli dengan nama, alamat, dan nomor telepon untuk memudahkan identifikasi.

Kebijakan bagasi ANA Airlines dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan berbagai jenis penumpang, dengan memberikan fleksibilitas dan kenyamanan. Untuk informasi lebih terperinci mengenai kebijakan bagasi, termasuk biaya kelebihan bagasi dan penanganan barang khusus, disarankan untuk mengunjungi situs resmi ANA atau menghubungi layanan pelanggan mereka.

References Link:

Apply Visa Jepang Gratis dengan EPassport untuk Warga Negara Indonesia

Jakarta, 27 Maret 2023

Bebas Visa dengan Registrasi E-Paspor bagi Warga Negara Indonesia: Pengajuan Registrasi Pra-Keberangkatan E-Paspor secara Daring (Online)

Registrasi Pembebasan Visa (JAVES):https://www.evisa.mofa.go.jp/personal/logintoko Step by step:

  • Daftar Akun Email
  • Registrasi dan Submit
  • Menunggu 1-2 Hari (Hari Kerja)
  • Ketika Status sudah REGISTERED, maka Anda sudah dapat pergi ke Jepang dengan hanya menunjukan Visa Exemption Registration dengan bentuk pdf ataupun to display
  • *Bisa mendaftarkan orang lain selain diri sendiri*

Referensi Lain:

Ahref Backlink Checker Periodically

Ahref Free Tools check Domain Rating https://ahrefs.com/backlink-checker

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https://josuamarcelc.com | 20 Maret 2021

https://josuamarcelc.com | 18 July 2022

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https://josuamarcelc.com | 30 November 2022

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https://josuamarcelc.com | 25 April 2023

https://josuamarcelc.com | 22 Feb 2023

Wealth Is Quiet. Rich Is Loud. Poor Is Flashy.

Loud money can have undesirable consequences.

In today’s society, there is a prevailing tendency to equate wealth with ostentation and extravagance. The images that often come to mind when we think of wealth are luxury cars, designer clothing, and opulent mansions. These symbols of affluence are frequently flaunted on social media, in magazines, and on television, leading to the misconception that being wealthy means living a loud and flashy lifestyle. However, true wealth often takes a more understated and discreet form. In this article, we will explore the distinction between wealth, riches, and poverty, and why wealth is often found in the quiet, while riches and poverty may be more inclined to make a statement.

Poor is flashy

You may have noticed this. Travel to poorer suburbs and the fashion labels people wear often get better not worse. You’re more likely to see Gucci or Prada in lower social-economic areas than, for example, Malibu beach. Why is that? Simple.

A poor way of looking at money is that it buys you stuff. When you derive meaning from stuff it deprives you of a meaning for your life. When your life is defined by stuff there is a temptation to flash it at others so they’ll validate the path you’ve chosen.

The challenge with flashy is it puts you in debt.

Wanting to look richer than you are is a disease.
It keeps us in debt — enslaved.

Rich is loud

Old mate at the start is in this segment. Here’s where I get real with you.

Sometimes I am in this loud category.

It comes off as being financially rich and way too loud. No one’s perfect, right?

The trouble with having a decent amount of money and being loud is it pisses people off. Instead of people falling in love with the type of person you are and how you treat them, they silently get turned off by all your loudness, because it makes them feel incredible levels of envy.

If you make a lot of money it’s far better to use it for good than being loud about how much you made.

Drop $1000 silently on someone who needs a break. You’ll feel better than any amount of bragging.

Wealth is quiet

Some of the richest people looks incredibly poor. Real wealth isn’t about how much money you have to splurge on dumb stuff that makes climate change worse than it already is.

So next time you see a person in huge debt being flashy, think of them differently. Next time you see someone being loud about how rich they are, think about all the opportunities they’re missing by not letting who they’ve become be their people magnet.

Wealth built using silence allows you freedom of thought and the opportunity to do work you enjoy without giving a fuck about how much it pays. Don’t worry about smart money, dumb money, or loud money.

Aim for quiet wealth.

Quiet wealth is attached to work you enjoy, and that work genuinely improves the world. The rest is all debt and broken dreams.

Wealth: The Silent Power

Wealth, in its truest sense, is a state of financial security and abundance that provides a sense of freedom and peace of mind. It is the ability to comfortably cover one’s needs and desires without constant worry about money. Wealth often manifests as financial stability, savings, investments, and the absence of debt. Those who possess wealth tend to be discreet about their financial status, as they understand that true wealth does not require validation or admiration from others.

Wealthy individuals prioritize financial security over the pursuit of material possessions. They make wise investments, diversify their portfolios, and live within their means. Their wealth affords them the luxury of time, enabling them to focus on their passions, interests, and the well-being of their loved ones. Wealth is the silent power that allows for a fulfilling and contented life without the need for extravagant displays of affluence.

Riches: The Loud Display

In contrast to wealth, being rich often involves a lifestyle characterized by conspicuous consumption. Those who are rich may have substantial income or assets, but their focus is frequently on acquiring and displaying material possessions. They are the ones who drive flashy sports cars, wear designer labels from head to toe, and live in opulent mansions that scream extravagance.

Riches often come with the pressure to maintain a certain image and keep up with societal expectations. This can lead to a constant need for validation through flaunting their wealth on social media and attending high-profile events. The pursuit of riches can be a never-ending cycle of spending to keep up appearances, which may lead to financial instability in the long run.

Poor: The Flashy Facade

On the other end of the spectrum, poverty is characterized by financial insecurity and a lack of resources to meet basic needs. However, in some cases, individuals in poverty may also resort to a flashy façade as a coping mechanism. They may accumulate debt to acquire items they cannot afford or engage in excessive spending to project an image of affluence.

In such situations, individuals in poverty may be trying to fit in or escape the stigma associated with financial hardship. They may find themselves trapped in a cycle of debt and financial distress, ultimately worsening their economic situation. The flashy facade can be an attempt to mask their true financial struggles.

Reference: Medium

100 Reasons To Stay Alive

“Reasons to Stay Alive” is indeed a novel written by Matt Haig. It was published in 2015 and is a memoir that explores the author’s personal experiences with depression and anxiety. The book combines Haig’s own journey with mental health issues and insights into how he found reasons to keep living, providing a mix of personal narrative, reflections, and thoughts on mental well-being.

Throughout the book, Matt Haig shares his struggles with mental health and offers a message of hope and resilience. The title suggests that within the challenges and darkness of life, there are reasons to find joy, purpose, and meaning.

It’s important to note that if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, seeking support from mental health professionals, friends, or family is crucial. “Reasons to Stay Alive” is just one person’s perspective, and individual experiences with mental health can vary.

  1. to make your parents proud
  2. to conquer your fears
  3. to see your family again
  4. to see your favourite artist live
  5. to listen to music again
  6. to experience a new culture
  7. to make new friends
  8. to inspire
  9. to have your own children
  10. to adopt your own pet
  11. to make yourself proud
  12. to meet your idols
  13. to laugh until you cry
  14. to feel tears of happiness
  15. to eat your favorite food
  16. to see your siblings grow
  17. to pass school
  18. to get tattoo
  19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
  20. to meet your internet friends
  21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
  22. to eat ice cream on a hot day
  23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
  24. to see untouched snow in the morning
  25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
  26. to see stars light up the sky
  27. to read a book that changes your life
  28. to see the flowers in the spring
  29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
  30. to travel abroad
  31. to learn a new language
  32. to learn to draw
  33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
  34. Puppy kisses.
  35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
  36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
  37. Trampolines.
  38. Ice cream.
  39. Stargazing.
  40. Cloud watching.
  41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
  42. Receiving thoughtful gifts.
  43. “I saw this and thought of you.”
  44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you.”
  45. The relief you feel after crying.
  46. Sunshine.
  47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
  48. Your future wedding.
  49. Your favorite candy bar.
  50. New clothes.
  51. Witty puns.
  52. Really good bread.
  53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
  54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
  55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
  56. The smell before and after it rains
  57. The sound of rain against a rooftop.
  58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
  59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
  60. Trying out new recipes.
  61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
  62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
  63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
  64. Breakfast in bed.
  65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater.
  66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
  67. Pray (if you are religious)
  68. Forgiveness.
  69. Water balloon fights.
  70. New books by your favorite authors.
  71. Fireflies.
  72. Birthdays.
  73. Realizing that someone loves you.
  74. Spending the day with someone you
  75. Opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships.
  76. Potential to learn, grow, and evolve as a person.
  77. Joy and happiness in the little things.
  78. The power to inspire others.
  79. The ability to create art, music, and other forms of self-expression.
  80. To explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life.
  81. To make a positive impact on the environment and help protect the planet.
  82. Experience the joys of parenthood and raise a family.
  83. Learn new things and develop new skills.
  84. Create a legacy that will outlive you.
  85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
  86. Cuddles
  87. Holding hands.
  88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
  89. Singing off key with your best friends.
  90. Road trips.
  91. Spontaneous adventures.
  92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
  93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
  94. Thunderstorms.
  95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
  96. The taste of your favorite food.
  97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
  98. The day when everything finally goes your way.
  99. Compliments and praise.
  100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realize you did it.

Ps : Never forget you are a beatiful person 💕 Life is so beatiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don’t care of bad people, you are strong, i love you

Yoast SEO Certification in End of The Year 2023

Is SEO certification worth it?

SEO certifications are a fantastic way for people who are new to the industry to learn the basics of SEO and prove to current and future employees that you have a solid understanding of the industry. They can also teach website owners and marketing managers to do simple SEO tasks.

Yoast SEO Certification

Certification Description
All-around SEO – In this course, you’ll learn practical SEO skills on every key aspect of SEO, to make your site stand out.
Yoast SEO for WordPress – In this course, you’ll learn about how to set up and use the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin so it makes SEO even easier.
SEO copywriting – In this course, you’ll learn how to write awesome copy that is optimized for ranking in search engines.
Understanding structured data – Do you want to take a deep dive into structured data? In this course, you’ll learn the theory related to structured data in detail.
Keyword Research – Do you know the essential first step of good SEO? It’s keyword research. In this training, you’ll learn how to research and select the keywords that will guide searchers to your pages.
Local SEO – Do you own a local business? This course will teach you how to make sure your local audience can find you in the search results and on Google Maps!
International SEO – Are you selling in countries all over the world? In this course, you’ll learn all about setting up and managing a site that targets people in different languages and locales.
Ecommerce SEO – Learn how to optimize your online shop for your customers and for search engines!
Block editor training – Start creating block-tastic content with the new WordPress block editor! Learn all about the block editor and what you can do with it.
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Google crawlability and indexability are fundamental concepts in search engine optimization (SEO) that determine how well a website’s content can be discovered and included in Google’s search index. Let’s explore these concepts:

  1. Crawlability:
    • Definition: Crawlability refers to the ability of search engine bots (like Googlebot) to access and crawl the pages of a website.
    • Importance: If a webpage is not crawlable, search engines won’t be able to discover its content. Factors that affect crawlability include the website’s robots.txt file, the structure of URLs, and the use of navigation elements.
    • Robots.txt File: Websites often use a robots.txt file to provide instructions to search engine crawlers. This file can specify which parts of the site should not be crawled. However, it’s crucial to ensure that important content is not unintentionally blocked.
    • XML Sitemap: Creating and submitting an XML sitemap is a best practice. The sitemap provides a list of URLs on the site, helping search engines understand the structure and prioritize crawling.
    • Website Architecture: A well-organized website architecture with clear navigation paths aids crawlability. Internal links between pages also contribute to effective crawling.
  2. Indexability:
    • Definition: Indexability refers to whether the content crawled by search engines is eligible and suitable for inclusion in the search index.
    • Importance: Even if a page is crawled, it may not necessarily be indexed. Factors that affect indexability include the quality of content, the presence of duplicate content, and the use of canonical tags.
    • Content Quality: High-quality and unique content is more likely to be indexed. Google aims to provide users with valuable and relevant information in its search results.
    • Canonicalization: Duplicate content issues can be addressed using canonical tags. These tags specify the preferred version of a page, consolidating signals for similar or identical content.
    • Meta Robots Tags: HTML meta tags such as <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> can be used to explicitly indicate that a page should be indexed.
    • Noindex and Nofollow: Conversely, pages can include meta tags like <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> to instruct search engines not to index or follow links on the page.
    • 404 Errors: Pages returning a “404 Not Found” status code are generally not indexed. Regularly address broken links and 404 errors.

Understanding and managing crawlability and indexability are essential for effective SEO. Regularly monitoring these factors, using tools like Google Search Console, and following best practices help ensure that your website’s content is properly crawled, indexed, and made available in search results.

Cornerstone content refers to the most important and foundational pieces of content on a website. This content is typically comprehensive, authoritative, and serves as a cornerstone for the rest of the site. Cornerstone content plays a crucial role in providing a solid foundation for both visitors and search engines.

Key characteristics of cornerstone content include:

  1. Comprehensive and In-Depth: Cornerstone content is usually more extensive and in-depth than regular articles or blog posts. It covers a broad topic relevant to the website’s main theme or niche.
  2. Authoritative: Cornerstone content establishes the website as an authority on the chosen topic. It showcases the expertise of the content creator and provides valuable information to the audience.
  3. Evergreen: Ideally, cornerstone content is evergreen, meaning it remains relevant over time. While regular blog posts may focus on current events or trends, cornerstone content addresses fundamental aspects of a subject that do not quickly become outdated.
  4. Interlinked: Cornerstone content is often interlinked with other pages on the website. It acts as a hub that connects to and supports related articles and posts, creating a cohesive structure.
  5. SEO-Focused: Cornerstone content is essential for search engine optimization (SEO). When well-optimized, it can attract organic traffic by targeting key search terms and providing valuable information that search engines recognize as authoritative.

Examples of cornerstone content may include comprehensive guides, tutorials, or in-depth analyses related to the central themes of a website. For instance, a fitness website might have a cornerstone article on “The Ultimate Guide to Building Muscle,” while a travel blog could have a cornerstone piece on “Essential Tips for Budget Travelers.”

Creating and maintaining cornerstone content is a strategic approach for improving a website’s visibility, authority, and user experience. It helps the site establish a strong presence in search engine results and provides valuable resources for visitors seeking comprehensive information.

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