Format NIK Nomor Induk Kependudukan KTP Indonesia

Format 16 digit angka Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK) dalam e-KTP. Namun tahukah kamu 16 digit angka itu bukan sembarang angka? Ada kode rahasia yang membuatnya berbeda dengan e-KTP orang lain.

  1. NIK KTP menyimpan informasi data pribadi, bukanlah nomor acak
  2. NIK KTP rentan disalahgunakan sebagai pinjaman online
  3. NIK sebagai sumber data pribadi, yang hampir digunakan di seluruh dunia
  4. Jangan mudah menyampaikan data terkait NIK, karena memberikan celah bagi pelaku tindak pidana
  5. NIK diberikan melalui proses yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan. Jika digunakan tanpa izin pemilik, termasuk kejahatan data pribadi.

Sebagai contoh dari gambar di atas, 35-76-01-44-03-91-0003, cara mengetahui artinya adalah sebagai berikut:

  • 35 : Kode Provinsi
  • 76 : Kode Kota/Kabupaten.
  • 01: Kode kecamatan, setiap kecamatan memiliki kode yang berbeda.
  • 44: Tanggal lahir. Nah, di sini ada perbedaan antara kode laki-laki dan perempuan. Kode untuk laki-laki adalah tanggal lahir 01-31. sedangkan untuk perempuan berbeda lagi, tanggal lahir ditambah 40, jadinya adalah 41-71. Jadi kalau kamu seorang perempuan yang lahir tanggal 12 maka kodenya adalah 40 + 12 yaitu 52.
  • 03: Mengacu pada bulan lahir, 01 untuk Januari hingga seterusnya 12 untuk Desember.
  • 91: Tahun lahir, ditulis dua angka terakhir. Seperti jika kamu lahir tahun 1991 maka hanya ditulis 91 saja.
  • 0003: Nomor urut pendaftaran penduduk sesuai tanggal lahir pada hari tersebut yang diproses secara otomatis oleh sistem.


Perfect Numbers in Math

A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors, excluding itself. Proper divisors of a number are all the divisors excluding the number itself.

For example, let’s take 6, which is the smallest perfect number:

  • The divisors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6.
  • If we exclude 6 itself, the proper divisors are 1, 2, and 3.
  • The sum of these divisors is 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, which is equal to the number itself.

Hence, 6 is a perfect number.

Perfect numbers have been studied for centuries and have interesting properties and connections to other areas of mathematics, such as Mersenne primes. Every even perfect number can be expressed in the form:

However, it is still unknown whether there are any odd perfect numbers, as none have been found to date.

Here are the first ten perfect numbers, which correspond to the first ten Mersenne primes:

  1. First Perfect Number: 6
  2. Second Perfect Number: 28
  3. Third Perfect Number: 496
  4. Fourth Perfect Number: 8,128
  5. Fifth Perfect Number: 33,550,336
  6. Sixth Perfect Number: 8,589,869,056
  7. Seventh Perfect Number: 137,438,691,328
  8. Eighth Perfect Number: 2,305,843,008,139,952,128
  9. Ninth Perfect Number: 2,658,455,991,569,831,744,654,692,615,953,842,176
  10. Tenth Perfect Number: 191,561,942,608,236,107,294,793,378,084,303,638,130,997,321,548,169,216

These numbers represent a fascinating aspect of number theory, highlighting the unique properties of perfect numbers and their connection to Mersenne primes.

By the time you reach the 8th perfect number, it is already 2,305,843,008,139,952,128, and they grow exponentially larger from there. The size of these numbers reflects the enormity of the task in finding and verifying Mersenne primes, as the process requires significant computational power and is conducted by projects like the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS).

Berapa Kilo Bagasi ANA Airlines?


Boarding ClassSize LimitNumber of PiecesTotal Kg
First Class32kg / pcs396kg
Business Class32kg / pcs264kg
Premium Economy / Economy Class23kg / pcs246kg

All Nippon Airways (ANA) merupakan salah satu maskapai penerbangan terkemuka di Jepang yang menawarkan pelayanan kelas dunia kepada penumpangnya. Dalam hal bagasi, ANA memiliki kebijakan yang jelas dan terstruktur untuk memastikan kenyamanan dan keamanan bagi semua penumpang. Kebijakan bagasi ANA Airlines disesuaikan berdasarkan kelas penerbangan, tujuan, dan status keanggotaan frequent flyer penumpang.

Bagasi Terdaftar (Check-In Baggage)

  1. Kelas Ekonomi dan Premium Ekonomi:
  • Penumpang biasanya diizinkan membawa 1 atau 2 bagasi terdaftar, dengan berat maksimum tiap bagasi 23 kg.
  1. Kelas Bisnis:
  • Penumpang diizinkan membawa 2 bagasi terdaftar, dengan berat maksimum tiap bagasi 32 kg.
  1. Kelas Pertama:
  • Penumpang diizinkan membawa 3 bagasi terdaftar, dengan berat maksimum tiap bagasi 32 kg.

Bagasi Kabin (Carry-On Baggage)

Penumpang ANA juga diizinkan membawa satu tas bagasi kabin dan satu item pribadi ke dalam kabin. Berat maksimum untuk bagasi kabin adalah 10 kg, dan dimensi maksimum adalah 55 cm x 40 cm x 25 cm. Item pribadi dapat berupa tas laptop, tas tangan, atau barang kecil lainnya yang sesuai dengan ketentuan.

Kelebihan Bagasi

Jika bagasi penumpang melebihi batas yang ditetapkan baik dalam hal jumlah, berat, atau ukuran, ANA akan mengenakan biaya kelebihan bagasi. Tarif kelebihan bagasi bervariasi tergantung pada rute penerbangan dan berat atau ukuran kelebihan bagasi.

Bagasi Khusus

ANA mengizinkan pengangkutan bagasi khusus seperti alat olahraga, instrumen musik, dan peralatan medis. Penumpang harus menginformasikan maskapai terlebih dahulu dan mungkin dikenakan biaya tambahan tergantung pada dimensi dan berat barang.

Tips Bagasi

  • Periksa Batasan Berat dan Ukuran: Sebelum berangkat, pastikan untuk memeriksa batasan berat dan ukuran bagasi sesuai dengan kelas tiket dan rute penerbangan Anda.
  • Packing Efisien: Untuk menghindari biaya kelebihan bagasi, bawalah barang-barang yang benar-benar Anda perlukan dan gunakan teknik packing yang efisien.
  • Label Bagasi: Pastikan semua bagasi Anda dilabeli dengan nama, alamat, dan nomor telepon untuk memudahkan identifikasi.

Kebijakan bagasi ANA Airlines dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan berbagai jenis penumpang, dengan memberikan fleksibilitas dan kenyamanan. Untuk informasi lebih terperinci mengenai kebijakan bagasi, termasuk biaya kelebihan bagasi dan penanganan barang khusus, disarankan untuk mengunjungi situs resmi ANA atau menghubungi layanan pelanggan mereka.

References Link:

Apply Visa Jepang Gratis dengan EPassport untuk Warga Negara Indonesia

Jakarta, 27 Maret 2023

Bebas Visa dengan Registrasi E-Paspor bagi Warga Negara Indonesia: Pengajuan Registrasi Pra-Keberangkatan E-Paspor secara Daring (Online)

Registrasi Pembebasan Visa (JAVES): Step by step:

  • Daftar Akun Email
  • Registrasi dan Submit
  • Menunggu 1-2 Hari (Hari Kerja)
  • Ketika Status sudah REGISTERED, maka Anda sudah dapat pergi ke Jepang dengan hanya menunjukan Visa Exemption Registration dengan bentuk pdf ataupun to display
  • *Bisa mendaftarkan orang lain selain diri sendiri*

Referensi Lain:

100 Reasons To Stay Alive

“Reasons to Stay Alive” is indeed a novel written by Matt Haig. It was published in 2015 and is a memoir that explores the author’s personal experiences with depression and anxiety. The book combines Haig’s own journey with mental health issues and insights into how he found reasons to keep living, providing a mix of personal narrative, reflections, and thoughts on mental well-being.

Throughout the book, Matt Haig shares his struggles with mental health and offers a message of hope and resilience. The title suggests that within the challenges and darkness of life, there are reasons to find joy, purpose, and meaning.

It’s important to note that if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, seeking support from mental health professionals, friends, or family is crucial. “Reasons to Stay Alive” is just one person’s perspective, and individual experiences with mental health can vary.

  1. to make your parents proud
  2. to conquer your fears
  3. to see your family again
  4. to see your favourite artist live
  5. to listen to music again
  6. to experience a new culture
  7. to make new friends
  8. to inspire
  9. to have your own children
  10. to adopt your own pet
  11. to make yourself proud
  12. to meet your idols
  13. to laugh until you cry
  14. to feel tears of happiness
  15. to eat your favorite food
  16. to see your siblings grow
  17. to pass school
  18. to get tattoo
  19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
  20. to meet your internet friends
  21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
  22. to eat ice cream on a hot day
  23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
  24. to see untouched snow in the morning
  25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
  26. to see stars light up the sky
  27. to read a book that changes your life
  28. to see the flowers in the spring
  29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
  30. to travel abroad
  31. to learn a new language
  32. to learn to draw
  33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
  34. Puppy kisses.
  35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
  36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
  37. Trampolines.
  38. Ice cream.
  39. Stargazing.
  40. Cloud watching.
  41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
  42. Receiving thoughtful gifts.
  43. “I saw this and thought of you.”
  44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you.”
  45. The relief you feel after crying.
  46. Sunshine.
  47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
  48. Your future wedding.
  49. Your favorite candy bar.
  50. New clothes.
  51. Witty puns.
  52. Really good bread.
  53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
  54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
  55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
  56. The smell before and after it rains
  57. The sound of rain against a rooftop.
  58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
  59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
  60. Trying out new recipes.
  61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
  62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
  63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
  64. Breakfast in bed.
  65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater.
  66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
  67. Pray (if you are religious)
  68. Forgiveness.
  69. Water balloon fights.
  70. New books by your favorite authors.
  71. Fireflies.
  72. Birthdays.
  73. Realizing that someone loves you.
  74. Spending the day with someone you
  75. Opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships.
  76. Potential to learn, grow, and evolve as a person.
  77. Joy and happiness in the little things.
  78. The power to inspire others.
  79. The ability to create art, music, and other forms of self-expression.
  80. To explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life.
  81. To make a positive impact on the environment and help protect the planet.
  82. Experience the joys of parenthood and raise a family.
  83. Learn new things and develop new skills.
  84. Create a legacy that will outlive you.
  85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
  86. Cuddles
  87. Holding hands.
  88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
  89. Singing off key with your best friends.
  90. Road trips.
  91. Spontaneous adventures.
  92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
  93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
  94. Thunderstorms.
  95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
  96. The taste of your favorite food.
  97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
  98. The day when everything finally goes your way.
  99. Compliments and praise.
  100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realize you did it.

Ps : Never forget you are a beatiful person 💕 Life is so beatiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don’t care of bad people, you are strong, i love you

What is Scamming System?

A scamming system refers to the methods and techniques used by individuals or groups to deceive and defraud others for personal gain. Scams can take various forms and can target individuals, businesses, or even governments. Here are some common types of scamming systems:

  1. Online Scams: These scams are conducted over the internet and can include phishing emails, fraudulent websites, or social engineering tactics to trick people into revealing personal information or sending money.
  2. Investment Scams: Scammers promise high returns on investments that are often too good to be true. They may use pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, or fake investment opportunities to lure victims.
  3. Tech Support Scams: Scammers pose as tech support representatives and claim that your computer or device is infected with malware or has technical issues. They then offer to “fix” the problem for a fee or gain access to your computer to steal information.
  4. Romance Scams: Also known as “catfishing,” scammers create fake online personas to establish romantic relationships with individuals, often leading to requests for money or gifts under false pretenses.
  5. Lottery and Prize Scams: Victims receive notifications claiming they have won a lottery or prize, but they must pay fees or provide personal information to claim their winnings. In reality, there are no winnings.
  6. Impersonation Scams: Scammers pretend to be someone else, such as a government official, police officer, or utility company representative, to intimidate victims into paying money or providing information.
  7. Charity Scams: Scammers impersonate charitable organizations or create fake charities to solicit donations for fake causes. The money typically goes into the scammer’s pockets.
  8. Job and Employment Scams: Scammers offer fake job opportunities, often requiring upfront payments for training, materials, or background checks. The promised job may not exist, or it may be significantly different from what was advertised.
  9. Real Estate and Rental Scams: Scammers list properties for sale or rent that they don’t own, collecting deposits or payments from unsuspecting victims.
  10. Advance Fee Fraud: Victims are asked to pay an upfront fee to access a more substantial amount of money, such as an inheritance, lottery winnings, or a business opportunity. After paying the initial fee, victims never receive the promised funds.

To protect yourself from scams, it’s essential to be vigilant, verify the legitimacy of offers or requests, and never send money or share personal information with unknown individuals or organizations. If you suspect you have encountered a scam, report it to your local authorities or relevant consumer protection agencies.

Romance scams are a type of online fraud where scammers create fake identities and build romantic relationships with individuals with the intent to exploit them emotionally and financially. These scams often follow a similar pattern:

  1. Creation of a Fake Profile: Scammers typically create attractive and convincing profiles on dating websites, social media, or even in online gaming communities. They may use stolen photos or images of models to make their profiles more appealing.
  2. Establishing a Connection: Once the fake profile is set up, the scammer begins interacting with potential victims. They often use flattery, compliments, and affectionate messages to build trust and establish a romantic connection quickly.
  3. Escalating the Relationship: As the relationship progresses, the scammer may become more intimate and express strong feelings of love and commitment. They might even discuss plans for the future together.
  4. Creating a Crisis: At a certain point in the relationship, the scammer typically introduces a crisis or emergency situation. This could involve a fabricated medical issue, a legal problem, or a financial hardship. They use this crisis to elicit sympathy and create a sense of urgency.
  5. Request for Money: The scammer eventually asks the victim for money to help resolve the crisis. They might claim they need funds for medical bills, travel expenses to meet the victim, or to get out of a difficult situation. They may also request expensive gifts.
  6. Repeat Requests: If the victim sends money or gifts, the scammer will often continue to invent new crises or reasons for financial assistance, stringing the victim along for as long as possible.
  7. Disappearance: Once the scammer has obtained as much money as they can or if they sense that the victim is becoming suspicious, they may suddenly disappear, leaving the victim emotionally devastated and financially drained.

It’s important to be cautious when engaging in online relationships, especially with people you’ve never met in person. Here are some tips to protect yourself from romance scams:

  1. Be Skeptical: If someone you meet online seems too good to be true or rushes into a romantic relationship very quickly, exercise caution.
  2. Protect Your Personal Information: Avoid sharing personal or financial information with someone you’ve met online, especially if you haven’t met them in person.
  3. Do a Reverse Image Search: You can use reverse image search tools to check if the photos the person has shared with you are stolen from elsewhere on the internet.
  4. Verify Their Identity: If you suspect someone may be a scammer, ask for video calls or insist on meeting in person if they claim to be nearby. Scammers often make excuses to avoid face-to-face interactions.
  5. Stay Informed: Be aware of common red flags and the tactics scammers use. Educate yourself on the signs of romance scams.
  6. Report Suspicious Activity: If you believe you’ve encountered a romance scammer, report them to the platform you met them on and to law enforcement. This can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.

Remember that scammers are skilled manipulators, and their primary goal is to exploit your emotions and trust. Staying vigilant and cautious is key to avoiding romance scams.

Impersonation scams involve scammers pretending to be someone they’re not in order to deceive and defraud individuals. These scams can take various forms, with the scammer impersonating figures of authority or trusted entities to exploit their victims. Here are some common examples of impersonation scams:

  1. Government Impersonation Scams: In this type of scam, the fraudster poses as a government official, such as an IRS agent, a police officer, or an immigration officer. They may claim that you owe taxes, have outstanding warrants, or face deportation and threaten legal action or arrest unless you pay fines or provide personal information.
  2. Utility Company Impersonation Scams: Scammers impersonate employees of utility companies like electricity, water, or gas providers. They may threaten to disconnect your service unless you make immediate payments to a specific bank account or provide sensitive information over the phone.
  3. Bank Impersonation Scams: Scammers pretending to be bank representatives contact individuals, claiming there’s an issue with their accounts, such as unauthorized transactions or security breaches. They then request account details or ask victims to log in to fake websites to steal login credentials.
  4. Tech Support Impersonation Scams: Scammers impersonate tech support agents from reputable companies like Microsoft or Apple. They claim there are issues with your computer or software and offer to help, often charging a fee for unnecessary services or gaining remote access to your computer to steal personal information.
  5. Family Member Impersonation Scams: Scammers pretend to be a family member, such as a grandchild or sibling, claiming they’re in trouble, often in a foreign country. They request money for emergencies like bail, medical bills, or travel expenses.
  6. Social Media Impersonation Scams: Scammers create fake social media profiles using stolen photos and information to impersonate friends or acquaintances. They then reach out to contacts and ask for money, claiming they’re in distress.
  7. Business Impersonation Scams: Scammers impersonate business executives, often through email, requesting employees to transfer funds or send sensitive information to fraudulent accounts. This is commonly referred to as CEO fraud or business email compromise (BEC) scams.

To protect yourself from impersonation scams:

  1. Verify the Identity: Always verify the identity of individuals or organizations that contact you with unusual requests, especially if they demand personal or financial information.
  2. Use Official Contact Information: If you receive a suspicious call or message, independently verify the contact details of the entity they claim to represent and contact them using official contact information.
  3. Be Cautious with Personal Information: Avoid sharing personal, financial, or sensitive information over the phone or online unless you’re certain of the legitimacy of the request.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about common impersonation scams and their tactics, so you can recognize potential scams.
  5. Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect you’re dealing with an impersonation scam, report it to the relevant authorities or organizations. Reporting can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.

Impersonation scams rely on deception and intimidation, so staying vigilant and questioning unexpected requests is essential to avoid falling prey to these fraudulent schemes.

Social media impersonation scams involve individuals or groups creating fake profiles or accounts on social networking platforms to impersonate others, usually with the intention of deceiving or defrauding people. These scams can target individuals, friends, family members, or even public figures. Here’s a more detailed explanation of how social media impersonation scams work:

  1. Creation of Fake Profiles: Scammers create social media profiles using stolen photos and information from real individuals. They may choose to impersonate friends, acquaintances, celebrities, or even family members to make their profiles appear convincing.
  2. Friend Requests and Messages: Once the fake profile is set up, the scammer often sends friend requests or messages to the target’s friends or contacts. They may also send a message to the target themselves, posing as the person they are impersonating.
  3. Building Trust: After connecting with the target or their friends, the scammer works on building trust. They may engage in casual conversations, share personal information, and mimic the writing style or communication patterns of the person they are impersonating.
  4. Deceptive Requests: At some point, the scammer introduces a deceptive request. This could include asking for money, personal information, or suggesting the target click on a malicious link. For example, they might claim to be in a difficult situation and urgently need financial assistance.
  5. Emotional Manipulation: Impersonation scammers often employ emotional manipulation tactics. They may play on the target’s emotions by pretending to be in distress, facing a crisis, or expressing love or affection to gain sympathy and trust.
  6. Monetary or Data Theft: Once the target falls for the scam and complies with the scammer’s request, the scammer can achieve their objectives. This may involve stealing money from the victim, committing identity theft, or using the obtained information for other fraudulent activities.
  7. Continuation or Disappearance: Depending on the scammer’s goals, they may either continue to exploit the victim or disappear after obtaining what they want. If the victim becomes suspicious or refuses further requests, the scammer may cease contact and move on to other targets.

To protect yourself from social media impersonation scams:

  1. Verify Profiles: If you receive friend requests or messages from someone you already know, double-check their existing profile to ensure it’s legitimate. Be cautious if you receive duplicate friend requests.
  2. Examine Profiles Closely: Scrutinize the profiles of new connections for inconsistencies, such as strange usernames, limited activity, or a lack of personal details.
  3. Communicate Outside of Social Media: If you receive a suspicious message, try contacting the person through other means, such as their phone number or email address, to verify their identity.
  4. Educate Yourself: Be aware of the common tactics used in social media impersonation scams and familiarize yourself with the privacy settings on your social media accounts to control who can contact you.
  5. Report Suspicious Activity: Report fake profiles and suspicious messages to the social media platform to help prevent others from falling victim to the same impersonation scam.

It’s crucial to remain vigilant and skeptical when interacting with people on social media, especially if the requests or messages seem unusual or raise red flags. Trust your instincts and take steps to verify the identity of individuals before sharing personal information or engaging in financial transactions.

LLC vs. S Corp vs. C Corp vs Nonprofit Corp

There are generally four types of corporations that are commonly used for incorporation:

  • C Corporation
  • S Corporation
  • Nonprofit Corporation
  • Professional Corporation

To compare top-level attributes for each type of corporation and compare them to other business structures, please visit our Business Structures Chart.

Limited liability company (LLC)

A limited liability company is a business entity that offers some separation of the people owning the business from the business itself. An LLC protects its owners (known as “members”) from being financially liable for most debts and damages and protects their personal assets in the event a business fails.

Forming an LLC requires that the business owner(s) file articles of incorporation. These articles outline the structure of the business. This is where LLCs rise above the other business entity types available to US small businesspeople—an LLC can opt for many different operating models: a 50/50 partnership, or even maintain a board of directors, like a C corporation.

The main advantage to forming and operating as an LLC lies in its simplicity. Income is taxed at the personal level one time, as opposed to at the corporate level, or both the corporate and personal levels (“double taxation”). LLCs can also choose what tax treatment works best for them—they can opt for pass-through taxation, like an S corp, or double taxation, like a C corp.

See our state specific guides for California LLCTexas LLC and Florida LLC.

C Corporation

  • C Corporation is also known as a general for-profit corporation.
  • The C Corporation is the most common form of corporate entity.
  • The C Corporation is formed by filing an Articles of Incorporation with the state office.
  • The C Corporation is owned by shareholders and there is no limit on the number of shareholders in a C Corporation.
  • The shareholders elect a Board of Directors to create and direct the high-level policies of the business. This Board of Directors then appoints corporate officers who in turn manage the day-to-day operations of the business.
  • Shareholders generally have limited liability, even if they are involved in the day-to-day management while wearing the hat of an employee or a corporate officer.
  • The shares of a corporation are freely transferable unless limited by the agreement of the shareholders.
  • The corporation exists indefinitely, unless and until it is dissolved.
  • It is a separately taxable entity, meaning that it must file its own tax return and pay corporate taxes on its profits.

S Corporation

An S Corporation is formed in the same way that a C Corporation. However, the S Corporation is different from a C Corporation in two significant ways:

  • The S Corporation makes an election to be taxed as a pass-through entity under subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code. This means that an S Corporation is not taxed separately and apart from its owners and/or shareholders. Instead, corporate profits and losses are passed-through and reported on the personal income tax returns of the shareholders, much like a partnership.
  • In contrast to a C Corporation, an S Corporation has limitations on ownership.
  • In an S Corporation:
    • There is a limit of up to 100 shareholders.
    • Each shareholder must be an individual or a trust (not another corporation)
    • Each individual shareholder must be a citizen of the United States or a “Resident Alien” which includes Permanent Residents (a person who has been issued a Green Card) and certain Aliens who pass the Substantial Presence Test. These residents (who pass the Substantial Presence Test) need not be permanent residents. They can be Visa holders (H1/L1) and still be considered Resident Alien per tax laws.

Nonprofit Corporation

For those groups that are formed for charitable, educational, religious, literary, or scientific purposes, and not for the purpose of generating profits for its shareholders, a special legal entity may be formed under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A fully and properly qualified 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation has the following characteristics:

  • The corporation is exempt from taxation.
  • Tax-exempt corporations are prohibited from paying dividends.
  • Upon dissolution, corporate assets must generally be distributed to another qualified nonprofit group.
  • Significant filing requirements may exist at both the State and Federal level to establish and maintain tax-exempt status.
  • A nonprofit corporation may be prohibited from engaging in certain activities, including participating in political campaigns and substantial engagement in lobbying activities.

Professional Corporation

  • Professional Corporation is used by businesses that provide a professional service. Examples include:
    • Physicians or Doctors
    • Attorneys or Law Firms
    • Accounting Professionals or CPAs
    • Architects
    • And other licensed professionals
  • Most states have special filing requirements when incorporating.
  • A Professional Corporation can shield a professional service provider (doctors, attorneys, accountants, etc.) from liability for the operations of the business.
  • The tax advantages for a Professional Corporation are the same as the advantages afforded to a C Corporation or S Corporation.
  • Corporate filing requirements can vary and may be more or less expansive depending on your state.
  • Laws governing professional services and corporations are often quite complex. We strongly urge you to consult with an attorney before making the decision to incorporate as a professional corporation.

State of incorporation

Small business owners in the US may incorporate their company in any of the 50 states. The state in which you incorporate your small business determines a variety of important factors, not just which laws your company is subject to. It will dictate how your business is taxed and even where you can sue or be sued.

Variables to consider when choosing where to incorporate your small business include:

  • Geographical convenience. Is the state of incorporation easy to get to?
  • Minimum owners. Certain states require a certain number of people to establish a business.
  • Tax structure. How much does the state levy annually in corporate franchise tax? Will income your business earns elsewhere be subject to taxes in the state of incorporation?
  • Records. Some states require that you keep records within state lines.
  • Banking. Some states require that a corporate bank account exist, and oftentimes within the boundaries of the state of incorporation.

Special requirements for special fields

Certain fields requiring special certification or licenses—such as medical or legal practice—are limited in terms of what types of business entity practitioners can elect to form. Depending on the state of incorporation, groups of such professionals may have to come together in the form of a professional corporation or professional services corporation.

Professional services corporations allow licensed professionals to benefit from the liability protections embedded in traditional corporate structures, excluding malpractice claims against licensed practitioners themselves. Professional services corporations are taxed like C corps. They are subject to corporate tax, as well as tax on shareholder distributions.

In some states, such as California or Virginia, professionals may organize into LLPs or LLCs. The main difference between an LLP/LLC model and a professional services corporation is that the latter must pay income taxes on the corporation itself, like a C corp, whereas with LLPs and LLCs, members pay personal income taxes on income received.

Occupations covered by these state mandates may include:

  • Lawyers (lawyers are barred from forming LLCs in some states)
  • Accountants
  • Health care professionals
  • Engineers and architects

Systemic Viral Illness

What is Systemic Viral Illness?

Fever that is caused by a virus is commonly termed Systemic Viral Illness or Influenza or Flu. Most commonly these viruses are Influenza A or Influenza B. The infection spreads fast via airborne droplets by coughing or sneezing and by direct contact. This disease is usually not serious among young and healthy adults, who normally recover from it even without treatment, but it can be fatal among the elderly and those with heart or lung ailments.


  1. Fever
  2. Chills
  3. Body aches (joints and muscles)
  4. Red watery eyes
  5. Cough
  6. Congested or runny nose
  7. sore throat
  8. Headache
  9. Tiredness
  10. Weakness
  11. Loss of appetite
  12. Diarrhea


  1. Take a complete rest in a well-ventilated room until the disease clears up.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids but do not take alcohol
  3. Take antifever medicine but avoid aspirin
  4. Take a cough medicine if needed
  5. Take a cough suppressant for dry cough and an expectorant for productive cough
  6. Consult your doctor

Kamus Bahasa Konghu / Kanton

Bahasa Kanton adalah bahasa yang dipakai oleh sekelompok orang dari wilayah Tiongkok bagian tenggara. Orang Kanton banyak tinggal di Guangdong, Guangxi Timur, Hong Kong, dan Makau. Di Indonesia, orang Kanton biasa disebut Konghu.

Bahasa Kanton (广东话/廣東話, secara harafiah: bahasa Guangdong; di Indonesia sering disebut bahasa Konghu) adalah salah satu dari dialek bahasa Tionghoa Yue yang dituturkan di Guangdong dan sekitarnya di Republik Rakyat China selatan, Hong Kong, Makau, masyarakat keturunan Tionghoa di Asia Tenggara dan juga masyarakat Tionghoa di belahan dunia lain. Bahasa Kanton merupakan dialek prestise tradisional dari Yue.

Angka dalam Konghu
1 = yat60 = luk sap100 = pak
2 = yi21 = yi sap yat1.000 = jin
3 = sam89 = pak sap kau10.000 = maan
4 = sei100 = yat pak 100.000 = sap man
5 = em200 = yi pak1.000.000 = pak man
6 =luk1000 = yat jin10.000.000 = jin man
7 =jay1291 = yat jin yi pak kau sap yat100.000.000 = zik
8 = pak3000 = sam jin
9 = kau1001 = yat jin ling yat
10 = sap1500 = yat jin em pak
11 = sap yat10.000 = yat man
12 = sap yi900.001 = kau sap man ling yat
Math In Cantonese – KonghuIndonesia
sou hok / 數學Matematika
kam / gam  / 減 (minus)dikurangi
加 (plus)ditambah
乘 (multiply)dikali
除  (divided by)dibagi
tang jyu / 等於 (equal)sama dengan
tim / 點 (point/dot)(.) Titik
pakfenci / 百分之(%) Persen
to(•) Derajat
siu sou / 小數Decimal
yat pun / pun1/2 Setengah
sam fan yat1/3
sei fan yat1/4
sei fan sam3/4
ka tai ma / 加大碼XL
ka sai ma / 加細碼XS
Cantonese Math

Daftar Kosakata Cantonese Kasar / Makian

Link Pencarian Kamus Bahasa Cantonese

nei / leikamu
nei gei hou mabagaimana kabar mu?
hou housangat baik
gei houcukup baik
ma ma deibiasa saja
em goi / do zeterima kasih
bai baisampai jumpa
em goi mai dantolong bon nya
hoeng kongHongKong
em haitidak
kam yathari ini
tim abagaimana?
ngo teikami / kita
nei teikalian
geoi teimereka
yan teiorang lain
leng zaiganteng / handsome boy
leng loicantik / beautiful girl
hao sang zaianak muda
mama / lou mo / 阿媽 / 嫲嫲ibu
kung kung / 公公kakek
bo bo / 婆婆nenek
gau fu / 舅父paman
ka ce / cece / 家姐/姐姐kakak perempuan
mui mui / 妹妹adik perempuan
leoi / 女anak perempuan
papa / lou tau / 爸爸ayah
ye ye / 爺爺kakek
suk suk / 叔叔paman
ko ko / koko / 哥哥kakak laki – laki
sai lou / 细佬adik laki – laki
cai / 兒子anak laki – laki
lou paan /kuchu /lou sai / 老闆majikan
lou kung / 老公suami
lou bo / 老婆istri
siu ye / 小爺tuan muda
siu ce / 小姐nona
sinsang / 先生tuan
dai dai / 太太nyonya
lei fenjanda cerai
kit fenmenikah
yi fenmenikah
tan sansingle
hing taisaudara kandung laki – laki
piucekeponakan perempuan
piukokeponakan laki
lou saiboss
kung yanpembantu
si keisupir
hak yantamu
bang yauteman
Kosa Kata Keluarga Sehari Hari Konghu

Nei atau Lei

Banyak orang di HK bahkan tidak bisa lagi membedakan antara suara ‘n’ dan ‘l’. Saya baru saja menonton iklan Nike di mana seorang pria berbicara tentang betapa dia menyukai pakaian “likee” dan YoungQueenz masih bernyanyi tentang “locking on Heaven’s pintu” :-). Ini bukan pengucapan “malas” sebagai gabungan suara yang sebenarnya. Seorang teman saya sedang mencoba untuk memperbaiki suara n vs l-nya, dan sekarang dia sering mengoreksi dan berbicara tentang “mendekati” perbedaannya antara dua suara.

Cara Perhitungan Pajak Freelancer Belum Kawin dan Kawin

Untuk Mengetahui Cara Menghitung Pajak Freelancer, kamu harus mengerti tentang:

  • PTKP (Penghasilan Tidak Kena Pajak)
  • Penghasilan Neto Menggunakan Norma Penghitungan Penghasilan Neto (NPPN)
  • Pajak Progresif PPh 21


PTKP adalah Kepanjangan PTKP adalah penghasilan tidak kena pajak. PTKP merupakan pengurangan penghasilan bruto yang diberikan kepada Orang Pribadi Wajib Pajak Dalam Negeri sebelum menghitung PPh terutang yang tidak bersifat final. Besaran PTKP ini diatur dalam undang-undang dan/atau peraturan menteri keuangan.

  • Besarnya PTKP untuk Tahun Pajak 2018, 2017 dan 2016 sebagai berikut :
    • Rp54.000.000 untuk diri Wajib Pajak orang pribadi;
    • Rp4.500.000 tambahan untuk Wajib Pajak yang kawin;
    • Rp54.000.000 tambahan untuk seorang istri yang penghasilannya digabung dengan penghasilan suami sebagaimana Pasal 8 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pajak Penghasilan;
    • Rp4.500.000 tambahan untuk setiap anggota keluarga sedarah dan keluarga semenda dalam garis keturunan lurus serta anak angkat yang menjadi tanggungan sepenuhnya, paling banyak 3 orang untuk setiap keluarga.


Tidak Kawin, ditambah dengan banyaknya tanggungan anggota keluarga;


Kawin, ditambah dengan banyaknya tanggungan anggota keluarga;


Kawin, tambahan untuk istri (hanya seorang) yang penghasilannya digabung dengan penghasilan suami, ditambah dengan banyaknya tanggungan anggota keluarga;

STATUS Wajib PajakBelum Punya Anak Anak Satu Anak Dua Anak Tiga
Laki-laki tidak kawin & WanitaTK/0
Laki-Laki Kawin Istri Tidak Bekerja/Tidak UsahaK/0
PTKP Laki-Laki Kawin Istri BekerjaK/I/0
Laki Laki Atau Wanita, Bekerja dan Kawin dengan WNAK/0
Potongan Penghasilan Tidak Kena Pajak


Besaran NPPN berbeda-beda tergantung jenis Wajib Pajaknya dan berada di kelompok wilayah mana. Tarif NPPN untuk seorang freelance biasanya 50%

Pajak Progresif PPh 21

Untuk melakukan perhitungan PPh 21, kita harus tahu terlebih dulu bahwa pajak penghasilan bersifat progresif. Oleh karena itu, sebelum masuk pada perhitungan, kita perlu mengetahui lapis tarif PPh yang dikenakan pada wajib pajak.

Peraturan pajak penghasilan progresif di tahun 2023 tertuang dalam RUU Ketentuan Umum Perpajakan yang diubah menjadi RUU Harmonisasi Peraturan Perpajakan (RUU HPP).

  1. Wajib pajak dengan penghasilan tahunan sampai dengan Rp60.000.000 dikenakan tarif pajak sebesar 5 persen. 
  2. Wajib pajak dengan penghasilan tahunan di atas Rp60.000.000 sampai dengan Rp250.000.000 dikenakan tarif sebesar 15%.
  3. Wajib pajak dengan penghasilan tahunan di atas Rp250.000.000 sampai dengan Rp500.000.000 dikenakan tarif pajak sebesar 25%.
  4. Wajib pajak dengan penghasilan tahunan di atas Rp500.000.000 – Rp5.000.000.000 dikenakan tarif pajak sebesar 30%. 
  5. Sementara itu, WP dengan pendapatan di atas Rp 5 miliar per tahun dikenakan pajak penghasilan tarif baru yaitu 35%.
Pajak Progresif PPh 21Persenan
Rp.0 s/d Rp60.000.000 5%
Rp60.000.001 s/d Rp250.000.000 15%
Rp250.000.001 s/d Rp500.000.000 25%
Rp500.000.001 s/d Rp5.000.000.00030%
Pajak Progressif PPh 21

Untuk freelancer jasa seperti photographer, programmer, design grafis, arsitek, guru les dan lain-lain kebanyakan memakai norma 50% dapat dihitung sebagai berikut:

Contoh Kasus Pajak Seorang Programmer

Programmer mempunyai 2 anak sudah menikah dengan istri tidak bekerja di kota besar seperti jakarta / bandung menghasilkan omset Rp. 30.000.000,-

Formula = (Omset per Tahun x 50%) - PTKP

(Rp. 30.000.000 x 12 bulan x 50%) – Rp. 67.500.000 = Rp. 112.500.000

PPh 21 terutang:

  • pajak PPh 21 yang terkena 5%
    • 5% x Rp. 60.000.000 = Rp. 3.000.000
  • Rp. 112.500.000 – Rp. 60.000.000 = Rp. 52.500.000
  • pajak PPh 21 yang terkena 15%
    • 15% x Rp. 52.500.000 = Rp. 7.875.000

Total PPh 21 Rp. 3.000.000 + Rp. 7.875.000 = Rp. 10.875.000

Jadi yang harus dibayarkan oleh Wajib Pajak programmer freelance kawin istri tidak bekerja dan mempunyai dua anak tersebut adalah Rp. 10.875.000

Notes: Jika ada kesalahan dalam penghitungan pajak di sini, mohon maaf dan berikan saya koreksi, terima kasih.

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