Arti Kata Kabeutrik

Kabetrik adalah istilah dalam bahasa sunda yang merujuk pada kondisi otak yang terlalu tertekan hingga sarafnya menjadi kacau atau bahkan putus.

Kaberik adalah otak konslet.

‘Dahar’ artinya makan dan bisa diucapkan untuk diri sendiri atau orang lain, namun akan terdengar kasar jika diucapkan ke yang lebih tua atau ke orang yang tidak kita kenal.

‘Lebok’ atau ‘lelebok’ yang memiliki arti makan juga memiliki makna yang kasar dan biasanya digunakan untuk lingkungan pergaulan teman sebaya atau menunjukkan ekpresi seseorang ketika sedang marah

‘Hakan’ atau ‘barang hakan’ memiliki arti makan dengan banyak yang cenderung rakus dan juga sebagai ekpresi saat orang sedang marah

‘Gagares’ yaitu seperti ngemil dan sebaiknya kata ini tidak digunakan saat berbicara pada orang yang lebih tua atau orang yang baru dikenal

‘Jajablog’ sering diucapkan ketika sedang mengobrol dengan saudara, teman, dan sahabat yang jika diartikan kedalam bahasa Indonesia artinya makan atau ngunyah

‘Cacatrek’ adalah bahasa Sunda yang berasal dari daerah Banten yang berarti ngemil dan memiliki makna yang cenderung kasar

Google Cloud Skills Boost

Detect, Respond, and Recover from Cloud Cybersecurity AttacksJun 14, 2024 EDTCertification Link
Put It All Together: Prepare for a Cloud Security Analyst JobJun 10, 2024 EDTCertification Link
Cloud Security Risks: Identify and Protect Against ThreatsMay 28, 2024 EDTCertficiation Link
Strategies for Cloud Security Risk ManagementMay 28, 2024 EDTCertification Link
Introduction to Security Principles in Cloud ComputingMay 27, 2024 EDTCertification Link
Introduction to Responsible AIMay 26, 2024 EDTCertification Link
Introduction to Large Language ModelsMay 25, 2024 EDTCertification Link
Prompt Design in Vertex AIMay 25, 2024 EDTCertification Link
Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud May 26, 2024 EDTCertification Link
Introduction to Generative AIMay 24, 2024 EDTCertification Link
Derive Insights from BigQuery DataOct 23, 2022 EDTCertification Link

Detect, Respond, and Recover from Cloud Cybersecurity Attacks

This is the fourth of five courses in the Google Cloud Cybersecurity Certificate. In this course, you’ll focus on developing capabilities in logging, security, and alert monitoring, along with techniques for mitigating attacks. You’ll gain valuable knowledge in customizing threat feeds, managing incidents, handling crisis communications, conducting root cause analysis, and mastering incident response and post-event communications. Using Google Cloud tools, you’ll learn to identify indicators of compromise and prepare for business continuity and disaster recovery. Alongside these technical skills, you’ll continue updating your resume and practicing interview techniques.

Put It All Together: Prepare for a Cloud Security Analyst Job

This is the fifth of five courses in the Google Cloud Cybersecurity Certificate. In this course, you’ll combine and apply key concepts such as cloud security principles, risk management, identifying vulnerabilities, incident management, and crisis communications in an interactive capstone project. Additionally, you’ll finalize your resume updates and put to practice all the new interview techniques you’ve learned, preparing you to confidently apply for and interview for jobs in the field.

Cloud Security Risks: Identify and Protect Against Threats

This is the third of five courses in the Google Cloud Cybersecurity Certificate. In this course, you’ll explore the principles of identity management and access control within a cloud environment, covering key elements like AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing), credential handling, and certificate management. You’ll also explore essential topics in threat and vulnerability management, cloud-native principles, and data protection measures. Upon completing this course, you will have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to secure cloud-based resources and safeguard sensitive organizational information. Additionally, you’ll continue to engage with career resources and hone your interview techniques, preparing you for the next step in your professional journey.

Strategies for Cloud Security Risk Management

This is the second of five courses in the Google Cloud Cybersecurity Certificate. In this course, you’ll explore widely-used cloud risk management frameworks, exploring security domains, compliance lifecycles, and industry standards such as HIPAA, NIST CSF, and SOC. You’ll develop skills in risk identification, implementation of security controls, compliance evaluation, and data protection management. Additionally, you’ll gain hands-on experience with Google Cloud and multi-cloud tools specific to risk and compliance. This course also incorporates job application and interview preparation techniques, offering a comprehensive foundation to understand and effectively navigate the complex landscape of cloud risk management.

Introduction to Security Principles in Cloud Computing

This is the first of five courses in the Google Cloud Cybersecurity Certificate. In this course, you’ll explore the essentials of cybersecurity, including the security lifecycle, digital transformation, and key cloud computing concepts. You’ll identify common tools used by entry-level cloud security analysts to automate tasks.

Introduction to Responsible AI

This is an introductory-level microlearning course aimed at explaining what responsible AI is, why it’s important, and how Google implements responsible AI in their products. It also introduces Google’s 7 AI principles.

Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud

This course, Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud – Locales, is intended for non-English learners. If you want to take this course in English, please enroll in Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud. As the use of enterprise Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning continues to grow, so too does the importance of building it responsibly. A challenge for many is that talking about responsible AI can be easier than putting it into practice. If you’re interested in learning how to operationalize responsible AI in your organization, this course is for you. In this course, you will learn how Google Cloud does this today, together with best practices and lessons learned, to serve as a framework for you to build your own responsible AI approach.

Prompt Design in Vertex AI

Complete the introductory Prompt Design in Vertex AI skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: prompt engineering, image analysis, and multimodal generative techniques, within Vertex AI. Discover how to craft effective prompts, guide generative AI output, and apply Gemini models to real-world marketing scenarios. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

Introduction to Large Language Models

This is an introductory level micro-learning course that explores what large language models (LLM) are, the use cases where they can be utilized, and how you can use prompt tuning to enhance LLM performance. It also covers Google tools to help you develop your own Gen AI apps.

Introduction to Generative AI

This is an introductory level microlearning course aimed at explaining what Generative AI is, how it is used, and how it differs from traditional machine learning methods. It also covers Google Tools to help you develop your own Gen AI apps.

Derive Insights from BigQuery Data

Complete the introductory Derive Insights from BigQuery Data skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: write SQL queries, query public tables, load sample data into BigQuery, troubleshoot common syntax errors with the query validator in BigQuery, and create reports in Looker Studio by connecting to BigQuery data. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


Panggilan Keluarga dan Saudara dalam Bahasa Hokkien

Immediate Family

Mother / Mama / Mom媽媽 mâ-mâ / 老母 lǎu-bú媽媽 māma / 母亲 mǔqin
Father / Papa / Dad爸爸 pâ-pâ / 老爸 lǎu-pě爸爸 bàba / 父亲 fùqin
Eldest Sister阿姊 á-chí姐姐 jiějie
Second Eldest Sister二姊 lī-chí 二姐 èrjiě
Third Eldest Sister三姊 saⁿ-chí三姐 sānjiě
Eldest Brother阿兄 a-hiaⁿ / 哥仔 ko–á哥哥 gēge
Second Eldest Brother二兄 lī-hiaⁿ / 二哥 lī-ko二哥 èrgē
Third Eldest Brother三兄 saⁿ-hiaⁿ / 三哥 saⁿ-ko三哥 sāngē
Younger Sister小妹 sió-bē妹妹 mèimei
Younger Brother小弟 sió-tǐ弟弟 dìdi
Your Wife太太 thài-thià / 某 bó͘ 老婆 lǎopó / 妻子 qīzi
Your Husband丈夫 tiǒng-hu / 翁 ang老公 lǎogōng / 丈夫 zhàngfu
Daughter查某仔 cha-bó͘-á女兒 nǚ’ér
Son囝 káⁿ (kiáⁿ) / 後生 hau-siⁿ  兒子 érzi

Second Degree Relatives – Mother Side

Maternal Grandmother外媽 gōa-má外婆 wàipó
Maternal Grandfather外公 gōa-kong外公 wàigōng
Maternal Aunt阿姨 á-î 姨母 yímǔ
Maternal Aunt’s Husband姨丈 î-tiǔⁿ姨父 yífu
Maternal Uncle阿舅 á-kǔ舅舅 jiùjiu
Maternal Uncle’s Wife阿妗 á-kǐm舅母 jiùmu
Older Female Maternal Cousin表阿姊 piáu-á-chí表姐 biǎojiě
Younger Female Maternal Cousin表小妹 piáu-sió-bē表妹 biǎomèi
Older Male Maternal Cousin表阿兄 piáu-á-hiaⁿ表哥 biǎogē
Younger Male Maternal Cousin表小弟 piáu-sió-tǐ表弟 biǎodì
Sororal Niece外甥女 gōe-sng-lú外甥女 wàishengnǚ
Sororal Nephew外甥 gōe-sng外甥 wàisheng

Second Degree Relatives – Father Side

Paternal Grandmother阿媽 a-má奶奶 nǎinai
Paternal Grandfather俺公 án-kong爷爷 yéye
Paternal Aunt (Father’s Elder Sister)阿姑 á-ko͘姑母 gūmǔ
Paternal Aunt’s (Father’s Elder Sister) Husband姑丈 ko͘-tiǔⁿ姑父 gūfu
Paternal Uncle (Father’s Elder Brother)阿伯 á-peh伯父 bófù
Paternal Uncle’s (Father’s Elder Brother) Wife阿姆 á-ḿ伯母 bómǔ
Paternal Uncle (Father’s Younger Brother)阿叔 á-chiak (á-chek)叔叔 shūshu
Paternal Uncle’s (Father’s Younger Brother) Wife阿嬸 á-chím婶婶 shěnshen
Paternal Aunt’s Daughter(older cousin)表阿姊 piáu-á-chí表姐 biǎojiě
Paternal Aunt’s Daughter (younger cousin)表小妹 piáu-sió-bē表妹 biǎomèi
Paternal Aunt’s Son(older cousin)表阿兄 piáu-á-hiaⁿ表哥 biǎogē
Paternal Aunt’s Son(younger cousin)表小弟 piáu-sió-tǐ表弟 biǎodì
Paternal Uncle’s Daughter (older cousin)隔腹阿姊 keh-pak-á-chí堂姐 tángjiě
Paternal Uncle’s Daughter (younger cousin)隔腹小妹 keh-pak-sió-bē堂妹 tángmèi
Paternal Uncle’s Son (older cousin)隔腹阿兄 keh-pak-á-hiaⁿ堂哥 tánggē
Paternal Uncle’s Son (younger cousin)隔腹小弟 keh-pak-sió-tǐ堂弟 tángdì
Fraternal Niece姪女 ti̍t-lú侄女 zhínǚ
Fraternal Nephew姪仔 ti̍t-á侄子 zhízi

Mengetahui cara yang tepat untuk menyapa anggota keluarga yang berbeda merupakan bagian penting dalam menguasai kosakata bahasa Mandarin. Hal ini tidak hanya akan menumbuhkan hubungan yang lebih dalam, tetapi juga membantu menjaga nilai-nilai yang telah dijunjung tinggi dan diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi. Nilai-nilai tersebut meliputi pentingnya hubungan keluarga dalam budaya Tiongkok, bakti kepada orang tua, dan penghormatan kepada leluhur.

Baik Anda bagian Chinese sekadar tertarik dengan budaya, bahasa, dan tradisi mereka, mempelajari kosakata bahasa Mandarin dan nuansa di baliknya akan membantu Anda memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih kaya tentang jalinan budaya Chinese yang semarak.

Disclaimer: ini khusus untuk dialek khek, jarang Chinese yang khek (biasa dari Bangka Belitung ato Singkawang)

Ching ngin = orang yang satu keluarga (generalized)

  • kung kung = kakek
  • pho pho = nenek
  • koko = kakak laki laki
  • aso = istri kakak laki laki
  • cece = kakak perempuan
  • ci cong = suami kakak perempuan

Untuk sisi nyokap:

  • khiu khiu = kakak/adek laki laki nyokap
  • khiu me = istri kakak/adek laki laki nyokap
  • thai ji = kakak perempuan nyokap
  • thai ji cong = suami kakak perempuan nyokap
  • ji ji = adik perempuan nyokap
  • ji chong= suami adik perempuan nyokap

Untuk sisi bokap

  • pak pak = kakak laki laki bokap
  • pak me = istri kakak laki laki bokap
  • thai ku = kakak perempuan bokap
  • thai ku cong = suami kakak perempuan bokap
  • suk suk = adik laki laki bokap
  • suk me = istri adik laki laki bokap
  • ku ku = adik perempuan bokap
  • ku cong = suami adik perempuan bokap


  • kalo yg seangkatan ya panggil koko / cici kalo lebih tua
  • gw selalu panggil pak pak *nama* (misalnya pak pak atong) buat kakak adek bokap cowo, belakangan bokap pernah bilang harusnya ga usah pake nama tapi ada urutannya di depan: thai pak buat paling tua, nyi pak buat anak cowo kedua, sam pak buat anak cowo ketiga.. bokap punya sodara cowo lebih muda yg gw panggil suk suk, sepupu gw yg lahir dari kakak cowo bokap jg panggil bokap gw suk suk
  • ku ku buat kakak adek bokap cewe (misalnya ku ku a lie), sama kaya di atas: thai ku buat paling tua, nyi ku buat kedua
  • other om dan tante sepupu bokap gw panggil pak pak dan ku ku
  • kakek nenek gw panggil kung kung dan po po

tiochiu, disclaimer tho, nyokap lebih ga peduli soal panggilan2:

  • kalo seangkatan panggil koko / cici
  • kakak adek nyokap cewe gw panggil pake ie ie *nama* (misalnya ie2 san chai), harusnya ada urutan juga.. yg paling tua gw ga tau apa, tapi yg kedua itu ji ie
  • kakak adek nyokap cowo gw panggil om, tapi ada satu paman ketiga yang gw panggil Sa (tiga) Ku (om)
  • other om dan tante sepupu nyokap gw panggil om dan ie ie
  • kakek nenek gw panggil akong dan ama

Reddit Source:

Quiet Quitting

Quiet Quitting is the commonly discussed buzzword today with the HR Fraternity. A lot has been spoken about the Great Resignation however that is a very myopic approach to managing Talent. Silent Resignation or Quiet Quitting as it is called in recent times much precedes before the any employee makes the final decision to resign.

Like the Pandemic, this phenomenon also finds its origin to China and the trend was referred to as “tang ping” 躺平 or “lying flat”. This is nothing but a slow protest where employees refuse to overwork or succumb to pressure.

The causes of this behavior include employees feeling that their work is not getting enough appreciation or recognition from the company, both material and non-material, or because the workload is too high, causing employees to feel exhausted to the point of burnout. Blurred boundaries between work and personal life can also be a driving factor for this behavior, because someone is often still busy with work matters outside of working hours or even during holidays. Often here it means when something like this happens repeatedly, not only because of an emergency.

In order for this employee behavior to be anticipated quickly and accurately by the organization, it is necessary for the organization to recognize early on the occurrence of this behavior in its employees. Some of the characteristics of employees who are starting to engage in quiet quitting behavior include:

  • Not willing to do work outside of their main job.
  • Going home from work on time and avoiding overtime.
  • Working according to their portion.
  • Not wanting to deal with work or answer questions about work obligations during holidays.
  • Losing interest in becoming an outstanding employee in the company.
  • Passive during meetings or certain discussions related to work.
  • Rarely attending events organized by the company.

The debate in this case is that not everyone agrees with the phenomenon of quiet quitting, including according to workplace politeness expert, Pattie Ehsai, stating that you will not succeed in the workplace with such behavior. However, seen from another perspective, this phenomenon cannot be said to be completely wrong because it will actually create clearer boundaries between work life and personal life and more broadly, can realize work life balance. But it cannot be denied that this behavior also has the risk of harming the organization。

Having observed the trend of resignations with a few organizations and some insightful discussions with peers; I have identified classic behavioral patterns in this Quiet Quitting phenomenon. Employees go through 3 classic phases of transition before the ultimate plunge of Resigning. The three stages are as below:

1. Emotional Stage of Quitting: All humans are emotional beings and employees who feel that their expertise and experience is no more valued in workplace often give in to emotional low. At this stage the employee is confused as to what is happening with them and are not able to arrive at conclusive understanding on what to do next. There is an internal conflict between wanting to stay and deciding to move on.

    2. Mental Stage of Quitting: Disengagement on a chronic basis indicates that employee is evaluating his / her sustenance at work place. Employees continue to remain active contributors of their work but are mentally no longer committed to the hustle culture. There is a conscious effort to avoid work stress. Employees have internalized the fact that they are no longer enjoying their engagement with the current organization.

    3. Physiological Stage of Quitting: This is the most visible of all stages; where employees openly expressing their discomfort and willingness to move on. Employees no more want to shy away from accepting that they are actively exploring options outside of workplace. A very cliché yet commonly used phrase by employees at this phase; ‘itna paise mein itnaich milega”

    12 Sign Of a Sigma Male

    The term “sigma male” is often used in pop psychology to describe a personality type that is independent, self-reliant, and non-conformist. Here are 12 common signs often associated with a sigma male:

    1. Prefers Independence: Sigma males value their freedom and prefer to operate independently rather than follow the crowd or rely on others.
    2. Self-Reliant: They tend to rely on themselves for their needs and decisions, trusting their own judgment and capabilities.
    3. Quiet Confidence: Sigma males often have a quiet, unassuming confidence that doesn’t require validation from others.
    4. Introverted but Not Shy: They often enjoy solitude and may be introverted, but this doesn’t mean they are shy or lack social skills.
    5. Non-Conformist: They typically resist societal norms and expectations, choosing to live by their own rules and standards.
    6. Observant: Sigma males tend to be keen observers of their environment and the people around them, often noticing things others might miss.
    7. Mysterious: Their reserved nature and tendency to keep to themselves can make them appear mysterious and intriguing to others.
    8. High Self-Awareness: They usually have a strong sense of self-awareness, understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and motivations.
    9. Goal-Oriented: Sigma males are often highly focused on their goals and ambitions, prioritizing their personal growth and achievements.
    10. Adaptable: They can adapt to different situations and environments, making them versatile and resilient.
    11. Selective with Relationships: They tend to be selective about who they let into their inner circle, valuing deep, meaningful connections over a large social network.
    12. Value Authenticity: Sigma males prioritize authenticity in themselves and others, disliking superficiality and pretenses.

    It’s important to note that the concept of a sigma male is more of a descriptive archetype rather than a scientifically validated personality type. It reflects certain traits and behaviors that some people may exhibit, but it’s not a rigid or universally applicable classification.

    Martin Garrix feat. Carolina Liar – Smile Lyric

    [Verse 1: Chad Wolf]
    Met you on a trip to Joshua Tree
    You got in my mind like a beautiful dream
    Lucid in the sky, are you comin’ with me?
    Are you comin’ with me?

    Bright stars, yeah, they’re wavin’ at us
    You said we could be diamonds and dust
    Lucid in the sky, are you comin’ with me?
    Are you comin’ with me?

    [Chorus: Chad Wolf]
    I know you’re lookin’ for a reason
    A little somethin’ that could ease your mind
    Oh, I promise, yeah, I’ll be there
    Anything to make you smile

    I know exactly what you’re feelin’
    I’ll pick you up when you’re fallin’ down
    You can count on me, I’ll be there
    Anything to make you smile

    [Drop: Chad Wolf]
    Anything to makе you smile

    [Verse 2: Chad Wolf]
    Took me on a ride on a yеllow brick train
    We both know it’ll never be the same
    Fallin’ for you like the Scarborough rain
    (Yeah, I’m fallin’ for you) Like the Scarborough rain

    [Chorus: Chad Wolf]
    I know you’re lookin’ for a reason
    A little somethin’ that could ease your mind
    Oh, I promise, yeah, I’ll be there
    Anything to make you smile

    I know exactly what you’re feelin’
    I’ll pick you up when you’re fallin’ down
    You can count on me, I’ll be there
    Anything to make you smile

    [Build: Chad Wolf]
    Anything to make you smile

    [Drop: Chad Wolf]
    Anything to make you smile
    I know you’re looking for a reason
    A little somethin’ that could ease your mind
    Oh, I promise, yeah, I’ll be there
    Anything to make you smile

    希望你被這個世界愛著 – Xi Wang Ni Bei Zhe Ge Shi Jie Ai Zhe Lyrics English Pinyin

    希望你 被这个世界爱着

    xi wang ni bei zhe ge shi jie ai zhe

    I hope you’re loved by this world

    希望你 笑了是真的快乐

    xi wang ni xiao le shi zhen de kuai le

    I hope your laughter is truly joyful

    希望你 遇见过山的混浊

    xi wang ni yu jian guo shan de hun zhuo

    I hope you’ve encountered turbidity on the mountain

    眼里依然 有海的清澈

    yan li yi ran you hai de qing che

    Yet your eyes still hold the clarity of the sea

    好想 在你伤心的时候有我安慰你

    hao xiang zai ni shang xin de shi hou you wo an wei ni

    I wish to comfort you when you’re sad

    好想 在你孤单的时候有我陪伴你

    hao xiang zai ni gu dan de shi hou you wo pei ban ni

    I wish to accompany you when you’re lonely

    好想 在你无助的时候有我温暖你

    hao xiang zai ni wu zhu de shi hou you wo wen nuan ni

    I wish to warm you when you’re helpless


    qing ting ni suo you de fan nao he qing xu

    Listening to all your troubles and emotions

    别怕 就算惨遭失败也是一种经历

    bie pa jiu suan can zao shi bai ye shi yi zhong jing li

    Don’t be afraid, even if you suffer failure, it’s an experience

    别怕 就算分别以后也有机会相遇

    bie pa jiu suan fen bie yi hou ye you ji hui xiang yu

    Don’t be afraid, even after parting, there’s a chance to meet again

    别怕 就算乌云还一直盘旋在头顶

    bie pa jiu suan wu yun hai yi zhi pan xuan zai tou ding

    Don’t be afraid, even if dark clouds linger above your head


    ye zong you yi tian neng fang qing

    There will always be a sunny day

    希望你 被这个世界爱着

    xi wang ni bei zhe ge shi jie ai zhe

    I hope you’re loved by this world

    希望你 笑了是真的快乐

    xi wang ni xiao le shi zhen de kuai le

    I hope your laughter is truly joyful

    希望你 遇见过山的混浊

    xi wang ni yu jian guo shan de hun zhuo

    I hope you’ve encountered turbidity on the mountain

    眼里依然 有海的清澈

    yan li yi ran you hai de qing che

    Yet your eyes still hold the clarity of the sea

    希望你 被这个世界爱着

    xi wang ni bei zhe ge shi jie ai zhe

    I hope you’re loved by this world

    希望你 哭了也是幸福的

    xi wang ni ku le ye shi xing fu de

    I hope your tears bring happiness

    希望你 捱过一路风雨曲折

    xi wang ni ai guo yi lu feng yu qu she

    I hope you endure the twists and turns along the way

    心里依然 载满梦的炙热

    xin li yi ran zai man meng de zhi re

    While your heart remains filled with passionate dreams


    别怕 就算惨遭失败也是一种经历

    bie pa jiu suan can zao shi bai ye shi yi zhong jing li

    Don’t be afraid, even if you suffer failure, it’s an experience

    别怕 就算分别以后也有机会相遇

    bie pa jiu suan fen bie yi hou ye you ji hui xiang yu

    Don’t be afraid, even after parting, there’s a chance to meet again

    别怕 就算乌云还一直盘旋在头顶

    bie pa jiu suan wu yun hai yi zhi pan xuan zai tou ding

    Don’t be afraid, even if dark clouds linger above your head


    ye zong you yi tian neng fang qing

    There will always be a sunny day

    希望你 被这个世界爱着

    xi wang ni bei zhe ge shi jie ai zhe

    I hope you’re loved by this world

    希望你 哭了也是幸福的

    xi wang ni ku le ye shi xing fu de

    I hope your tears bring happiness

    希望你 捱过一路风雨曲折

    xi wang ni ai guo yi lu feng yu qu she

    I hope you endure the twists and turns along the way

    心里依然 载满梦的炙热

    xin li yi ran zai man meng de zhi re

    While your heart remains filled with passionate dreams

    别怕 就算惨遭失败也是一种经历

    bie pa jiu suan can zao shi bai ye shi yi zhong jing li

    Don’t be afraid, even if you suffer failure, it’s an experience

    别怕 就算分别以后也有机会相遇

    bie pa jiu suan fen bie yi hou ye you ji hui xiang yu

    Don’t be afraid, even after parting, there’s a chance to meet again

    别怕 就算乌云还一直盘旋在头顶

    bie pa jiu suan wu yun hai yi zhi pan xuan zai tou ding

    Don’t be afraid, even if dark clouds linger above your head


    ye zong you yi tian neng fang qing

    There will always be a sunny day

    希望你 被这个世界爱着

    xi wang ni bei zhe ge shi jie ai zhe

    I hope you’re loved by this world

    希望你 笑了是真的快乐

    xi wang ni xiao le shi zhen de kuai le

    I hope your laughter is truly joyful

    希望你 遇见过山的混浊

    xi wang ni yu jian guo shan de hun zhuo

    I hope you’ve encountered turbidity on the mountain

    眼里依然 有海的清澈

    yan li yi ran you hai de qing che

    Yet your eyes still hold the clarity of the sea

    希望你 被这个世界爱着

    xi wang ni bei zhe ge shi jie ai zhe

    I hope you’re loved by this world

    希望你 哭了也是幸福的

    xi wang ni ku le ye shi xing fu de

    I hope your tears bring happiness

    希望你 捱过一路风雨曲折

    xi wang ni ai guo yi lu feng yu qu she

    I hope you endure the twists and turns along the way

    心里依然 载满梦的炙热

    xin li yi ran zai man meng de zhi re

    While your heart remains filled with passionate dreams

    Aorus Engine Version 2.2.6 – Gigabyte March 2024

    (RGB Fusion 2.0 included)
    *For a complete user experience and compatibility, it is recommended to download and install GIGABYTE Control Center should the graphics card you purchased support this utility software.

    Mar 12, 2024 Release Note:

    1. Fix AORUS LIQUID COOLER temperature and core clock display issue.

    Version :2.26

    OS : Windows 10 32bit , Windows 10 64bit , Windows 11 64bit , Windows 7 32bit , Windows 7 64bit , Windows 8 32bit , Windows 8 64bit

    (RGB Fusion 2.0 included)
    *For a complete user experience and compatibility, it is recommended to download and install GIGABYTE Control Center should the graphics card you purchased support this utility software.

    Release Note:

    1. Bug Fix : Fix the problem that the CPU name of “AORUS LIQUID COOLER 280” is not fully displayed on the AMD platform

    Version :2.25

    OS : Windows 10 32bit , Windows 10 64bit , Windows 11 64bit , Windows 7 32bit , Windows 7 64bit , Windows 8 32bit , Windows 8 64bit

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    Dad Supports You Story

    Since childhood, I have been in a single-parent family.
    My mother passed away due to illness when I was very young. The family in my memory was supported by my father’s hard work every day.

    I didn’t become a bad boy just because I was alone at home all the time.

    On the contrary, I often hear my neighbors say: “Ajun, you must study hard and be filial to your father from now on.” I have been among the best since elementary school.

    In this way, all the way to my senior year of high school, I came out.

    The target is my two-year junior classmate.

    One evening in my senior year of high school, when I was walking to the cram school carrying a heavy schoolbag, I met him.
    He was being beaten by a group of bad guys from a neighboring school. At that time, I seemed to think of my father who stood up for me when I was beaten by classmates in elementary school because of being a “sissy.”

    I stepped in to save him.

    By chance, our relationship got better and better, and later, I officially came out as gay.
    Of course, my dad didn’t know.

    We go to the nearby cafe to study together after school every day.
    Walking and chatting together on the playground,
    Let’s cheer each other on.

    Just two weeks before the academic test, it rained that day.
    I was holding his hand in the alley near the cram school, holding an umbrella together, enjoying our alone time.

    Suddenly, a trumpet sounded from behind.
    I suddenly turned around and saw my dad’s familiar shabby little yellow one.
    He rolled down the window and was about to speak, but he broke free from my hand.
    The junior didn’t care about his umbrella or me, and just ran away in the heavy rain.
    I panicked.
    Looking back, I only remember yelling at the rolled-down car window: “If he doesn’t come back, I won’t go home either!”
    Then he chased after his junior fellow student without looking back.

    Later, I found him in front of a convenience store two hundred meters away.
    I told him that I could ignore my dad for his sake.
    He agreed, but the premise he put forward, as he was familiar with my family situation, was that I could not fall out with my father.

    That night, when I got home, I went straight to my room.
    I vaguely heard my dad whisper: “I didn’t say anything at that time.”

    I ignored him.

    In my memory, from that day to the release of the academic test results, I did not speak to him more than ten sentences.

    After the results were released, I was admitted to a university more than 200 kilometers away from home.
    The university I made an appointment with my junior classmate.
    Before leaving home, my dad told me something.
    It’s just about being strong and independent outside and taking care of your health.
    After saying that, he handed me an amulet and said he asked the gods for it.

    I stuffed it into my bag randomly, said “I’m leaving” and never looked back.

    I spent the first two years of college in the library and at my part-time job.
    It wasn’t until my junior year that my junior student passed the exam.
    We rented a small suite outside together.
    We have classes during the day and work at night.

    Very ordinary, but happy.

    Five years ago, one evening during my senior year of college, I received a call from an unfamiliar number.
    As soon as I picked up the phone, before I could say anything, a quick and nervous voice came from the other end of the phone.
    “Arjuna, I am the neighbor’s aunt!”
    Your dad suddenly suffered a myocardial infarction while we were having dinner and is now in emergency care. 」

    I put down my half-eaten lunch before I could send a message to my classmates who were still at school.
    I rushed to the high-speed rail station and bought the nearest bus and headed straight down.
    By the time we arrived at the hospital, my father had already left.

    I can’t remember much of what happened next that day.

    Later, I stayed there for more than a month.
    I went to places where my dad and I were.

    When I went to junior high school and was studying for the entrance examination, he would buy me a late-night snack from the salted crispy chicken stall after running in the car at night.
    I went to kindergarten and he used to take me to the park where baseballs were thrown.
    I went to the scenic spot he used to go to when he taught me how to ride a bicycle in elementary school.

    In this way, living a corrupt life.

    Until one day, my junior classmate couldn’t bear the loneliness and came down to pick me up.

    Before leaving, we went to Dad’s grave.
    He knelt on the ground and kept crying. He felt that he was the reason for our father and son to have such a knot in their hearts.

    I didn’t even have time to untie it until my dad left.

    I just waited quietly for him to finish crying.

    Suddenly, I remembered the amulet my father gave me before I went to college.
    I found it buried deep inside the bag.
    The moment I took it out, something inside the amulet fell out.
    A note.

    I opened its crumpled folds,
    Five words were scrawled inside in black pen.

    “Dad supports you”

    This time, it was my turn to burst into tears.

    「Promise you I will be stronger
    Be a man with backbone and no longer shed tears easily

    I just wish all this could happen before I say goodbye to you.”

    We’ve had a great time these two years.
    The junior changed his previous cowardly image, combed his hair and worked in a bar.

    And I joined a foreign company with my good Chinese skills since I was a child.

    we are doing well.

    Next week, my junior classmate’s relatives and friends and I are going to have a dinner together.
    It’s our wedding ceremony, I don’t know.

    Anyway, Dad.

    “I hope you will come.”

    “I also hope you come back.”











































    Trash – 希望你回来 I Don’t Wanna Say Goodbye – Lyric Pinyin English

    TRASH《希望你回來 I Don’t Wanna Say Goodbye》

    詞曲:阿夜 編曲:TRASH、周菲比

    製作人 Producer:陳又齊
    配唱製作人 Vocal Producer:陳又齊
    編曲 Music Arranger:TRASH、周菲比

    wo zhi dao ci ke ni ye yi yang bu gan xin
    I know you cannot accept this moment either

    fang bu xia xin ai de ren cong cong li qu
    Suddenly leaving behind your loved ones, the ones you can’t let go

    wei nan ni de lei shui wo pin ming ca qu
    These tears that would trouble you, I keep wiping them away

    cai zhi dao wo xin zhong ni duo liao bu qi
    Now I know how amazing you are in my heart

    kan ni yan de xi ting ni ai de ge
    Watching the films you acted in, listening to the songs you love

    jiu hao xiang ni cong mei li kai guo zhe
    It’s as if you never left here

    guai zi ji shi fan ren wu neng wei li
    I blame myself, a powerless human

    cai hui ru ci xiang ni
    That’s why I miss you so

    wo zhi xi wang ni hui lai
    I only wish you’d come back

    wo zhi xi wang ni hui lai
    I only wish you’d come back

    shuo hao yao kan zhe wo shi xian
    Said you were going to watch me follow through

    na bu qie shi ji de nuo yan
    Those unrealistic promises

    zen neng bu gao er bie
    Why did you leave without notice

    hai mei zhun bei hao qu mian dui
    Not yet prepared to face

    mei you ni de shi jie
    A world without you

    hui bu hui ni xian zai bi cong qian kuai le
    Could you be happier now than before

    shao le shou shang de xin he beng huai de qu ke
    No more painful heart and broken body

    da ying wo bu bi zai dui zi ji ke ze
    Promise me to stop criticizing yourself so harshly

    yin wei ni zao yi jing shi zui bang de ren
    Because you are already the best

    yi sheng feng feng yu yu kan kan ke ke
    A life time of storms and frustration

    lian tian shang de xing xing ye dou bu she
    Even the stars in the sky are unwilling

    hai lai bu ji xie chu ni pan wang de na yi shou qing ge
    I didn’t write that love song you were anticipating soon enough


    wo zhi xi wang ni hui lai
    I only wish you’d come back

    wo zhi xi wang ni hui lai
    I only wish you’d come back


    shuo hao yao kan zhe wo shi xian
    Said you were going to watch me follow through

    na bu qie shi ji de nuo yan
    Those unrealistic promises

    zen neng bu gao er bie
    Why did you leave without notice


    I don′t wanna say goodbye
    I don’t wanna say goodbye


    da ying ni wo hui geng jian qiang
    Promise you I will become stronger

    dang ge you gu qi de nan ren bu zai qing yi liu lei
    Become a strong spirited man who won’t easily cry

    zhi yuan zhe yi qie neng fa sheng zai he ni dao bie zhī qián
    If only this all could have happens before we said goodbye


    wo zhi xi wang ni hui lai
    I only wish you’d come back

    wo zhi xi wang ni hui lai
    I only wish you’d come back

    shuo hao yao kan zhe wo shi xian
    Said you were going to watch me follow through

    na bu qie shi ji de nuo yan
    Those unrealistic promises

    zen neng bu gao er bie
    Why did you leave without notice

    —– —–

    I don′t wanna say goodbye
    I don’t wanna say goodbye

    da ying ni wo hui geng jian qiang
    Promise you I will become stronger

    dang ge you gu qi de nan ren bu zai qing yi liu lei
    Become a strong spirited man who won’t easily cry

    zhi yuan zhe yi qie neng fa sheng zai he ni dao bie
    If only all of this could have happened before we said goodbye

    🎶……………🎵 🎶……………🎵

    I don′t wanna say goodbye
    I don’t wanna say goodbye


    I don′t wanna say …..

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