Chinese Dynasties Ranking System For An Emperor’s Wives

The ranking system for an emperor’s wives and consorts was detailed and varied across different Chinese dynasties. Here’s a more comprehensive breakdown, including variations from different dynasties like the Tang (618–907), Song (960–1279), Ming (1368–1644), and Qing (1644–1912) Dynasties.

Factors influencing rank:

  • Family background: Women from prominent families often received higher ranks. 
  • Emperor’s favor: A concubine who gained the emperor’s favor could be elevated in rank. 
  • Ability to bear children: Concubines who gave birth to the emperor’s heirs often received higher status. 

1. Empress (皇后, Huánghòu) – First Rank

  • The highest-ranking wife of the emperor, his main consort.
  • She had authority over all the emperor’s consorts and the harem.
  • Wore the Phoenix Crown (凤冠, Fèngguān) as a symbol of power.
  • The Empress gave birth to the heir (Crown Prince) whenever possible.

2. Imperial Noble Consort (皇贵妃, Huáng Guìfēi) – Second Rank

  • Just below the empress but still held significant influence.
  • This rank was not always present in earlier dynasties but became common in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

3. Noble Consort (贵妃, Guìfēi) – Third Rank

  • Higher than most other consorts but below the Imperial Noble Consort.
  • Usually, one or two women held this title.

4. Consort (妃, Fēi) – Fourth Rank

  • A mid-tier consort with noble status.
  • In the Qing Dynasty, there were typically four Consorts at a time.

5. Imperial Concubine (嫔, Pín) – Fifth Rank

  • A recognized consort but of lower status.
  • Had limited influence in court matters.

6. Noble Lady (贵人, Guìrén) – Sixth Rank

  • The lowest official rank in the imperial harem.
  • Some noble ladies could rise in rank if favored by the emperor.

7. First Attendant (常在, Chángzài) – Seventh Rank

  • Lower than a Noble Lady but still part of the emperor’s harem.
  • Had minimal influence but could be promoted.

8. Second Attendant (答应, Dāyìng) – Eighth Rank

  • The lowest recognized rank.
  • Mostly served the emperor without real power.

9. Palace Maids (宫女, Gōngnǚ) – Unranked

  • Not official consorts but worked in the inner palace.
  • Could sometimes be promoted if favored by the emperor.

Other Titles (Special Cases & Retired Consorts)

  • Empress Dowager (皇太后, Huáng Tàihòu) – The widow of a deceased emperor, often the mother of the new emperor.
  • Grand Empress Dowager (太皇太后, Tài Huáng Tàihòu) – The grandmother of the reigning emperor.
  • Virtuous Consorts (昭仪, Zhāoyí; 修仪, Xiūyí, etc.) – Titles used in some dynasties like the Tang, referring to special-ranked concubines with unique responsibilities.

Each dynasty had slight variations, but this structure provides a detailed view of the emperor’s wives’ ranks throughout Chinese history. Would you like information on a specific dynasty or any famous empresses? 😊

Tang Yuan dalam Tradisi Tionghua Dongzhi Festival

Dalam bahasa Mandarin, kata “Dong” berarti “musim dingin” sementara “Zhi” berarti “kedatangan” yang memberikan arti harfiah dari festival ini “datangnya musim dingin”. Dongzhi merayakan titik balik matahari musim dingin, biasanya sekitar tanggal 21 hingga 23 Desember, dan dirayakan pada malam terpanjang dalam setahun. Melambangkan kemenangan cahaya atas kegelapan, Dongzhi, melambangkan bahwa hari-hari akan mulai bertambah panjang dan membawa rasa keseimbangan dan harmoni pada kehidupan manusia. Berdasarkan kepercayaan Tiongkok tentang yin yang, “Yang” melambangkan energi positif, kehangatan, dan cahaya. Setelah Festival Dongzhi, siang hari akan berangsur-angsur memanjang, karena “Yang” juga akan bertambah. Dipercaya oleh sebagian orang bahwa itu adalah hari ketika Dewa Dapur pergi ke surga untuk melaporkan kepada Kaisar Giok tentang perilaku sebuah keluarga.

Tang Yuan, bola-bola pangsit beras ketan, adalah minuman hangat tradisional yang terbuat dari jahe. Bola-bola ketan dalam wedang ronde biasanya berisi kacang tumbuk dan gula merah.

1. Apa itu Tang Yuan?

Tang Yuan (汤圆) adalah bola-bola tepung ketan yang biasanya direbus dan disajikan dalam kuah manis atau gurih. Tang Yuan memiliki makna simbolis dalam budaya Tionghoa:

  • Bentuk bulat: Melambangkan kebersamaan, keharmonisan, dan persatuan keluarga.
  • Rasa manis: Melambangkan kehidupan yang penuh berkah dan kebahagiaan.

2. Hubungan Tang Yuan dengan Festival Dong Zhi

Dong Zhi Festival (冬至), yang berarti “Musim Dingin Tiba,” adalah salah satu festival penting dalam budaya Tionghoa. Biasanya dirayakan sekitar 21-23 Desember, saat siang hari terpendek dalam setahun di belahan bumi utara. Pada festival ini, makan Tang Yuan menjadi tradisi untuk:

  • Menyambut perubahan musim.
  • Mempererat ikatan keluarga.
  • Melambangkan kedewasaan dan tahap kehidupan baru.

Tang Yuan disajikan dalam kuah jahe manis untuk menghangatkan tubuh selama musim dingin.

3. Tang Yuan dalam Tradisi Chinese Indonesia

Di Indonesia, tradisi makan Tang Yuan tidak hanya dilakukan pada Dong Zhi, tetapi juga dalam beberapa perayaan lain, seperti:

  • Imlek (Tahun Baru Imlek): Tang Yuan dimakan sebagai simbol keberuntungan dan kebersamaan keluarga.
  • Pernikahan atau Kelahiran: Disajikan sebagai doa untuk keharmonisan dan kebahagiaan keluarga.
  • Upacara Sembahyang Leluhur: Sebagai persembahan untuk leluhur, melambangkan doa untuk keberkahan keluarga.

4. Cara Membuat Tang Yuan

Bahan Utama:

  • Tepung ketan
  • Air
  • Pewarna makanan (opsional)
  • Gula merah atau jahe untuk kuah manis


  1. Campur tepung ketan dengan sedikit air hingga menjadi adonan yang bisa dibentuk.
  2. Bentuk adonan menjadi bola-bola kecil.
  3. Rebus bola-bola dalam air mendidih hingga mengapung.
  4. Sajikan dengan kuah manis yang terbuat dari gula merah, jahe, dan air.

5. Makna Filosofis Tang Yuan di Indonesia

Bagi komunitas Tionghoa Indonesia, makan Tang Yuan adalah cara untuk:

  • Menghormati tradisi leluhur: Merayakan kebersamaan dengan keluarga.
  • Menghubungkan generasi: Biasanya dibuat bersama-sama oleh keluarga, melibatkan orang tua, anak, dan cucu.
  • Melestarikan budaya: Sebagai salah satu bagian penting dari warisan budaya Tionghoa.

6. Variasi Tang Yuan di Indonesia

Di Indonesia, Tang Yuan sering dimodifikasi dengan cita rasa lokal:

  • Isi gula merah cair atau kacang tanah manis: Sebagai pengaruh budaya Nusantara.
  • Kuah santan: Menggunakan bahan khas Indonesia untuk memberikan rasa gurih-manis.


Festival Tang Yuan adalah bagian penting dari tradisi Tionghoa, baik di China maupun Indonesia. Dalam konteks Indonesia, Tang Yuan tidak hanya menjadi makanan tradisional tetapi juga simbol keharmonisan keluarga, kebahagiaan, dan keberuntungan. Dengan adaptasi lokal, Tang Yuan tetap menjadi salah satu elemen budaya yang dilestarikan oleh komunitas Tionghoa di Indonesia.


Resep Membuat Tang Yuan

Gen Z Explained – A Guide to Generations, By Birth Year

Here’s a concise guide to the various generations, organized by their approximate birth years:

1. The Silent Generation (1928–1945)

  • Characteristics: Known for their strong work ethic, loyalty, and traditional values. They experienced the Great Depression and World War II.

2. Baby Boomers (1946–1964)

  • Characteristics: Born post-World War II during a time of significant population growth. They value personal gratification and are associated with social movements like civil rights and feminism.

3. Generation X (1965–1980)

  • Characteristics: Often seen as the “middle child” generation, they value independence and self-reliance. They witnessed the rise of technology and changes in family dynamics.

4. Millennials (Generation Y) (1981–1996)

  • Characteristics: Digital natives who grew up during the internet explosion. They prioritize experiences over possessions and often value diversity and inclusivity.

5. Generation Z (1997–2012)

  • Characteristics: The first generation to grow up with smartphones and social media. They are known for their activism, awareness of social issues, and preference for authentic communication.

6. Generation Alpha (2010–mid-2020s)

  • Characteristics: The youngest generation, growing up in a fully digital world. They are likely to be more diverse and tech-savvy, with a focus on sustainability and social consciousness.

Summary of Characteristics by Generation:

GenerationBirth YearsKey Traits
Silent Generation1928–1945Traditional, hardworking, loyal
Baby Boomers1946–1964Socially active, idealistic, value personal growth
Generation X1965–1980Independent, pragmatic, adaptable
Millennials1981–1996Tech-savvy, experience-oriented, value diversity
Generation Z1997–2012Activist-minded, social media fluent, individualistic
Generation Alpha2010–mid-2020sDigital natives, environmentally conscious, diverse

Each generation has unique influences and characteristics shaped by the socio-economic, cultural, and technological contexts of their formative years.

Defining Generation Names and Dates

A generation is a group of people born at roughly the same time. They’re usually grouped by a 20-year time interval, says Deborah Carr, PhD, professor and chair of the sociology department of Boston University and author of Golden Years? Social Inequalities in Later Life.

“Generations take on special meaning because their members tend to experience critical life events and transitions at particular historical moments, and these moments define their lives,” says Dr. Carr. Indeed, generations influence everything from baby name trends to parenting styles.

Many experts, including Dr. Carr, agree that the most reliable and well-known generation timeline was identified by authors Neil Howe and William Strauss. However, the latest generational designations come from the Pew Research Center, a “nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world.”1

The Greatest Generation (GI Generation): Born 1901–1927

This generation lived through the Great Depression and then went off to fight in World War II. Notably, they popularized jazz and swing music, but don’t be fooled by the wild provocations of the cultural preferences of the times. Due to the current events of this generation, the challenge of raising a family put a premium on traits like hard work and grit.

The Silent Generation: Born 1928–1945

The silent generation famously got their name for being so conformist that they were silent through the MacCarthy era when the fear of Communism swept the country.2 During this era, kids were expected to earn their way through life using a strong work ethic.

Baby Boom Generation: Born 1946–1964

Gen Z may think of Baby Boomers as their out-of-touch grandparents (as in “OK, Boomer”), but this generation actually had a wild youth we often don’t talk about. Boomers are named for the population “boom” that occurred after WWII, and many young people of this generation defied their parents, protested the Vietnam War, and created the “Summer of Love.”

Boomer parents notably redefined parenting by being the first generation to look at their kids’ perspective of growing up, and they started the concept of having family meetings.

Generation X: Born 1965–1980

So often dismissed as the slacker generation, Generation X lived through the AIDS epidemic, MTV culture, and a shifting landscape that would give rise to LGBTQ+ rights.

Generation X parents were the first to use helicopter parenting styles. Unlike their Boomer parents, who famously let their kids stay outside until the streetlights came on, Gen X’ers tend to be far more involved with their children’s social and educational development.

Millennial Generation or Generation Y: Born 1981–1996

Millennials lived through 9/11, remember when Amazon only sold books, and are also the first generation to know a childhood both with and without the internet, which now plays a significant role in their personal lives.

While Boomers may accuse Millennials of being self-centered and impatient due to their excessive use of technology, this generation has proven to be incredibly community-oriented and environmentally conscious, which are traits being picked up by their children.

When it comes to parenting, millennials are more likely than prior generations to encourage their children to live as their authentic selves, and they’re leading the movement in helping gender non-conforming kids be happy with who they are, points out Carr. “Some millennial parents, who were ‘helicoptered over’ in their youth, are taking on a freer approach to parenting, allowing their children to explore and create without constant structure or supervision.”

Generation Z or iGen: Born 1997–2010

Generation Z kids are the first to be born into a world where they know nothing besides constant connection to one another, albeit through phones, screens, and tablets. However, like millennials before them, Gen Z’ers are often environmentally conscious, inclusive and accepting of others, and extremely politically aware—despite many of them not yet being of voting age.3

Generation Alpha: Born 2010-2024

Kids born between 2010 and 2024 are part of Generation Alpha.4 Generation Alpha is the first generation of kids who will never know a time when social media didn’t exist, and they are far more tech-savvy than any generation previously, which is a powerful tool that can change humanity in myriad positive ways.

It may be too soon to peg the Alphas as this or that based on how little we know about them so far. However, there are a few things we understand: Some Gen Alphas are the first to be born amid the COVID-19 pandemic, they’re more diverse than any other generation, and they’re more likely to be in a single-parent household.4

Like the generations that came before them, every passing year will shape the cultural perception of who they are. In the meantime, parents get the pride and honor to help guide them to making the best choices possible.

The Greatest Generation (GI Generation)Born 1901–1927
The Silent GenerationBorn 1928–1945
Baby Boom GenerationBorn 1946–1964
Generation XBorn 1965–1980
Millennial Generation or Generation YBorn 1981–1996
Generation Z or iGenBorn 1997–2010
Generation AlphaBorn 2010-2025

What is Web3.0 VS Web2.0 VS Web1.0

Web1, Web2, and Web3 are terms that describe the evolution of the internet, each phase marking a shift in how users interact with and experience the web. Here’s a breakdown of each:

1. Web 1.0 (The Static Web)

Web1, or the Static Web, refers to the early phase of the internet, which lasted from the 1990s to the early 2000s. This phase is characterized by:

  • Static content: Webpages were mostly read-only and provided information without any user interaction.
  • Personal websites and portals: Most websites were simple, static pages where users could access information but not contribute or interact with it.
  • Minimal user interaction: Users were passive consumers of content, as there were no platforms for collaboration or participation.
  • Basic technology: Web 1.0 primarily used HTML, images, and basic design elements.

Example: A typical Web1 site would be like an online brochure or a static information page, such as early personal websites or news portals.

2. Web 2.0 (The Social and Interactive Web)

Web2, also known as the Social Web or Interactive Web, emerged in the early 2000s and continues today. It represents a more dynamic, user-focused web. Key characteristics of Web2 include:

  • User-generated content: Users could now create and share their own content, such as blogs, videos, and social media posts.
  • Interactivity and collaboration: Platforms allowed for two-way communication, with websites like Facebook, YouTube, and Wikipedia enabling users to interact and contribute.
  • Dynamic web applications: Webpages became more interactive, using technologies like AJAX, making them responsive and customizable without reloading entire pages.
  • Community-driven platforms: Websites became spaces for users to participate in discussions, share opinions, and collaborate with each other.
  • Data-driven business models: Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google grew by collecting and monetizing user data, primarily through advertising.

Example: Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and collaborative tools like Google Docs are products of Web2.

3. Web 3.0 (The Decentralized Web)

Web3, often referred to as the Decentralized Web or Semantic Web, is the most recent and emerging phase of the internet. It emphasizes user control, decentralization, and improved intelligence. Key features include:

  • Decentralization: Web3 is powered by blockchain technology, which distributes control over data and applications across a peer-to-peer network, rather than being controlled by centralized entities (like large tech companies).
  • User data ownership: Unlike Web2, where platforms own user data, Web3 aims to give users full ownership of their data, with privacy and security being central concerns.
  • Smart contracts: Web3 enables smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements stored on the blockchain. These automate transactions without intermediaries.
  • Cryptocurrencies and digital economies: Web3 integrates digital assets like cryptocurrencies and tokens, allowing users to participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) and own unique digital items via NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).
  • Semantic Web: The goal is also to make the web more intelligent, allowing machines to better understand and process information, making searches and interactions more relevant and personalized.

Example: Decentralized platforms such as Ethereum, IPFS, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications, and NFT marketplaces represent the Web3 era.

Summary of Differences

PhaseWeb 1.0Web 2.0Web 3.0
Era1990s to early 2000sEarly 2000s to presentEmerging (2020s and beyond)
ContentStatic, read-onlyDynamic, user-generatedDecentralized, user-controlled
InteractionPassiveInteractive, socialPeer-to-peer, decentralized
TechnologyHTML, basic webpagesAJAX, APIs, social mediaBlockchain, smart contracts, AI
Data controlOwned by website ownersControlled by large platformsControlled by users, decentralized

Web3 represents the future of the internet, focusing on decentralization, enhanced privacy, and user sovereignty over their data and digital assets.

Type of Work Systems – 996

What is “996“?

996 working, ICU waiting.

A “996” work schedule refers to an unofficial work schedule (9a.m. ~ 9p.m., 6 days a week) that has been gaining in popularity. Serving a company that encourages the “996” work schedule usually means working for at least 60 hours a week.

996 work system: arrive at work at 9 am every day and work until 9 pm. Work 6 days a week.

955 work system: arrive at work at 9 am every day and work until 5 pm. Work 5 days a week.

944 work system: arrive at work at 9 am every day and work until 4 pm. Work 4 days a week.

996.ICU : Work 996, be sick in ICU.

955.WLB : Work 955, work-life balance.

944.Life : Work 944, life comes first.

The following list of companies basically do not belong to the 996 companies, and are relatively close to the 955/965 level, but it still depends on the department and region, and cannot be guaranteed to be completely accurate.

  • It cannot be guaranteed that all departments are at the level of 955/10-6-5/965/10-7-5
  • Even if the average level of the department is 955/10-6-5/965/10-7-5, you may still have to work overtime part of the time.
  • Some departments of some companies in the list may have 975 or even 985 students. Don’t generalize.
  • Some companies in the list may have some or even more departments with 945, 10-5-5 or 11-6-5, so we have included them in the list.
  • Currently, most of the companies on the list are in Shanghai because I am in Shanghai and have a relatively good understanding of the situation in Shanghai. This does not mean that most of the 955 companies are in Shanghai. You are welcome to continue voting, and I will add more companies based on the voting results.

About the future

Always know what you want.

What I want now is an environment where I can learn English and technology, so that my choices in the future will not be limited to China, but will be from all over the world.

If you are nostalgic for the high salaries of domestic large companies

If you are afraid of going to a strange place

If you seek stability and are unwilling to change

Please stay in the country, come on.

If you like a challenge

If you like to experience different life

If you yearn for equal human rights, freedom of speech, and a society ruled by law

The world is so big, go out and see it.

There are many things you can’t change, but you can choose to leave

Work SystemHours per DayDays per WeekExample Company/IndustryDescription
9969 am – 9 pm6Some tech companies in China (e.g., Alibaba)Long hours, prevalent in tech and startup culture in China.
9559 am – 5 pm5Standard corporate companies worldwideStandard work schedule in many countries.
9449 am – 4 pm4Some creative agencies and consulting firmsShorter workweek with slightly reduced daily hours.
8888 am – 8 pm4 (per week)Manufacturing industry with rotating shiftsLonger daily hours, common in shift-based industries.
41010 hours4Some government jobs and tech companiesFour-day workweek with 10-hour shifts.
9879 am – 8 pm7Startups in high-growth phasesIntense schedule with no days off for quick scaling.
7747 am – 7 pm4Healthcare workers and emergency servicesLong shifts but three consecutive days off.
5825 am – 8 pm2Part-time workers in retail or emergency servicesVery long shifts with significant days off.
9989 am – 9 pm4 (per week)IT support companies with alternate workweeksAlternating week schedule with long daily hours.
104510 am – 4 pm5Freelancers and part-time workersShorter daily shifts for a flexible schedule.
6636 am – 6 pm3Oil and gas industry workers, emergency respondersIntensive shifts with more days off.
9649 am – 6 pm4Innovative tech companies focusing on work-life balanceBalanced workweek for better work-life balance.
99699 am – 9 pm6 (for 9 months)Construction projects, startups with intense deadlines9 months intense work, 3 months reduced work/vacation.
8458 am – 4 pm5Public sector, schools, educational institutionsStandard workday with earlier start and finish.
1212412 hours4Healthcare (e.g., nurses, EMTs), fire servicesLonger shifts, common in emergency and production roles.
9829 am – 8 pm2Weekend-only retail or event-based industriesFull weekend off, fewer but longer shifts.
107510 am – 7 pm5Retail stores, customer service centersSlightly later start for flexibility, covering customer hours.
1212612 hours6Police, fire departments, intensive project phasesIntense schedule with only one day off per week.
9359 am – 3 pm5Part-time workers, flexible work for parentsShorter shifts for part-time or flexible work.
24/724 hours on-call7On-call IT support, doctors, maintenance engineersOn-call availability at all times, often in critical industries.
9959 am – 9 pm5Law firms during peak cases, financial consultingIntense daily hours but retains a full weekend off.
6866 am – 8 pm6Logistics and delivery services during peak seasonsDemanding work schedule, nearly full-week work.
3433 pm – 4 am3Nightclubs, security services, night-shift operationsNight shifts covering late hours.
8448 am – 4 pm4Small businesses, some consulting or remote teamsShorter workweek with standard daily hours.
1213612 hours3 (on), 6 (off)Offshore drilling, rotational workers in remote locationsRotational schedule, intensive work followed by rest days.
Type of Work System

Pig Butchering Scam

Every year, people around the world lose millions of dollars to a sophisticated scam known as “the pig butchering romance scam”.

The Pig Butchering Scam (also known as “Sha Zhu Pan” 殺豬盤/杀猪盘 or “slaughtering the pig”) is a type of financial scam that originated in China and has since spread globally. It is a long-con romance and investment scam where the victim (referred to as the “pig”) is “fattened up” emotionally and psychologically by the scammer over time before being “butchered,” meaning they are coerced into investing large sums of money into fake investment schemes.

How the Scam Works:

  1. Initial Contact and Relationship Building:
    • Scammers typically approach victims through dating apps, social media, or cold messaging on platforms like WhatsApp.
    • They spend weeks or months building a fake relationship, gaining the victim’s trust by pretending to be romantically interested, showing care, or posing as a friend.
  2. Introducing the Fake Investment:
    • Once trust is established, the scammer introduces the victim to a fake investment opportunity. This could be a cryptocurrency investment, forex trading, or any high-return scheme.
    • The scammer shows supposed “evidence” of their own profits and convinces the victim that they, too, can make money quickly.
  3. Small Returns to Gain Trust:
    • Victims are often persuaded to invest a small initial amount, and the scammer may provide fake returns to make the investment seem legitimate and lucrative.
    • This initial success motivates the victim to invest more money.
  4. The Big Loss – Butchering the Pig:
    • Once the victim has invested a large sum, the scammer disappears with the money or prevents the victim from withdrawing their funds.
    • The victim is left with no access to their “investment,” which in reality never existed.

Characteristics of the Scam:

  • Long-term Manipulation: The scam takes time, as the scammer “fattens up” the victim by developing a deep emotional connection.
  • High Returns Promised: Victims are usually promised high or guaranteed returns, making the scam seem like a “once in a lifetime” opportunity.
  • Use of Fake Investment Platforms: The scam often involves convincing the victim to invest through fake websites or apps that appear legitimate, complete with customer support and live dashboards to show false profits.
  • Withdrawal Blockage: When the victim tries to withdraw their funds, they may be told there are “fees” or “taxes” to pay, which are just tactics to extract more money before the scammer vanishes.

How to Avoid Pig Butchering Scams:

  • Be Wary of Strangers Online: Be cautious about people who approach you on dating apps or social media, especially if they bring up financial opportunities.
  • Do Not Share Personal Information: Avoid sharing sensitive personal details or financial information with people you haven’t met in person.
  • Research Investment Opportunities Thoroughly: If someone suggests an investment platform, research it thoroughly. Be skeptical of high returns or “no risk” opportunities.
  • Avoid Transferring Money Quickly: Do not send money to someone you just met online or invest in schemes you don’t fully understand.

The Pig Butchering Scam is a sophisticated, emotionally manipulative con, preying on vulnerable individuals who trust the scammer. By being aware of the tactics used, you can better protect yourself and others from falling victim to this type of fraud.

The scam takes its name from the victims, who the scammers call “pigs” that they “fatten up” before slaughter. It usually begins with a text message that appears to be a wrong number. People who respond are lured into a long conversation with a good-looking and wealthy stranger who eventually offers to teach them how to make money with crypto investments. The investments are (of course) fake, and once victims send enough of their money, the scammers disappear. Victims frequently lose their life savings, and often the crime goes unreported because the victim is so embarrassed by what happened. A Kansas banker embezzled almost $50 million dollars from his bank as part of a pig-butchering scam, leading to the bank’s failure.

List of Common Terms

Investors need to understand the common terms related to Pig Butchering scams in order to protect themselves from being financially victimized.

  • Cryptocurrency – A digital currency in which transactions are verified and records maintained by a decentralized system using cryptography, rather than by a centralized authority.
  • Dating Apps – An application that enables people to meet for a date and possible lasting relationship (i.e., Tinder, Bumble, eHarmony).
  • Emotions – A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
  • Encrypted messaging applications – Provide end-to-end encryption for user-to-user text
  • messaging. Encrypted messaging prevents anyone from monitoring your text conversations.
  • Fake Profiles – A profile where someone is pretending to be something or someone that doesn’t exist.
  • Fake trading platform – Binary options trading platforms manipulate the trading software to distort binary options prices and payouts. For example, when a customer’s trade is “winning,” the countdown to expiration is extended arbitrarily until the trade becomes a loss.
  • Investing scam – Happens when people try to trick you into investing money. A scammer may lie to you or give you fake information about a real investment.
  • Love Bombing – The action or practice of lavishing someone with attention or affection, especially to influence or manipulate them.
  • Manipulation – To control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one’s own advantage.

The Red Flags

  • Out of the blue text message from wrong number.
  • Builds a relationship over time.
  • Encourages potential victim to start investing in cryptocurrency.
  • Quickly switches from one platform to another to avoid detection.

Don’t Be a Victim!

  • Have you been using social media apps that you don’t understand?
  • Did you give/share your personal or financial information with someone you just met?
  • Did you invest with an online app and can’t get your money back?

We are Here to Help!

  • Do you think you are a victim of a Pig Butchering scam, financial fraud or investment fraud?
  • Act quick, get help and stop any wiring/transferring of money or cryptocurrencies.
  • Make detailed notes and keep all documentation relating to the transaction.
  • Call your local police, law enforcement office, or the Securities Division to file a report.


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  • Relevant and High-Quality Links Only: We accept links that provide value to the audience and are relevant to the content of the article. The content should align with our audience’s interests in software development, technology, or similar niches.

How to Get Started

Interested in getting your article published on It’s simple! Reach out to us with your topic ideas, target keyword, and URL. Once your submission is approved, we will craft a well-researched article tailored to your needs, and it will be published promptly after payment.

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Whether you’re looking to enhance your brand’s SEO, gain more exposure, or drive traffic to your site, a guest post on can be a game-changer for your business. Secure your spot now for just $50 and watch your website’s authority grow!

For inquiries or to start your guest posting journey, contact us today. We look forward to working with you!

1. Can you provide samples?
Yes, contact us to request samples.

2. Are these Private Blog Network (PBN) guest posts?
No, these are real websites with real traffic.

3. Can I choose the niche of the website?
Yes, absolutely. Contact us for a list of websites related to your niche.

4. Do you offer discounts?
Yes, we do. We want to work with you in the long term so we provide discounts for bulk orders and people who want to resell our services. We have a tiered discount system:

  • Tier 1 -5-10 guest posts: 5% discount
  • Tier 2 – 11-15 guest posts: 10% discount
  • Tier 3 – 16-20 guest posts: 15% discount
  • Tier 4 -21-30 guest posts: 20% discount
  • Tier 5 -31-50 guest posts: 25% discount
  • Tier 6 – 51-99 guest posts: 30% discount
  • Tier 7 – 100+ guest posts: 35% discount

The above tiers is based on lifetime orders so if you purchase your 11th guest post, you will get 10% lifetime discounts. Once you purchase your 100th guest post, you will get 35% lifetime discounts for all future orders. For example, if you buy 100 guest posts in your first order, you will get 35% discount straight away.

5. What is your refund policy?
After we create the guest posts for you, we will provide you with a report of the links. You can request a refund before we deliver the report. Once the report has been delivered, no refund can be provided. We will of course provide a refund if we fail to deliver the guest posts.

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Install Memcached in PHP8.2-FPM+ With NGINX Ubuntu

0. Don’t forget to install pear for pecl call.

sudo apt-get install -y php8.2-pear

1. After You install the php8.2-fpm you run this command:

sudo apt-get -y install gcc make autoconf libc-dev pkg-config
sudo apt-get -y install zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libmemcached-dev
sudo pecl install memcached


WARNING: channel "" has updated its protocols, use "pecl channel-update" to update
pecl/memcached can optionally use PHP extension "igbinary" (version >= 2.0)
pecl/memcached can optionally use PHP extension "msgpack" (version >= 2.0)
downloading memcached-3.2.0.tgz …
Starting to download memcached-3.2.0.tgz (90,722 bytes)
…………………done: 90,722 bytes
18 source files, building
running: phpize

When you are shown the following prompts, you will want to press Enter to select the default option for all of the prompts except for enable sasl. When shown the enable sasl prompt, input “no”, then press Enter.

Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20220829
Zend Module Api No: 20220829
Zend Extension Api No: 420220829
libmemcached directory [no] : no
zlib directory [no] : no
use system fastlz [no] : no
enable igbinary serializer [no] : no
enable msgpack serializer [no] : no
enable json serializer [no] : no
enable server protocol [no] : no
enable sasl [yes] : non
enable sessions [yes] :

Once installed, create a configuration file for the extension and restart PHP by running the following commands as root

sudo bash -c "echo '' >> /etc/php/8.2/fpm/php.ini"
sudo bash -c "echo '' >> /etc/php/8.2/cli/php.ini"
sudo service php8.2-fpm restart

Reference Link


Regret is always coming behind, according to a statistical data of a study that examined the elderly in America mentions there are five biggest regrets they experience in their old age and ninety-two percent of it is “they regret not working hard to achieve all their dreams in their youth” sometimes it’s not other people who destroy our lives, but we have been destroyed because of ourselves and the biggest destroyer is “DOUBT” hesitate to choose, hesitate to move, hesitate to decide, hesitate to act, and finally when we can choose at that time we are already at the end of our age so at the end of our age we already regret it.

All humans will indeed die but so many people die before they die, he can’t be a human that his family can be proud of, he can’t be a father to be a role model for his son, no one told about him even when he dies he will die in quiet state condition and he died with regret, this article is for those of you who are afraid to go out of comfort zone who is afraid of everything that hasn’t happened yet.

Before it’s too late “wake up” and chase all your big dreams, maybe some of you want to send your children to the best school, make your parents proud, have a luxury house, have a luxury car, and so on, what is your biggest dream? there’s nothing wrong with dreaming, indeed not all our dreams can be achieved but without dreams, you are not going anywhere!! What are you afraid of? what makes you doubt? are you afraid to fail? Or are you afraid that theory doesn’t match reality? is that road to success scarier than your success?

Your problem has nothing to do with the dreams you will achieve later, Don’t you know that success must go through failure first, Don’t you know that a true champion has to go through pain when he trains, if you don’t fight then you will never win, know that a reliable sailor is born because he has sailed an ocean full of waves there is no great sailor just leaning on the pier, a great man is born from the difficulties and pain he goes through.

Life is not just a matter of going in the morning and returning in the evening with mediocre income, life is not just paying debts every month it’s static and boring, this life must be proud, this life must be colorful, this life must be quality and this life must be able to share with the others yes this sounds is hard but which one should you choose, it’s hard temporarily because you’re struggling or it’s hard forever because you don’t want to try.

Conquer your fears, defeat your doubts, no one can change your own des unless you are willing to change it, life must be great, don’t want to live like flowing water because all that flows in the water is dirt and dead fish, history is always carved by the winning generation not a generation full of doubts and cowards there is no failure for those who never give up make your family proud, make your religion proud, make your country proud, be the generation of winners if there is one person in this world who can do it, that means we can too, don’t be an ordinary person, be an extraordinary person and may God bless us all. thank you

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