Category: event
Kodepos Indonesia Lengkap Setiap Wilayah Kecamatan Kelurahan Kota di Indonesia
Kode Pos Negara Indonesia lengkap, dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Dengan menggunakan datatable. Dapat diakses oleh mobile maupun desktop. Kode Pos adalah serangkaian angka dan/atau huruf yang menunjukkan kode lokasi suatu daerah. Setiap digit dalam kode pos mengindentifikasi daerah tersebut. Temukan kode pos seluruh Indonesia lengkap beserta nama kelurahan, kecamatan, kabupaten/kota dan provinsi dengan mudah dalam hitungan detik. Database kode pos seluruh wilayah Indonesia lengkap dengan kelurahan, kecamatan, kota dan provinsi di Indonesia.
Cara cek kode pos pertama yang bisa kamu lakukan adalah dengan menggunakan web khusus cek kode pos melalui ponsel.
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Getting Started With Axie Infinity Tutorial | NFT Online Game
Axie Infinity is a NFT-based online video game developed by Vietnamese studio Sky Mavis, which uses Ethereum-based cryptocurrency $AXS and $SLP. Currently it’s the most expensive NFTs collection with more than $42 million in sales in June 2021.
- Initial release date: 2018
- Developer: SKY Mavis PTE. Ltd.
- Genres: Non-fungible token, Online game
- Platforms: Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows, macOS
Getting Started With Axie Infinity Tutorial:
- Getting started by visit the Axie Website
- Create Ronin Wallet by Visit
- Create Account in Metamask
- Download Mavis Hub by clicking PLAY NOW
- Connect Axie Account with Ronin Wallet
Bumi Perkemahan Taman Bincarung | Pasir Angling
Bagi yang suka berkemah bareng keluarga dan teman-teman di area Bandung, dapat ke Bumi Perkemahan Taman Bincarung, Pasir Angling yang berada di area Maribaya Bandung.
Info per Agustus 2021
Ada 2 lokasi perkemahan, Umum dan Private
- Bisa berkemah di manapun di area umum, tapi tergantung oleh padatnya pengunjung.
- Tiket Masuk Rp. 5,000.- / Orang (Bayi tidak dihitung)
- Tiket Parkir Rp. 5,000.- / Mobil
- Mendapatkan gazebo, tidak dilewati orang umum.
- Tiket per gazebo Rp. 150,000.- / 24 jam (Kemah Pagi jam 7, dapat pulang sampai jam 7 lagi, bukan seperti hotel)
- Hanya ada 2 lokasi untuk gazebo per agustus 2021
Booking Acara atau bertanya langsung kontak:
Mas Ade di Whatsapp / Telepon:
Lokasi –
Info Perjalanan ke Perkemahaan
- Setelah naik ke Pasir Angling, jalanan hanya cukup untuk 1 mobil.
- Ketika berpas-pasan dengan mobil lain, saling mengalah, karena mereka warga sekitar.
- Kalau bisa pergi pagi, dan pulang sore.
Info Keadaan Sekitar Perkemahan
- Ada Warung jual pop mie, air, kelapa, gorengan, dan lain lain.
- WC jongkok ada, sedang dibangun WC baru.
- Air sangat dingin.
- Ada masjid.
- Waspada banyak lalat.
- Ada beberapa anjing menunggu dikasih makan.
- Banyak Pohon Berdekatan, bisa pasang hammock.
Alat-alat yang disarankan untuk dibawa
- Flysheet
- Tiker
- Makanan Ringan
- Bawa Alat Gorengan / Panggangan diperbolehkan
- Selimut
- Jaket
- Plastik sampah
- Kopi
- Rokok
Daftar 50 Lapangan GOR Badminton di Kota Bandung
50 GOR Badminton beserta dengan alamat dan telepon yang ada di Kota Bandung.
Sports Arena TTH (3 Lapang) | Jl. Raya Kopo No.105, Situsaeur, Kec. Bojongloa Kidul, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40234 | (022) 5221776 | |
GOR Burujul, Taman Kopo Indah II | Jl. Burujul Margaasih, Bandung, West Java 40218 | +62 859-3851-2056 | |
Gor Olahraga Paramount Futsal (1 Lapang) | Jl. Inhoftank No.8, Pelindung Hewan, Kec. Astanaanyar, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40243 | 0831-0777-6336 | |
GOR Badminton Samsudin (4 Lapang) | Di Dalam SMP Negeri 11 Kota Bandung Jl. H. Samsudin No.34, Ciateul, Kec. Regol, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40252 | (022) 5200816 | |
GOR Sky (2 Lapang) | Jl. Babakan Radio No.60B, Sukaraja, Kec. Cicendo, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40175 | 0852-2200-6193 | |
Badminton Court @ Batununggal Indah Club (3 Lapang) | Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Jl. Batununggal Indah IX No.2, Mengger, Kec. Bandung Kidul, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40266 | (022) 7560200 | |
Singgasana Sport & Recreation Centre (4 Lapang) | Singgasana Pradana, Jl. Galuh Pakuan Barat No.3, Cibaduyut Wetan, Kec. Bojongloa Kidul, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40553 | (022) 5436458 | |
Gor Argo Suci (3 Lapang) | Jl. PH.H. Mustofa, Neglasari, Kec. Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40124 | 0878-2534-4143 | |
GOR Badminton BM77 (3 Lapang) | Jl. Pasirlayung Sel. No.7 – 9, Pasirlayung, Kec. Cibeunying Kidul, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40192 | 0878-2333-2904 | |
GOR Stamina (2 Lapang) | Jl. Rancabolang, Manjahlega, Kec. Rancasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40286 | ||
Margahayu Sky Sports (2 Lapang) | Jl. Rancabolang No.167, Sekejati, Kec. Rancasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40286 | (022) 7564420 | |
GOR PDAM Bandung (3 Lapang) | Jl. Badak Singa No.10, Lb. Siliwangi, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132 | (022) 2509030 | |
GOR Sirga (1 Lapang) | Jl. Sirna Galih No.143, Pasirlayung, Kec. Cibeunying Kidul, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40195 | ||
Gor Tamim Gg H Tamim (2 Lapang) | Gg. H. Tamim VIII, Padasuka, Kec. Cibeunying Kidul, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40125 | 0852-2228-3496 | |
GOR Badminton Cisitu (4 Lapang) | Jl. Cisitu Indah V, Dago, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40135 | ||
GOR Badminton Kote 28 (2 Lapang) | Gg. Kote No.28, Karanganyar, Kec. Astanaanyar, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40241 | 0856-2007-773 | |
GOR Kuda Putih (1 Lapang) | Dago, Coblong, Bandung City, West Java 40135 | 0812-2368-7746 | |
GOR Badminton Lohita (2 Lapang) | Dago, Coblong, Bandung City, West Java 40135 | 0822-2159-8370 | |
Gor Badminton Arcamanik (3 Lapang) | Jl. Pacuan Kuda No.50, Sukamiskin, Kec. Arcamanik, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40293 | ||
GOR Bulutangkis ABA (4 Lapang) | Jl. Sanggar Kencana Utama No.28, Jatisari, Kec. Buahbatu, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40286 | 0811-2343-465 | |
GOR DEWA Badminton (4 Lapang) | Jl. Sukakarya II No.6, Cicaheum, Kec. Kiaracondong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40282 | 0857-2051-6889 | |
GOR (Badminton) Maranti (1 Lapang) | Gg. H. Ahmad No.24, Ciseureuh, Kec. Regol, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40255 | ||
GOR SITU AKSAN (1 Lapang) | Jl. Situ Aksan No.45, Sukahaji, Kec. Babakan Ciparay, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40221 | (022) 6030420 | |
Wisma Parahyangan Badminton (3 Lapang) | Jl. Garuda No.72A, Dungus Cariang, Kec. Andir, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40184 | ||
PT Dadali Sport Center (3 Lapang) | Jl. Pinguin Raya No.2, Garuda, Kec. Andir, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40184 | (022) 6031363 | |
Gor Prestasi Badminton Sport Center (2 Lapang) | Jl. Muararajeun, Cihaur Geulis, Kec. Cibeunying Kaler, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40122 | (022) 7273370 | |
GOR Badminton Lodaya (2 Lapang) | Jl. Lodaya No.20, Malabar, Kec. Lengkong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40262 | ||
GOR Bulutangkis Sejati (2 Lapang) | Jl. Buah Batu No.157, Cijagra, Kec. Lengkong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40265 | 0852-2284-1815 | |
GOR Bulutangkis Garandiri (2 Lapang) | Jl. Rajamantri Kulon No.11, Turangga, Kec. Lengkong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40264 | 0815-5409-7013 | |
Gor Siliwangi Bandung (1 Lapang) | Jl. Tongkeng, Merdeka, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40113 | ||
GOR KONI – Kota Bandung (5 Lapang) | Jl. Jakarta No.18, Kacapiring, Kec. Batununggal, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40271 | 0813-2113-5225 | |
Gor Badminton Sutami (1 Lapang) | Jl. Sukasari IV No.35, Sukawarna, Kec. Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40164 | (022) 2015116 | |
GOR Bulutangkis B4T (1 Lapang) | Jl. Terusan Katamso No.16, Cikutra, Kec. Cibeunying Kidul, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40124 | 0859-7447-8575 | |
Gor Cinde Itenas (3 Lapang) | Jl. PH.H. Mustofa No.139, Neglasari, Kec. Cibeunying Kaler, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40124 | 0877-2286-4421 | |
GOR PB 40 (1 Lapang) | Gg. Arbian, Cipedes, Kec. Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40162 | ||
Gor Badminton Bumi Kopo Kencana (3 Lapang) | Jl. Paseban Kencana Barat V No.67A, Suka Asih, Bojongloa Kaler, Bandung City, West Java 40231 | (022) 6006045 | |
Futsal & Badminton Kopo Kreatif Arena (1 Lapang) | Jl. Raya Kopo No.457, Cirangrang, Kec. Babakan Ciparay, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40235 | (022) 5422579 | |
GOR Alam Jaya TKI 2 (4 Lapang) | Kav Industri, Jl. Taman Kopo Indah 2 No.6, Rahayu, Margaasih, Bandung, West Java 40218 | (022) 85447731 | |
GOR CHANDRA (2 Lapang) | Pasadena Residence Blok Mawar A4 No 3, North Margahayu, Babakan Ciparay, Bandung City, West Java 40224 | 0856-2006-300 | |
GOR Bikasoga (8 Lapang) | Jl. Suryalaya Indah No.1-3, Cijagra, Kec. Lengkong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40265 | (022) 7311191 | |
Tiga Sodara Badminton Sports Court (1 Lapang) | Gg. Sukabakti II No.2, Sukabungah, Kec. Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40162 | 0818-0929-6350 | |
Gor Dahana (1 Lapang) | Jl. Cibarengkok No.89-103, Sukabungah, Kec. Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40162 | ||
GOR PB SGS PLN BANDUNG (3 Lapang) | Soekarno-Hatta St No.440, Ciseureuh, Regol, Bandung City, West Java 40255 | 0878-2334-3677 | |
GOR Bulutangkis Mengger (1 Lapang) | 2JJG+J4C, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, West Java 40267 | ||
Gor Sentosa Dayeuh Kolot (1 Lapang) | 2J9H+JGH, Citeureup, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, West Java 40257 | 0817-433-277 | |
GOR SPONTAN (1 Lapang) | Gg. PGA, Lengkong, Kec. Bojongsoang, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40287 | ||
GOR Satrio (2 Lapang) | 3MQ7+347, Antapani Wetan, Antapani, Bandung City, West Java 40291 | ||
GOR BADMINTON SETIABUDI (2 Lapang) | Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.84, Hegarmanah, Kec. Cidadap, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40141 | (022) 2034462 | |
Gedung Olah Raga “GEARS” (1 Lapang) | Gg. Gagak V No.18, Sukaluyu, Kec. Cibeunying Kaler, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40123 | 0823-7222-8384 | |
GOR Bulutangkis MELATI (1 Lapang) | Jl. Sukagalih II, RT.06/RW.08, Cipedes, Kec. Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40162 | 0819-1285-7628 | |
Gor Rahayu Badminton (2 Lapang) | Bl. Cibabat No.129, Cibabat, Kec. Cimahi Utara, Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat 40513 | ||
GOR Badminton Cikondang (1 Lapang) | Jl. Cikondang, Sadang Serang, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40133 |
Lapangan bulu tangkis berbentuk persegi panjang dan mempunyai ukuran seperti terlihat pada gambar. Garis-garis yang ada mempunyai ketebalan 40 mm dan harus berwarna kontras terhadap warna lapangan. Warna yang disarankan untuk garis adalah putih atau kuning. Permukaan lapangan disarankan terbuat dari kayu atau bahan sintetis yang lunak. Permukaan lapangan yang terbuat dari beton atau bahan sintetik yang keras sangat tidak dianjurkan karena dapat mengakibatkan cedera pada pemain. Jaring setinggi 1,55 m berada tepat di tengah lapangan. Jaring harus berwarna gelap kecuali bibir jaring yang mempunyai ketebalan 75 mm harus berwarna putih.
Aviation Movie – Alan Walker Full & Android Games
Alan Walker has created a new unique and immersive experience for fans in the form of the Aviation Movie which is available on his YouTube channel. What exactly is it though? The Aviation Movie is a concert film told in different parts which act as episodes. Not only is it a concert film though, it combines elements of a narrative arc from the Walker cinematic universe, overall creating a unique viewing experience.
Warframe Drop Data – Fishing – Time Schedule Cycle
Warframe Time Schedule Cycle to help the Tenno to farm or hunt or quest or fish. Warframe hub strives to be the community center of the Warframe game.
What inspires Dota 2 developers
Dota 2 is a MOBA game developed by Valve. The game is a sequel to the custom DotA map from Warcraft III. Initially, Dota 2 was released on the Source game engine, but in 2015, Valve ported it to the improved Source 2 engine. Over the seven years since its release, Dota 2 has received many changes in mechanics, terrain and economy, and has also gone far from the initial ideas strictly adhere to the lore of the game. So, where did Valve get the idea for their game?
Valve has ceased to adhere to its own rules
For a long time, Valve developed Dota 2 based on the original lore of the game, which was borrowed from the first Dota. They also did not depart from the basic mechanics of the game. Starting in 2011, after The International 1 and until 2015, Valve has strictly adhered to the rule of preserving and maintaining the aesthetics of Dota 2. According to this, sets from the Steam Workshop can be added to the game if:
- A hero’s silhouette must be clearly identifiable at first glance.
- The silhouette should show a character’s orientation.
- Custom items are welcome to differ from the default silhouette of the hero as long as the character is still identifiable and the mesh is compatible with Valve’s default hero skeleton and animations.
- To support the readability and directionality of the hero, drastically different silhouettes for some items could be balanced by more familiar colors or silhouettes for other items.
But, after porting the game to the new engine, the Dota 2 developers commuted the rules, which made it possible to create custom game modes, map designs, and cosmetic items for heroes using the Steam Workshop.
SirBelvedere, one of the very first insiders said:
Valve have figured the restraint was doing more harm than good.
At some point you have to get out of that mindset otherwise it is going to be more and more of the same year after year. We’re nearly 7+ years into Dota cosmetics now and for most part, the majority of the cosmetics still follow the same old guidelines.
Nikita «Nikey» Evsikov and Konstantin «KAaS» Turovets – Lead Artists of the Workshop Tavern – expressed their opinion on Valve’s rules regarding the restrictions for creating styles for heroes:
It is very difficult to develop in Dota. They pay very well here, but if you focus only on Dota, it will be impossible to develop skill. Therefore, you often have to get distracted and do something for yourself and for your portfolio.
Most of the workshops come here to get into their favorite game. The Workshop has experienced artists who work in large studios in different countries and have huge experience. And when you realize that you are competing and are in the chest somewhere on a par with them, it’s just a wonderful feeling.
In addition, Nikita and Konstantin complained that many artists remain unknown to the players:
There are people who have been working on content creation for a very long time. We are already like a team. Of course, they sometimes invite us to events, but I would like them to somehow take and highlight the most active people. Talked about them, posted a portfolio of the most popular and famous. So that players can come in, meet or analyze. But there is no such thing yet. Just show that we are important to you. After all, someone has been working on a game for six or nine years. And that’s important to us too.
Steam Workshop is a new generator of ideas!
As part of The International 2015, a friendly All-Stars match was held, in which Valve presented a surprise to TI viewers. The show match was held in 10×10 mode, where, in addition to professional players, 10 spectators from Key Arena also participated in it.
With this match, Valve has given an unspoken green light to a bunch of modders. From that moment, various custom maps, heroes, mechanics, abilities and artifacts appeared in the game. Popular modes such as Attack on Hero, Dota 2 Horde Mode, Dota Auto Chess, Together We Stand and Roshpit Champions not only diversified the game but also gave Valve developers new ideas both for Dota 2 and for creating new game projects.
Thus, all these unique mechanics, we could see in such events as: «Siltbreaker», «The Underhollow», «Wrath of the Mo’rokai» and «Aghanim’s Labyrinth». In addition, all the same mechanics with outposts and talent trees, as well as neutral items, were borrowed from the community maps.
One system for several projects – is that bad?
On November 25, Valve announced the imminent release of the Overwatch system for Dota 2. This system will help to combat aggressive chatting and deliberate obstruction of normal play. But this patrol has been successfully functioning in CS:GO since 2015.
It would seem, what is the problem with introducing this system into Dota 2? Initially, Overwatch contradicted the principle of anonymity. And with the release of Battle Pass 2020, Valve developers faced a problem when users found the matches they needed, using the list of heroes and sides.
In addition, in 2018, the developers decided to abandon the usual MMR model in Dota 2 and introduce a new rating system in the updated matchmaking, which was previously used in CS:GO. This system received a table of ranks and was designed in such a way that it does not allow more experienced players to team up or confront players with lower skill levels.
Where else to get ideas?
An early goal of the Dota 2 development team was to adapt the Defense of the Ancients art style to the Source game engine. Hero names, abilities, artifacts, and map design from the Warcraft III mod have been largely retained in Dota 2 with some changes due to Blizzard’s trademarks. After a while, the gaming community began to wait for the release of new heroes from Valve.
Like everything in our world, ideas with heroes were not new. So some of the heroes were taken from mythology, and some ideas were spied on from competitors.
As a result, the gaming community can find both obvious similarities with heroes from various MOBA games and not so much.
In addition, in August 2020, dataminers found references to the heroes of DotA 2 that had not yet been released. From this information, you can find some heroes like Fenrir (Primal Beast), Freya (Valkyrie) and Puppet Master, whose analogs already exist in other MOBA projects.
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Android Game for Kids at Playstore | siakew
Guess Color is made for kids to imagine that You are the Art Student, You need to know a kind of color in the library by see the visual of animal. There is two Mode Normal Mode and Time Survival Mode.
Forestdom is made for kids to imagine that You are the Animal Adventurer, You need to know a kind of animal in the forest by hearing the sound and the shape of the animal.
siakew is game enthusiast that have an idea to make game for kids. Since now most of Android games are for teenagers.