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You’ll find riches in rhythm, and fame in six strings
But beware the tax burden axe mastery brings
Under Arcade & Rhythm games, the Guitar Billionaire game will appear completely random.
The only way to locate the game is via the trial and error method. (!don’t be confused, can be any of categories!)
Keep clicking on different games categories until you find Guitar Billionaire game.
You’ve settled a city and put down your roots
But now can you settle small legal disputes?
Step 1: First Click on “Go Find It” Button Below the Clue 2
Step 2: Then Under City & Settlement Builder, Tap on “City Builder Category“. (!don’t be confused, can be any of categories!)
Step 3: After that scroll down and Go to Casual.
Step 4: Now, swipe right or left and you will find Custard Castle Small Claims Court and click on it.
Sport is the angle
The bait the allure
Success the disease
And you are the cure
Step 1: First Click on “Go Find It” Button Below the Clue 3
Step 2: Then Under Sports Games, Click on Casual tab. (!don’t be confused, can be any of categories!)
Step 3: After that scroll down and Go to Baseball.
Step 4: Now, swipe right or left and you will find Bass Ain’t Bitin’ 2022 and click on it.
Maybe you managed to shut down your rivals
Your lucrative theme park’s still dead on arrival
Step 1: First Click on “Go Find It” Button Below the Clue 4
Step 2: Then Under Simulation, Click on Life & Immersive Sim tab.
Step 3: After that scroll down and Go to the Management. (!don’t be confused, can be any of categories!)
Step 4: Now, swipe right or left and you will find Dead Seagull Zoo Magnate and click on it.
A know-it-all’s monstrous need to correct you
Will give you and your friends a lot to object to
Step 1: First Click on “Go Find It” Button Below the Clue 5.
Step 2: Then Under Co-operative Games, Click on Action tab. (!don’t be confused, can be any of categories!)
Step 3: After that scroll down and Go to the controller-friendly.
Step 4: Now, swipe right or left and you will find Actually… Frankenstein’s Monster Edition and click on it.
No actions to take or choices to make
This passive adventure prefers that you wait
Step 1: First Click on “Go Find It” Button Below the Clue 6.
Step 2: Then Under Casual, Click on Word & Trivia tab. (!don’t be confused, can be any of categories!)
Step 3: After that scroll down and Go to the Open World.
Step 4: Now, You will find It’s Probably Fine and click on it.
Your role in this realm
Is to guide your king true
To sit on his throne
Or mayhap on two
Step 1: First Click on “Go Find It” Button Below the Clue 7.
Step 2: Then Under Role-Playing Games, Click on Strategy RPG tab. (!don’t be confused, can be any of categories!)
Step 3: After that scroll down and Go to the ROGUELIKE.
Step 4: Now, swipe right or left and You will find Help Get The King To The Toilet and click on it. Congratulation!
The horror the horror, pretentious explorers
This one’s the father of all arty snorers
Step 1: First Click on “Go Find It” Button Below the Clue 8.
Step 2: Then Under HORROR GAMES, Click on SURVIVAL tab. (!don’t be confused, can be any of categories!)
Step 3: After that scroll down and Go to the CONTROLLER-FRIENDLY.
Step 4: Now, swipe right or left and You will find The Consecration of Esthme and click on it. Congratulation!
This virtual river has a full boat conveyed
Two princes that paddle with three little spades
Step 1: First Click on “Go Find It” Button Below the Clue 9.
Step 2: Then Under VIRTUAL REALITY TITLES, Click on CASUAL tab.
Step 3: After that scroll down and Go to the POPULAR TITLES.
Step 4: Now, swipe right or left and You will find Pro Poker Amateur and click on it. Congratulation!
If your strategy is to keep me close, I’ll make you think. If your strategy is to let me go, I’ll make a stink.
Step 1: First Click on “Go Find It” Button Below the Clue 10.
Step 2: Then Under STRATEGY GAMES, Click on TOWER DEFENSE tab.
Step 3: After that scroll down and Go to the CO-OP.
Step 4: Now, swipe right or left and You will find Hold In Your Farts and click on it. Congratulation!
Server DNS pertama rekomendasi adalah OpenDNS yang sudah sering digunakan oleh banyak orang karena mampu mempercepat akses internet di HP atau PC kamu. OpenDNS ini merupakan salah satu grup dari Cisco dan diklaim aman dan terpercaya. OpenDNS sendiri memiliki berbagai produk yang bisa kamu gunakan. Di antaranya adalah OpenDNS Family Shield dan Home yang bisa kamu gunakan secara gratis. Sedangkan VIP dan Umbrella Prosummer bisa kamu nikmati dengan langganan berbayar.
Keterangan | OpenDNS |
Primary DNS | |
Secondary DNS | |
Primary DNS (IPv6) | 2620:119:35::35 |
Secondary DNS (IPv6) | 2620:119:53::53 |
Selanjutnya adalah Cloudflare DNS yang merupakan server DNS yang diklaim paling cepat di antara lainnya. DNS yang dibuat oleh kolaborasi Cloudflare and APNIC ini akan memberikan pengalaman berselancar internet yang lebih maksimal. Kamu yang tak mengerti cara mengganti DNS, bisa mengunduh aplikasi Cloudflare DNS secara gratis. Cloudflare DNS akan membantu kamu untuk browsing secara aman. Sehingga tidak ada orang lain yang bisa mengetahui sejarah internetan kamu. Tak hanya itu, Cloudflare DNS memiliki kecepatan 14,96ms yang sangat cepat.
Keterangan | Cloudflare DNS |
Primary DNS | 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com |
Secondary DNS | |
Primary DNS (IPv6) | 2606:4700:4700::1111 |
Secondary DNS (IPv6) | 2606:4700:4700::1001 |
Google DNS juga menjanjikan kamu kecepatan browsing yang lebih cepat serta melindungi kamu dari berbagai macam virus dan hacker. Tak berhenti di situ ada juga fitur anti-redirection.
Keterangan | Google DNS |
Primary DNS | |
Secondary DNS | |
Primary DNS (IPv6) | 2001:4860:4860::8888 |
Secondary DNS (IPv6) | 2001:4860:4860::8844 |
Quad9 ini memiliki fitur yang dapat mempercepat pengalaman kamu dalam berselancar di internet. Selain itu, Quad9 juga akan mengamankan akses kamu di internet. Quad9 ini bekerja sama dengan perusahaan besar seperti IBM, Packet Clearing House, dan Global Cyber Alliance. Tak hanya itu, Quad9 setidaknya memblokir 10 juta akses jahat terhadap penggunanya.
Keterangan | Quad9 |
Primary DNS | |
Secondary DNS | |
Primary DNS (IPv6) | 2620:fe::fe |
Secondary DNS (IPv6) | 2620:fe::9 |
Verisign ini bisa kamu coba karena memiliki konektivitas yang stabil dan aman dari berbagai bahaya di internet. Kamu bisa menggunakan DNS ini di berbagai perangkat kamu seperti PC, HP maupun tablet kamu. Verisign juga mengklaim tidak akan mencatat dan menjual data public DNS kamu ke pihak ketiga. Selain itu, DNS ini juga tidak akan memberikan kamu iklan apapun saat berselancar di internet.
Keterangan | Verisign |
Primary DNS | |
Secondary DNS | |
Primary DNS (IPv6) | 2620:74:1b::1:1 |
Secondary DNS (IPv6) | 2620:74:1c::2:2 |
CleanBrowsing ini adalah DNS terpercaya yang memiliki beragam fitur menarik untuk membantu kamu berselancar di internet secara maksimal. DNS ini memiliki tiga jenis filter yang bisa kamu pilih, di antaranya adalah Family Filter, Adult Filter, dan Security Filter. Masing-masing memiliki fitur yang menarik. Family Filter akan memblokir sejumlah konten dewasa serta memblokir akses VPN. Filter ini cocok digunakan untuk anak atau saudara kamu yang masih kecil. Adult Filter ini sama dengan family filter, tapi VPN tetap bekerja. Sedangkan, Security Filter hanya akan memblokir segala bentuk spam, pishing, dan serangan malware.
Keterangan | CleanBrowsing |
Primary DNS | |
Secondary DNS | |
Primary DNS (IPv6) | 2a0d:2a00:1::2 |
Secondary DNS (IPv6) | 2a0d:2a00:2::2 |
Terakhir dalah AdGuard DNS yang bisa memberikan kamu fitur untuk memblokir berbagai macam iklan di perangkat kamu. Tak hanya itu, DNS ini juga akan menjaga privasi kamu saat browsing. AdGuard DNS juga bisa kamu gunakan sebagai proteksi HP dari konten dewasa agar anak bisa menggunakan gadget secara aman. DNS ini bisa kamu gunakan tanpa harus menggunakan aplikasi.
Keterangan | AdGuard DNS |
Primary DNS | |
Secondary DNS | |
Primary DNS (IPv6) | 2a00:5a60::ad1:0ff |
Secondary DNS (IPv6) | 2a00:5a60::ad2:0ff |
Level3 otomatis akan menyambungkan ke server DNS terdekat dari posisi kamu. Koneksi internet lebih stabil dan bisa untuk membuka situs yang diblokir.
Keterangan | Level3 |
Primary DNS | |
Secondary DNS | |
Comodo Secure DNS memberikan koneksi yang cepat dan aman untuk menjelajahi internet. Lebih cepat karena Comodo Secure DNS menggunakan server terdekat dari posisi kamu. Lebih aman karena Comodo Secure DNS menyaring situs berbahaya yang mengandung malware, phising dan lain-lain. Dan yang lebih penting lagi, bisa untuk membuka situs yang diblokir.
Keterangan | Comodo Secure DNS |
Primary DNS | |
Secondary DNS | |
DNS.Watch server terletak di negara jerman jadi jika digunakan di indonesia akan mempengaruhi kestabilan koneksi internet kamu. Tetapi bisa digunakan untuk membuka situs yang diblokir.
Keterangan | DNS.Watch |
Primary DNS | |
Secondary DNS | |
Berikut catatan saya IP DNS PING Via Mikrotik:
Indosat ttl 55 time 9-11ms ttl 55 time 10ms ttl 55 time 10-11ms ttl 245 time 10-22ms RTO RTO RTO
Gambar Screenshot Ping IP DNS Indosat via Winbox
IP DNS Telkom 9-10ms sip ttl 59 19-20ms ttl 59 9-15ms v x 58 9-10ms ttl 58 9-35ms ttl 58 nssmg1.telkom.net.id 28-30ms
Gambar Screenshot Ping IP DNS Telkom via Winbox
BINUS avg 10ms
AWARI (Asosiasi Warung Internet Indonesia) TTL 55 time 12-13ms (primary) 57 time 10-12ms (secondary) time 10-23ms
Sat.net.id TTL 54 time 9-12ms TTL 54 time 9-21ms
cbn.net.id TTL 55 time 9-13ms TTL 54 time 9-13ms (primary) 55 time 9-10ms (secondary) 55 time 9-20ms
indo.net.id TTL 58 time 9-10ms TTL 58 time 9-10ms
ukdw.ac.id TTL 59 time 19-29ms
Lintas Artha (primary) 56 time 9-12ms (secondary) RTO
Singnet TTL 54
DNS Nawala
DNS #1: TTL 58 time 10-14
DNS #2: TTL 57 time sering RTO XX
Server DNS indosat.net.id termasuk DNS Indosat IM2
DNS Telkom.net.id Telkom Speedy
DNS AWARI (Asosiasi Warnet Indonesia)
DNS sat.net.id
DNS cbn.net.id
Singnet Singapore
DNS indo.net.id
DNS itb.ac.id
DNS ukdw.ac.id
DNS ScrubIt
DNS DNSadvantage
DNS vnsc-pri.sys.gtei.net
Verizon (Reston, VA, US)
GTE (Irving, TX, US)
One Connect IP (Albuquerque, NM, US)
OpenDNS (San Francisco, CA, US)
Exetel (Sydney, AU)
VRx Network Services (New York, NY, US)
SpeakEasy (Seattle, WA, US)
Sprintlink (Overland Park, KS, US)
Cisco (San Jose, CA, US)
Other Arts and Backgrounds of Legion Commander from other sites
Hokkien | Indonesia |
Bo nao | tidak ada otak |
Chao Chi Bai | v*gina busuk |
Chi Bai Bin | muka v*gina |
Chi Bai | v*gina |
Ciak Sai | makan taik |
Gong Lan | k*ntol bodoh |
He bin | muka udang |
He nao | otak udang |
Ho Kao Kan | di e*tot sama anjing |
Ka Ni Lao Beh | ng*ntot bapakmu |
Ka Ni Na | ng*ntot |
kam beh lan | suck a horse’s dick |
Ka na sai | macam taik |
Kan | ng*ntot / setara dengan f*ck dalam bahasa inggris |
Kan Ni Na Bu Chao Chi Bai | ng*ntot v*gina busuk |
Kan ni nar | ng*ntot |
Kam Lan | isap k*ntol |
Lan Hoot | buah peler |
Lan Jiao | p*nis |
Lan Jiao bin | muka p*nis |
Lan mo | J*mbut |
Lan Pa Bin | muka k*ntol |
leng thau | Nipple |
Lim peh | bapakmu |
lok kong kia | son of a prostitute |
Lu e Nui | buah zak*r mu |
Nabei | anjer |
Neh / neneh | payudara |
Ni Na Bu | ibu mu |
Pak chiu cheng | mastubarsi, coli |
Si lang bin | muka pant*k, muka tahi |
Si peh | bapakmu mati |
Tiam La | diamlah |
Tu Lan / Tee Lan | k*ntol babi |
Tu bin / Tee Bin | muka babi |
chi bai gong | v*gina Idiot |
chi bai kia | anak vag*na (lebih mendekati ke anak pelacur) |
gu thau beh bin | kepala sapi muka kuda |
hor lang kan | di ent*t orang |
iong nao sio la | mikir pakai otak donk |
khee hor lang kan | di ngent*t orang |
khong kham | gila / stress |
Daftar bahasa hokkien kosakata makian / kosakata kasar dalam bahasa hokkien di atas adalah sebagai pelajaran saja. Mohon menggunakan dengan bijak kosakata di atas karena beberapa kosakata di atas termasuk sangat kasar dan apabila sembarang diucapkan akan menimbulkan perselisihan maupun perkelahian.
Where should I sit?
Who starts eating first?
Which part of the fish is considered the best?
How can I show respect when toasting with others?
Let us help you make sense of it all.
Dinners in China can be huge fun, but they’re also fraught with danger. One false move and you’ve offended people without even knowing it. Handled well, however, your local hosts will note your appreciation for Chinese customs, which gives them big face and shows you aren’t just another ignorant foreigner traipsing through China.
How important is the dining ritual to a Chinese? Even a newborn is fully booked with dinner gatherings, i.e. one-month anniversary dinner, double-month anniversary dinner, 100-day anniversary dinner, one-year birthday dinner, etc. Everything happens at the dinner table: strangers become friends, friends become enemies and enemies become friends; boyfriends are scrutinized and receive final approval to become a son-in-law; contracts for massive investments are confirmed; and agreements nearly there fall apart. All this happens against the backdrop of delicious foods, savory wines and elegant china-wares with plenty of subtlety and face guessing games.
Here are some great ways to show respect for others, plus guidelines to get you going in the right direction:
The dance starts upon arrival, people nudging each other towards certain seats, trying to be modest and showing respect for one another. The highest seat faces the door, second best on its right, third best on its left. Don’t go there unless you are guided to do so. Play along, resist a little.
A plate of sizzling hot ribs arrives, landing directly in front of you. You’re famished. Go ahead and grab one? Not yet!
Turn the rotating table clockwise and let others (especially the top seated person) have a bite. Don’t panic, it’ll come back to you. Nobody wants to be the person taking the last piece on any plate.
By now, your hosts may recognize your modesty and force you to start the whole fish when it arrives on the table. Where on the fish do you dig in? General consensus holds the best is the upper belly, second best is upper back, and so on. Avoid those prime locations at first.
What’s this secret game going on? The modesty dance continues! When two glasses clink, how high people hold their glasses shows hierarchy. Sometimes they go lower and lower until they crash into the table (albeit a worst case scenario). When the host toasts you, keep his glass higher.
These insights hold true at most dinners with hierarchy, such as corporate dinners with bosses, meals with clients and multi-generation family gatherings. Learn to recognize the regional variations as you progress. And among friends, all protocol often gets thrown out the window. Yeah!
Have any interesting dinner experiences to share?
We invite you to add them below for others to enjoy.
Happy eating!
Kode Pos Negara Indonesia lengkap, dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Dengan menggunakan datatable. Dapat diakses oleh mobile maupun desktop. Kode Pos adalah serangkaian angka dan/atau huruf yang menunjukkan kode lokasi suatu daerah. Setiap digit dalam kode pos mengindentifikasi daerah tersebut. Temukan kode pos seluruh Indonesia lengkap beserta nama kelurahan, kecamatan, kabupaten/kota dan provinsi dengan mudah dalam hitungan detik. Database kode pos seluruh wilayah Indonesia lengkap dengan kelurahan, kecamatan, kota dan provinsi di Indonesia.
Cara cek kode pos pertama yang bisa kamu lakukan adalah dengan menggunakan web khusus cek kode pos melalui ponsel.
Untuk lebih leluasa dapat di klik melalui link di bawah ini https://indonesia-kodepos.josuamarcelc.com/
Axie Infinity is a NFT-based online video game developed by Vietnamese studio Sky Mavis, which uses Ethereum-based cryptocurrency $AXS and $SLP. Currently it’s the most expensive NFTs collection with more than $42 million in sales in June 2021.
Getting Started With Axie Infinity Tutorial:
Bagi yang suka berkemah bareng keluarga dan teman-teman di area Bandung, dapat ke Bumi Perkemahan Taman Bincarung, Pasir Angling yang berada di area Maribaya Bandung.
Info per Agustus 2021
Ada 2 lokasi perkemahan, Umum dan Private
Booking Acara atau bertanya langsung kontak:
Mas Ade di Whatsapp / Telepon: https://wa.me/6281517860036
Lokasi – https://goo.gl/maps/qy9mACctydKS1PDZ6