
Ada Orang Yang Tidak Cocok Berbisnis / Bekerja Karena Hanya Merugikan Orang Lain

Ada orang yang saya kenal adalah individu yang sangat rakus akan uang dan mungkin tidak sepenuhnya memahami nilai kerja keras. Ada orang yang tidak cocok untuk berbisnis atau bekerja karena perilaku atau tindakan mereka hanya merugikan orang lain dan tidak sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip etika atau moral yang berlaku.

Beberapa alasan mengapa seseorang mungkin tidak cocok untuk berbisnis atau bekerja termasuk:

  1. Tidak Etis: Orang yang terlibat dalam tindakan tidak etis seperti penipuan, manipulasi, atau pencurian dalam bisnis atau pekerjaan mereka dapat merugikan orang lain secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Tindakan tidak etis ini tidak hanya merusak reputasi mereka sendiri tetapi juga dapat merugikan pelanggan, rekan kerja, atau pemegang saham.
  2. Tidak Jujur: Ketidakjujuran dalam bisnis atau pekerjaan, seperti memberikan informasi palsu atau menipu, dapat mengakibatkan kerugian finansial dan reputasi bagi semua pihak yang terlibat. Orang yang tidak jujur tidak cocok untuk berbisnis atau bekerja karena integritas adalah prinsip penting dalam dunia bisnis dan profesi.
  3. Kepentingan Pribadi yang Berlebihan: Orang yang hanya mementingkan diri sendiri dan mengabaikan kepentingan orang lain dapat merugikan rekan kerja, karyawan, atau mitra bisnis. Kepentingan pribadi yang berlebihan seperti nepotisme, korupsi, atau tindakan penyalahgunaan kekuasaan dapat merusak lingkungan kerja dan hubungan bisnis.
  4. Tidak Peduli dengan Dampak Sosial: Individu yang tidak peduli dengan dampak sosial dari tindakan mereka, seperti polusi lingkungan, eksploitasi pekerja, atau praktik bisnis yang merugikan masyarakat, tidak cocok untuk berbisnis atau bekerja karena mereka hanya mengutamakan keuntungan pribadi tanpa memperhitungkan kepentingan yang lebih luas.
  5. Konflik Kepentingan: Orang yang memiliki konflik kepentingan yang tidak diungkapkan atau yang mempengaruhi keputusan bisnis atau profesional mereka dapat merugikan pihak lain yang bergantung pada keputusan tersebut. Konflik kepentingan yang tidak diatasi secara transparan dapat mengakibatkan ketidakpercayaan dan merugikan integritas seseorang.

Ketika seseorang tidak mematuhi prinsip-prinsip etika, kejujuran, dan integritas dalam bisnis atau pekerjaan mereka, hal ini dapat berdampak negatif pada orang lain, masyarakat, dan organisasi yang terlibat. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memahami nilai-nilai etika dan moral yang penting dalam dunia bisnis dan pekerjaan serta untuk menghindari tindakan yang hanya merugikan orang lain. Organisasi juga perlu memiliki kebijakan dan tindakan yang tepat untuk mengatasi perilaku yang tidak etis atau merugikan.

Di 2024, saya mengerti bahwa semua tidak dapat dibeli oleh uang, dan jika bertemu orang – orang yang hanya ingin mencapai tujuannya demi uang, lebih baik dihindari, karena akan menjadi kanker di masa depan. Kita tidak dapat memperbaiki semua orang, dan waktu kita di dunia ini hanya sebentar. Lebih baik mencari sesuatu yang lebih long lasting.

Berikut adalah ciri-ciri orang yang sangat rakus akan uang dan mungkin tidak sepenuhnya memahami nilai kerja keras:

  1. Rakus akan Uang: Rakus adalah keinginan kuat akan kekayaan, seringkali dengan mengorbankan prinsip etika atau moral. Orang yang sangat rakus akan uang didorong oleh upaya untuk mengumpulkan kekayaan melebihi kebutuhan sebenarnya. Keserakahan berlebihan ini dapat mengarah pada perilaku tidak etis, seperti penipuan, penyelewengan dana, atau eksploitasi orang lain demi keuntungan finansial.
  2. Kurang Memahami Etika Kerja: Beberapa individu yang terlalu fokus pada uang mungkin tidak sepenuhnya memahami konsep etika kerja. Etika kerja melibatkan prinsip-prinsip seperti kerja keras, tanggung jawab, dedikasi, dan komitmen untuk menghasilkan pekerjaan berkualitas tinggi. Orang dengan etika kerja yang kuat memahami pentingnya berusaha dan bekerja keras untuk mencapai kesuksesan finansial.
  3. Keuntungan Jangka Pendek vs. Kesuksesan Jangka Panjang: Individu yang sangat rakus seringkali memprioritaskan keuntungan finansial jangka pendek daripada stabilitas dan kesuksesan finansial jangka panjang. Mereka mungkin terlibat dalam usaha finansial berisiko atau mencari kepuasan instan tanpa mempertimbangkan konsekuensinya atau kebutuhan usaha berkelanjutan.
  4. Dampak pada Hubungan: Keserakahan terhadap uang dapat membebani hubungan pribadi dan profesional. Orang yang hanya fokus pada keuntungan finansial mereka sendiri mungkin mengabaikan kebutuhan dan kesejahteraan orang lain, yang dapat menyebabkan hubungan yang tegang dengan keluarga, teman, dan rekan kerja.
  5. Obsesi Finansial: Individu yang rakus mungkin menjadi terobsesi dengan mengumpulkan kekayaan dan mungkin mengukur harga diri mereka sendiri hanya dengan status finansial. Obsesi ini dapat menyebabkan tingkat stres yang tinggi, kecemasan, dan bahkan masalah kesehatan mental karena mereka terus-menerus mengejar uang lebih banyak.
  6. Kurang Kepuasan: Dengan paradoks, keinginan rakus akan uang mungkin tidak membawa kepuasan atau kebahagiaan yang diharapkan. Orang yang hanya termotivasi oleh kekayaan sering menemukan bahwa begitu mereka mencapai tingkat keberhasilan finansial tertentu, mereka masih merasa hampa atau tidak puas, karena mereka tidak benar-benar menghargai nilai aspek lain dalam kehidupan, seperti hubungan, pertumbuhan pribadi, dan kebahagiaan.
  7. Konsekuensi Hukum dan Etika: Tindakan yang didorong oleh keserakahan dapat berakibat pada konsekuensi hukum dan etika, termasuk masalah hukum, reputasi yang rusak, dan hilangnya kepercayaan dari orang lain. Penipuan finansial atau praktik bisnis yang tidak etis dapat menghasilkan sanksi yang keras.

Panduan Kode Akuntansi | Struktur Kode Akuntansi

Kategori kode dalam akuntansi dapat bervariasi tergantung pada sistem akuntansi yang digunakan oleh suatu organisasi atau perusahaan. Namun, berikut ini adalah beberapa kategori umum yang sering digunakan dalam sistem kode akuntansi:

  1. Kas dan Setara Kas:
    • 101 – Kas di Tangan
    • 102 – Kas di Bank
    • 103 – Giro dan Cek yang Belum Tercairkan
    • 104 – Kas Kecil/Petty Cash
  2. Investasi:
    • 105 – Investasi Jangka Pendek
    • 106 – Investasi Jangka Panjang
  3. Piutang:
    • 201 – Piutang Usaha
    • 202 – Piutang Non-Usaha
    • 203 – Piutang Karyawan
    • 204 – Penyisihan Piutang Tidak Tertagih
  4. Persediaan:
    • 301 – Persediaan Bahan Baku
    • 302 – Persediaan Barang dalam Proses
    • 303 – Persediaan Barang Jadi
  5. Aset Tetap:
    • 401 – Tanah
    • 402 – Bangunan
    • 403 – Peralatan dan Mesin
    • 404 – Kendaraan
  6. Liabilitas:
    • 501 – Hutang Usaha
    • 502 – Hutang Non-Usaha
    • 503 – Hutang Pajak
    • 504 – Utang Bank
  7. Ekuitas:
    • 601 – Modal Pemilik
    • 602 – Laba Ditahan
  8. Pendapatan:
    • 701 – Pendapatan Usaha
    • 702 – Pendapatan Lain-lain
  9. Biaya dan Beban:
    • 801 – Beban Operasional
    • 802 – Beban Bunga
    • 803 – Beban Pajak
  10. Lainnya:
    • 901 – Pengeluaran Kas Lainnya
    • 902 – Penerimaan Kas Lainnya
  11. Cadangan:
    • 1001 – Cadangan Umum
    • 1002 – Cadangan Khusus

Perlu diingat bahwa struktur kode akuntansi dapat bervariasi antara organisasi dan negara. Organisasi besar dengan operasi yang kompleks mungkin memiliki kode akuntansi yang lebih rinci dan terinci, sementara organisasi kecil mungkin menggunakan kode yang lebih sederhana. Selain itu, regulasi akuntansi dan perpajakan yang berlaku di negara tempat organisasi beroperasi juga dapat memengaruhi struktur kode akuntansi mereka.

Installing and Configuring Memcached with PHP8.2

Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory caching system designed to speed up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. It is widely used to enhance the performance of web-based applications by caching data and objects in RAM to reduce the number of times an external data source (such as a database or API) must be read. This article will guide you through the process of installing Memcached on your server and integrating it with PHP.

Read also How to Install Memcached in CodeIgniter Framework

After installing php8.2 with nginx you might install the main memcached and the memcached for PHP.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install memcached
sudo apt-get install php8.2-memcached

Conclusion: You have successfully installed and configured Memcached with PHP. Memcached is a powerful tool for improving the performance of your PHP applications. It’s easy to set up and integrate, and it can significantly reduce the load on your database by caching frequently accessed data.

Additional Tips:

  • Regularly monitor your Memcached usage.
  • Secure your Memcached server, especially if it’s on a public network.
  • Keep your software updated for security and performance improvements.

Top Crawlers Bots IP Ranges For Search Engine Optimization

In the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), understanding the behavior of search engine crawlers is crucial. These crawlers, also known as bots or spiders, are automated programs used by search engines like Google, Bing, and others to scan and index the content of websites. By identifying the IP ranges of these crawlers, webmasters can optimize their websites more effectively. This article delves into the top crawlers, their IP ranges, and how this knowledge benefits SEO.

Google IP Ranges
Google Bots
Google Special Crawlers
Google User Triggered
Global and regional external IP address ranges for customers’ Google Cloud resources
BingBot IP Ranges
DuckDuckGo Bots
Ahref Crawler IP Ranges
Yandex IP Ranges
Facebook IP Ranges

All Crawlers User Agents
Google Crawler Indexing
Yandex Robots
Moz RogerBot
Verify Bingbot

Cloud IPsReference Link
IP Ranges v4
IP Ranges V6
API IP Ranges
Yandex Cloud IPs

Understanding Search Engine Crawlers

What Are Crawlers?

Crawlers are automated programs that visit websites to read and index their content. They follow links from one page to another, thereby creating a map of the web that search engines use to provide relevant search results.

Importance in SEO

Recognizing crawlers is essential in SEO as it ensures that your website is indexed correctly. Proper indexing increases the chances of your website appearing in search results, thereby driving organic traffic.

Top Search Engine Crawlers and Their IP Ranges


  • Primary Role: Indexing websites for Google Search.
  • IP Range: Googlebot IPs typically fall within the range owned by Google. However, due to the vast number of IP addresses Google owns, it’s more efficient to verify Googlebot by using the reverse DNS lookup method.


  • Primary Role: Crawling for Microsoft’s Bing search engine.
  • IP Range: Bingbot also uses a range of IP addresses. Similar to Googlebot, it’s advisable to use reverse DNS lookups to confirm the legitimacy of Bingbot.


  • Primary Role: Indexing for the Baidu search engine, predominantly used in China.
  • IP Range: Baiduspider’s IP ranges are published by Baidu and can be found in their webmaster tools documentation.

Yandex Bot

  • Primary Role: Crawling for Russia’s Yandex search engine.
  • IP Range: Yandex provides a list of IP addresses for its crawlers, which can be found in their official documentation.

Why Knowing IP Ranges Matters

  1. Security: Distinguishing between legitimate crawlers and malicious bots is crucial for website security.
  2. Accurate Analytics: Identifying crawler traffic helps in obtaining more accurate analytics data, as it separates human traffic from bot traffic.
  3. SEO Optimization: Understanding crawler behavior helps in optimizing websites for better indexing and ranking.
  4. Resource Management: It helps in managing server resources effectively, as crawlers can consume significant bandwidth.

Best Practices for Managing Crawler Traffic

  • Robots.txt File: Use this to guide crawlers on which parts of your site to scan and which to ignore.
  • Monitoring Server Logs: Regularly check server logs for crawler activities to ensure that your site is being indexed properly.
  • Updating Sitemaps: Keep your sitemaps updated to aid crawlers in efficient website navigation.


Recognizing and understanding the IP ranges of top search engine crawlers is a vital aspect of SEO. It helps in distinguishing between genuine search engine bots and potential security threats, enhances website performance, and contributes to more effective SEO strategies. As search engines evolve, staying informed about crawler activities and best practices is essential for maintaining and improving your website’s search engine visibility.

100 Dahilan Para Manatiling Buhay

  1. para maipagmalaki ang iyong mga magulang
  2. upang talunin ang iyong mga takot
  3. upang makita muli ang iyong pamilya
  4. para makitang live ang paborito mong artista
  5. upang makinig muli ng musika
  6. upang maranasan ang isang bagong kultura
  7. magkaroon ng mga bagong kaibigan
  8. upang magbigay ng inspirasyon
  9. magkaroon ng sariling anak
  10. upang ampunin ang iyong sariling alagang hayop
  11. para ipagmalaki ang sarili
  12. upang makilala ang iyong mga idolo
  13. tumawa hanggang umiyak ka
  14. makaramdam ng luha ng kaligayahan
  15. kumain ng paborito mong pagkain
  16. para makita ang paglaki ng iyong mga kapatid
  17. upang makapasa sa paaralan
  18. para magpatattoo
  19. ngumiti hanggang sa sumakit ang pisngi
  20. upang makilala ang iyong mga kaibigan sa internet
  21. ang makahanap ng taong magmamahal sa iyo tulad ng nararapat sa iyo
  22. kumain ng ice cream sa isang mainit na araw
  23. uminom ng mainit na tsokolate sa malamig na araw
  24. upang makita ang hindi nagalaw na niyebe sa umaga
  25. upang makita ang paglubog ng araw na nag-aapoy sa kalangitan
  26. upang makita ang mga bituin na nagbibigay liwanag sa langit
  27. ang magbasa ng librong magpapabago sa iyong buhay
  28. upang makita ang mga bulaklak sa tagsibol
  29. upang makita ang pagbabago ng mga dahon mula berde hanggang kayumanggi
  30. maglakbay sa ibang bansa
  31. upang matuto ng bagong wika
  32. matutong gumuhit
  33. upang sabihin sa iba ang iyong kuwento sa pag-asang matulungan sila
  34. Mga halik ng tuta.
  35. Mga halik sa sanggol (ang uri ng bukas na bibig kapag idinampi nila ang kanilang mga labi sa iyong pisngi).
  36. Pagmumura ng mga salita at ang paglaya na nararamdaman mo kapag sinabi mo ang mga ito.
  37. Trampolines.
  38. Ice cream.
  39. Pagmamasid ng bituin.
  40. Cloud watching.
  41. Naliligo at pagkatapos ay natutulog sa malinis na kumot.
  42. Pagtanggap ng maalalahanin na mga regalo.
  43. “Nakita ko ito at naisip kita.”
  44. Ang pakiramdam na makukuha mo kapag sinabi ng taong mahal mo, “Mahal kita.”
  45. Ang ginhawang nararamdaman mo pagkatapos ng pag-iyak.
  46. Sikat ng araw.
  47. Yung feeling na may nakikinig sayo/nagbibigay ng buong atensyon sayo.
  48. Ang iyong kasal sa hinaharap.
  49. Ang iyong paboritong candy bar.
  50. Bagong damit.
  51. Mga nakakatawang puns.
  52. Talagang masarap na tinapay.
  53. Hawak ang iyong anak sa iyong mga bisig sa unang pagkakataon.
  54. Pagkumpleto ng isang milestone (aka pagpunta sa kolehiyo, pagtatapos ng kolehiyo, pagpapakasal, pagkuha ng iyong pinapangarap na trabaho.)
  55. Ang uri ng mga panaginip kung saan ka magigising at hindi mapigilang mapangiti.
  56. Ang amoy bago at pagkatapos ng ulan
  57. Ang tunog ng ulan laban sa isang rooftop.
  58. Yung feeling mo kapag sumasayaw ka.
  59. Ang tao (o mga tao) na pinakamahalaga sa iyo. Manatiling buhay para sa kanila.
  60. Pagsubok ng mga bagong recipe.
  61. Yung feeling na yung paborito mong kanta ay lumalabas sa radyo.
  62. Ang pagmamadali mo kapag tumuntong ka sa isang entablado.
  63. Kailangan mong ibahagi ang iyong boses at mga talento at kaalaman sa mundo dahil ang mga ito ay napakahalaga.
  64. Almusal sa kama.
  65. Pagkuha ng gitnang upuan sa sinehan.
  66. Almusal para sa hapunan (dahil ito ay mas mahusay sa gabi kaysa sa umaga).
  67. Manalangin (kung ikaw ay relihiyoso)
  68. Pagpapatawad.
  69. Paglalaban ng water balloon.
  70. Mga bagong libro ng iyong mga paboritong may-akda.
  71. Alitaptap.
  72. Mga kaarawan.
  73. Napagtatanto na may nagmamahal sa iyo.
  74. Paggugol ng araw kasama ang isang tao sa iyo
  75. Pagkakataon na lumikha ng makabuluhan at pangmatagalang relasyon.
  76. Potensyal na matuto, lumago, at umunlad bilang isang tao.
  77. Kagalakan at kaligayahan sa maliliit na bagay.
  78. Ang kapangyarihang magbigay ng inspirasyon sa iba.
  79. Ang kakayahang lumikha ng sining, musika, at iba pang anyo ng pagpapahayag ng sarili.
  80. Upang tuklasin ang iba’t ibang kultura, tradisyon, at paraan ng pamumuhay.
  81. Upang makagawa ng positibong epekto sa kapaligiran at tumulong na protektahan ang planeta.
  82. Damhin ang kagalakan ng pagiging magulang at bumuo ng isang pamilya.
  83. Matuto ng mga bagong bagay at bumuo ng mga bagong kasanayan.
  84. Lumikha ng isang legacy na mabubuhay sa iyo.
  85. Nababalot sa isang mainit na kama.
  86. Yakap
  87. Magkahawak-kamay.
  88. Yung tipong mga yakap kapag naramdaman mong natanggal ang bigat sa balikat mo. Ang uri ng yakap kung saan nagsi-sync ang iyong hininga sa iba, at pakiramdam mo ay ikaw lang ang dalawang tao sa mundo.
  89. Kumakanta ng off key kasama ang iyong matalik na kaibigan.
  90. Mga biyahe sa kalsada.
  91. Kusang pakikipagsapalaran.
  92. Ang pakiramdam ng buhangin sa ilalim ng iyong mga daliri sa paa.
  93. Ang pakiramdam kapag ang unang alon ng karagatan ay gumulong at bumabalot sa iyong mga daliri sa paa at bukung-bukong at tuhod.
  94. Mga bagyo.
  95. Ang iyong unang (o ikasandaang) paglalakbay sa Disneyland.
  96. Ang sarap ng paborito mong pagkain.
  97. Yung feeling na parang bata na mararamdaman mo sa umaga ng Pasko.
  98. Ang araw na sa wakas ay napupunta sa iyo ang lahat.
  99. Mga papuri at papuri.
  100. upang tingnan ang sandaling ito sa loob ng 10 taon at mapagtantong ginawa mo ito.

Ps : Wag mong kakalimutan na maganda kang tao 💕 Napakaganda ng buhay kaya mabuhay ka, mabuhay ka na parang walang iba, mabuhay ka para sa sarili mo, wag kang mag-alala sa masasamang tao, malakas ka, mahal kita.

जिंदा रहने के 100 कारण

  1. अपने माता-पिता को गौरवान्वित करना
  2. अपने डर पर विजय पाना
  3. अपने परिवार से दोबारा मिलना
  4. अपने पसंदीदा कलाकार को लाइव देखने के लिए
  5. दोबारा संगीत सुनना
  6. एक नई संस्कृति का अनुभव करना
  7. नए दोस्त बनाना
  8. प्रेरणा देना
  9. अपने स्वयं के बच्चे पैदा करना
  10. अपने पालतू जानवर को गोद लेना
  11. अपने आप को गौरवान्वित करने के लिए
  12. अपनी मूर्तियों से मिलने के लिए
  13. तब तक हँसना जब तक तुम रो न पड़ो
  14. खुशी के आंसू महसूस करना
  15. अपना मनपसंद खाना खाना
  16. अपने भाई-बहनों को बढ़ते हुए देखना
  17. स्कूल पास करना
  18. टैटू बनवाना
  19. तब तक मुस्कुराएं जब तक आपके गाल दुखने न लगें
  20. अपने इंटरनेट मित्रों से मिलने के लिए
  21. किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को ढूंढना जो आपसे उतना प्यार करता हो जितना आप योग्य हैं
  22. गर्मी के दिन आइसक्रीम खाना
  23. ठंड के दिन गर्म चॉकलेट पीना
  24. सुबह अछूती बर्फ़ देखना
  25. ऐसा सूर्यास्त देखना जो आकाश में आग लगा दे
  26. आकाश में तारे चमकते देखना
  27. ऐसी किताब पढ़ना जो आपकी जिंदगी बदल दे
  28. वसंत ऋतु में फूल देखना
  29. पत्तों को हरे से भूरे रंग में बदलते देखना
  30. विदेश यात्रा करना
  31. नई भाषा सीखना
  32. चित्र बनाना सीखना
  33. दूसरों की मदद करने की आशा में अपनी कहानी बताना
  34. पिल्ला चुंबन.
  35. शिशु चुंबन (खुले मुंह वाले प्रकार जब वे आपके गाल पर अपने होंठ थपथपाते हैं)।
  36. अपशब्द और जब आप उन्हें कहते हैं तो आपको जो मुक्ति महसूस होती है।
  37. ट्रैम्पोलिन्स।
  38. आइसक्रीम.
  39. तारा-दर्शन.
  40. बादल देखना.
  41. स्नान करना और फिर साफ चादर ओढ़कर सोना।
  42. विचारशील उपहार प्राप्त करना।
  43. “मैंने इसे देखा और तुम्हारे बारे में सोचा।”
  44. जब आप जिससे प्यार करते हैं वह कहता है, “मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ तो आपको जो एहसास होता है।”
  45. रोने के बाद आपको जो राहत महसूस होती है.
  46. धूप.
  47. वह एहसास जो आपको तब होता है जब कोई आपकी बात सुन रहा होता है/आपको अपना पूरा ध्यान दे रहा होता है।
  48. आपकी भावी शादी.
  49. आपका पसंदीदा कैंडी बार।
  50. नये कपड़े.
  51. मजाकिया वाक्य.
  52. वास्तव में अच्छी रोटी.
  53. अपने बच्चे को पहली बार अपनी बाहों में पकड़ना।
  54. एक मील का पत्थर पूरा करना (जैसे कि कॉलेज जाना, कॉलेज से स्नातक होना, शादी करना, अपने सपनों की नौकरी पाना।)
  55. ऐसे सपने जहां आप जागते हैं और मुस्कुराना बंद नहीं कर पाते.
  56. बारिश से पहले और बाद में बदबू
  57. छत पर बारिश की आवाज़.
  58. जब आप नृत्य कर रहे होते हैं तो आपको जो अनुभूति होती है।
  59. वह व्यक्ति (या लोग) जो आपके लिए सबसे अधिक मायने रखता है। उनके लिए जिंदा रहो.
  60. नये व्यंजन आज़माना।
  61. जब आपका पसंदीदा गाना रेडियो पर आता है तो आपको जो अनुभूति होती है।
  62. जब आप किसी मंच पर कदम रखते हैं तो आपमें जो हड़बड़ी होती है।
  63. आपको अपनी आवाज़, प्रतिभा और ज्ञान को दुनिया के साथ साझा करना होगा क्योंकि वे बहुत मूल्यवान हैं।
  64. बिस्तर पर नाश्ता.
  65. मूवी थियेटर में बीच की सीट मिलना।
  66. रात के खाने के लिए नाश्ता (क्योंकि यह सुबह की तुलना में रात में बहुत बेहतर होता है)।
  67. प्रार्थना करें (यदि आप धार्मिक हैं)
  68. क्षमा.
  69. पानी के गुब्बारे की लड़ाई.
  70. आपके पसंदीदा लेखकों की नई किताबें।
  71. जुगनू.
  72. जन्मदिन.
  73. यह एहसास कि कोई आपसे प्यार करता है।
  74. किसी के साथ दिन बिताना
  75. सार्थक और स्थायी रिश्ते बनाने का अवसर।
  76. एक व्यक्ति के रूप में सीखने, बढ़ने और विकसित होने की क्षमता।
  77. छोटी-छोटी चीज़ों में खुशी और खुशियाँ।
  78. दूसरों को प्रेरित करने की शक्ति.
  79. कला, संगीत और आत्म-अभिव्यक्ति के अन्य रूप बनाने की क्षमता।
  80. विभिन्न संस्कृतियों, परंपराओं और जीवन के तरीकों का पता लगाना।
  81. पर्यावरण पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालना और ग्रह की रक्षा में मदद करना।
  82. माता-पिता बनने की खुशियों का अनुभव करें और एक परिवार का पालन-पोषण करें।
  83. नई चीजें सीखें और नए कौशल विकसित करें।
  84. एक ऐसी विरासत बनाएं जो आपको जीवित रखे।
  85. गर्म बिस्तर में लिपटा रहना।
  86. आलिंगन
  87. हाथ पकड़ना.
  88. उस तरह का आलिंगन जब आप महसूस कर सकते हैं कि आपके कंधों से कोई बोझ उतर गया है। उस तरह का आलिंगन जहां आपकी सांसें दूसरे व्यक्ति की सांसों के साथ तालमेल बिठाती हैं, और आप दुनिया में केवल दो लोगों की तरह महसूस करते हैं।
  89. अपने सबसे अच्छे दोस्तों के साथ गाना गाना।
  90. सड़क यात्राएँ।
  91. सहज रोमांच.
  92. आपके पैरों की उंगलियों के नीचे रेत का अहसास.
  93. वह एहसास जब समुद्र की पहली लहर ऊपर उठती है और आपके पैर की उंगलियों, टखनों और घुटनों को ढक लेती है।
  94. आँधी।
  95. डिज़नीलैंड की आपकी पहली (या सौवीं) यात्रा।
  96. आपके पसंदीदा भोजन का स्वाद.
  97. क्रिसमस की सुबह आपको बच्चों जैसी अनुभूति होती है।
  98. वह दिन जब आख़िरकार सब कुछ आपके अनुसार हो जाता है।
  99. प्रशंसा और प्रशंसा.
  100. 10 वर्षों में इस क्षण को देखना और महसूस करना कि आपने यह किया है।

पुनश्च: यह कभी न भूलें कि आप एक खूबसूरत इंसान हैं 💕 जिंदगी बहुत खूबसूरत है इसलिए जियो, ऐसे जियो जैसे कोई मौजूद ही नहीं है, अपने लिए जियो, बुरे लोगों की परवाह मत करो, तुम मजबूत हो, मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूं


1. 让父母感到骄傲

2. 克服你的恐惧

3. 再次见到家人

4. 观看您最喜欢的艺术家的现场表演

5. 再听听音乐

6. 体验新文化

7. 结交新朋友

8. 启发

9. 拥有自己的孩子

10. 领养自己的宠物

11. 让自己感到骄傲

12. 去见你的偶像

13. 笑到哭

14. 感受幸福的泪水

15. 吃你最喜欢的食物

16. 看着你的兄弟姐妹成长

17. 通过学业

18. 纹身

19. 微笑直到脸颊受伤

20. 认识你的网上朋友

21. 找到一个像你应得的那样爱你的人

22. 大热天吃冰淇淋

23. 冷天喝热巧克力

24. 早上看未受影响的雪

25. 看夕阳将天空点燃

26. 看星星照亮天空

27. 读一本改变你生活的书

28. 春天看花

29. 看叶子从绿色变成棕色

30. 出国旅游

31. 学习一门新语言

32. 学习画画

33. 向别人讲述你的故事,希望能帮助他们

34. 小狗之吻。

35. 婴儿之吻(当他们张开嘴用嘴唇拍打你的脸颊时的那种)。

36. 说脏话以及说脏话时的放松感。

37. 蹦床。

38. 冰淇淋。

39. 观星。

40. 云观。

41. 洗澡,然后睡在干净的床单上。

42. 收到贴心的礼物。

43. “我看到这个就想到了你。”

44. 当你爱的人说“我爱你”时你的感觉。

45. 哭泣后感到如释重负。

46. 阳光。

47. 当有人在倾听你/全神贯注于你时你的感觉。

48. 你未来的婚礼。

49. 你最喜欢的糖果棒。

50. 新衣服。

51. 诙谐的双关语。

52. 非常好的面包。

53. 第一次把孩子抱在怀里。

54. 完成一个里程碑(又名上大学、大学毕业、结婚、找到梦想的工作。)

55. 那种你醒来后无法停止微笑的梦。

56. 下雨前后的气味

57. 雨打屋顶的声音。

58. 跳舞时的感觉。

59. 对你来说最重要的人(或几个人)。 为了他们而活下去。

60. 尝试新食谱。

61. 当收音机里传来你最喜欢的歌曲时你的感觉。

62. 当你走上舞台时,你会感到匆忙。

63. 你必须与世界分享你的声音、才能和知识,因为它们是如此宝贵。

64. 在床上吃早餐。

65. 在电影院找一个中间的座位。

66. 早餐当晚餐(因为晚上比早上好得多)。

67. 祈祷(如果你有宗教信仰)

68. 宽恕。

69. 水气球大战。

70. 你最喜欢的作者的新书。

71. 萤火虫。

72. 生日。

73. 意识到有人爱你。

74. 和你喜欢的人一起度过一天

75. 有机会建立有意义和持久的关系。

76. 作为一个人学习、成长和发展的潜力。

77. 小事中的快乐和幸福。

78. 激励他人的力量。

79. 创造艺术、音乐和其他形式的自我表达的能力。

80. 探索不同的文化、传统和生活方式。

81. 对环境产生积极影响并帮助保护地球。

82. 体验为人父母的快乐,养育一个家庭。

83. 学习新事物,培养新技能。

84. 创造一份比你更长久的遗产。

85. 裹在温暖的床上。

86. 拥抱

87. 牵手。

88. 当你感觉到肩上的重担被卸下时的拥抱。 那种呼吸与对方同步的拥抱,让你们感觉自己是世界上仅有的两个人。

89. 和你最好的朋友一起唱跑调的歌。

90. 公路旅行。

91. 自发的冒险。

92. 脚趾下有沙子的感觉。

93. 当第一道海浪卷起并包围你的脚趾、脚踝和膝盖时的感觉。

94. 雷暴。

95. 你第一次(或第一百次)去迪士尼乐园。

96. 你最喜欢的食物的味道。

97. 圣诞节早晨你感受到的孩童般的感觉。

98. 一切终于如你所愿的那一天。

99. 赞美和赞扬。

100. 十年后看着这一刻,意识到你做到了。

Ps : 永远不要忘记你是一个美丽的人💕 生活如此美丽所以生活,像没有人存在一样生活,为自己而活,不要理会坏人,你很坚强,我爱你

100 Reasons To Stay Alive

“Reasons to Stay Alive” is indeed a novel written by Matt Haig. It was published in 2015 and is a memoir that explores the author’s personal experiences with depression and anxiety. The book combines Haig’s own journey with mental health issues and insights into how he found reasons to keep living, providing a mix of personal narrative, reflections, and thoughts on mental well-being.

Throughout the book, Matt Haig shares his struggles with mental health and offers a message of hope and resilience. The title suggests that within the challenges and darkness of life, there are reasons to find joy, purpose, and meaning.

It’s important to note that if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, seeking support from mental health professionals, friends, or family is crucial. “Reasons to Stay Alive” is just one person’s perspective, and individual experiences with mental health can vary.

  1. ✅ to make your parents proud
  2. ✅ to conquer your fears
  3. ✅ to see your family again
  4. ✅ to see your favorite artist live
  5. ✅ to listen to music again
  6. ✅ to experience a new culture
  7. ✅ to make new friends
  8. ✅ to inspire
  9. ✅ to have your own children
  10. ✅ to adopt your own pet
  11. ✅ to make yourself proud
  12. ✅ to meet your idols
  13. ✅ to laugh until you cry
  14. ✅ to feel tears of happiness
  15. ✅ to eat your favorite food
  16. ✅ to see your siblings grow
  17. ✅ to pass school
  18. ✅ to get tattoo
  19. ✅ to smile until your cheeks hurt
  20. ✅ to meet your internet friends
  21. ✅ to find someone who loves you like you deserve
  22. ✅ to eat ice cream on a hot day
  23. ✅ to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
  24. ✅ to see untouched snow in the morning
  25. ✅ to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
  26. ✅ to see stars light up the sky
  27. ✅ to read a book that changes your life
  28. ✅ to see the flowers in the spring
  29. ✅ to see the leaves change from green to brown
  30. ✅ to travel abroad
  31. ✅ to learn a new language
  32. ✅ to learn to draw
  33. ✅ to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
  34. ✅ Puppy kisses.
  35. ✅ Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
  36. ✅ Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
  37. ✅ Trampolines.
  38. ✅ Ice cream.
  39. ✅ Stargazing.
  40. ✅ Cloud watching.
  41. ✅ Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
  42. ✅ Receiving thoughtful gifts.
  43. ✅ “I saw this and thought of you.”
  44. ✅ The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you.”
  45. ✅ The relief you feel after crying.
  46. ✅ Sunshine.
  47. ✅ The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
  48. ✅ Your future wedding.
  49. ✅ Your favorite candy bar.
  50. ✅ New clothes.
  51. ✅ Witty puns.
  52. ✅ Really good bread.
  53. ✅ Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
  54. ✅ Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
  55. ✅ The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
  56. ✅ The smell before and after it rains
  57. ✅ The sound of rain against a rooftop.
  58. ✅ The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
  59. ✅ The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
  60. ✅ Trying out new recipes.
  61. ✅ The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
  62. ✅ The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
  63. ✅ You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
  64. ✅ Breakfast in bed.
  65. ✅ Getting a middle seat in the movie theater.
  66. ✅ Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
  67. ✅ Pray (if you are religious)
  68. ✅ Forgiveness.
  69. ✅ Water balloon fights.
  70. ✅ New books by your favorite authors.
  71. ✅ Fireflies.
  72. ✅ Birthdays.
  73. ✅ Realizing that someone loves you.
  74. ✅ Spending the day with someone you
  75. ✅ Opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships.
  76. ✅ Potential to learn, grow, and evolve as a person.
  77. ✅ Joy and happiness in the little things.
  78. ❌ The power to inspire others.
  79. ❌ The ability to create art, music, and other forms of self-expression.
  80. ❌ To explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life.
  81. ❌ To make a positive impact on the environment and help protect the planet.
  82. ✅ Experience the joys of parenthood and raise a family.
  83. ✅ Learn new things and develop new skills.
  84. ❌ Create a legacy that will outlive you.
  85. ✅ Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
  86. ✅ Cuddles
  87. ✅ Holding hands.
  88. ✅ The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
  89. ✅ Singing off key with your best friends.
  90. ✅ Road trips.
  91. ✅ Spontaneous adventures.
  92. ✅ The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
  93. ✅ The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
  94. ✅ Thunderstorms.
  95. ✅ Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
  96. ✅ The taste of your favorite food.
  97. ✅ The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
  98. ✅ The day when everything finally goes your way.
  99. ✅ Compliments and praise.
  100. ✅ to look on this moment in 10 years time and realize you did it.
  101. ❌ Kill yourself

Ps : Never forget you are a beautiful person 💕 Life is so beautiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don’t care of bad people, you are strong, i love you

Quota Exceed While Request Indexing to Google Search Console

Search Analytics

Search Analytics quota falls in two types: load limits and QPS limits. The “quota exceeded” error is the same for all quota exceeded events.

Load quota

Load represents the internal resources consumed by a query. Most users will not exceed load limits, but if you do, you will receive a “quota exceeded” error message. The Search Analytics resource enforces the following load limits:

  • Short-term load quota: Short-term quota is measured in 10 minute chunks. To fix:
    • If you exceed your quota, wait 15 minutes and try again. If you still exceed quota, you are exceeding long-term quota.
    • If you are exceeding short-term quota only, spread out your queries throughout the day.
  • Long-term load quota: Long-term quota is measured in 1 day chunks. If you exceed quota when running only a single query inside a 10 minute period, you are exceeding your long-term quota. To fix:
    • Queries are expensive when you group and/or filter by either page or query string. Queries grouped/filtered by page AND query string are the most expensive. To reduce your load for these queries, remove the grouping and/or filtering for the page and/or query string.
    • Query load increases with the date range queried. So queries with a six month range are much more expensive than a query with a one day range.
    • Avoid requerying the same data (for example, querying all data for last month over and over).

QPS quota

The Search Analytics resource enforces the following QPS (queries per second) QPM (queries per minute) and QPD (queries per day) limits:

  • Per-site quota (calls querying the same site):
    • 1,200 QPM
  • Per-user quota (calls made by the same user):
    • 1,200 QPM
  • Per-project quota (calls made using the same Developer Console key):
    • 30,000,000 QPD
    • 40,000 QPM


  • User A can make up to 1,200 QPM combined to her 3 websites.
  • Users A and B can make up to 1,200 QPM combined to their one website.

URL inspection

  • Per-site quota (calls querying the same site):
    • 2000 QPD
    • 600 QPM
  • Per-project quota (calls made using the same Developer Console key):
    • 10,000,000 QPD
    • 15,000 QPM

All other resources

  • Per-user limit (calls made by the same user):
    • 20 QPS
    • 200 QPM
  • Per-project limit (calls made using the same Developer Console key):
    • 100,000,000 QPD


Yoast SEO Certification in End of The Year 2023

Is SEO certification worth it?

SEO certifications are a fantastic way for people who are new to the industry to learn the basics of SEO and prove to current and future employees that you have a solid understanding of the industry. They can also teach website owners and marketing managers to do simple SEO tasks.

Yoast SEO Certification

Certification Description
AI for SEO – Gain a competitive edge, future-proof your keyword strategies, and soar to the top of search rankings – all designed to empower busy small business owners.
All-around SEO – In this course, you’ll learn practical SEO skills on every key aspect of SEO, to make your site stand out.
Yoast SEO for WordPress – In this course, you’ll learn about how to set up and use the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin so it makes SEO even easier.
SEO copywriting – In this course, you’ll learn how to write awesome copy that is optimized for ranking in search engines.
Understanding structured data – Do you want to take a deep dive into structured data? In this course, you’ll learn the theory related to structured data in detail.
Keyword Research – Do you know the essential first step of good SEO? It’s keyword research. In this training, you’ll learn how to research and select the keywords that will guide searchers to your pages.
Local SEO – Do you own a local business? This course will teach you how to make sure your local audience can find you in the search results and on Google Maps!
International SEO – Are you selling in countries all over the world? In this course, you’ll learn all about setting up and managing a site that targets people in different languages and locales.
Ecommerce SEO – Learn how to optimize your online shop for your customers and for search engines!
Block editor training – Start creating block-tastic content with the new WordPress block editor! Learn all about the block editor and what you can do with it.
Technical SEO: Crawlability and indexability – You have to make it possible for search engines to find your site, so they can display it in the search results. We’ll tell you all about how that works in this course!
Technical SEO: Hosting and server configuration – Choosing the right type of hosting for your site is the basis of a solid Technical SEO strategy. Learn all about it in this course!
Structured data for beginners – Learn how to make your site stand out from the crowd by adding structured data!
SEO for beginners – In this free course, you’ll get quick wins to make your site rank higher in Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
WordPress for beginners – Do you want to set up your own WordPress site? This course will teach you the ins and outs of creating and maintaining a WordPress website!
Technical SEO (deprecated) – How can you detect and solve technical issues that prevent your site from ranking well? No technical background? No problem!

Google crawlability and indexability are fundamental concepts in search engine optimization (SEO) that determine how well a website’s content can be discovered and included in Google’s search index. Let’s explore these concepts:

  1. Crawlability:
    • Definition: Crawlability refers to the ability of search engine bots (like Googlebot) to access and crawl the pages of a website.
    • Importance: If a webpage is not crawlable, search engines won’t be able to discover its content. Factors that affect crawlability include the website’s robots.txt file, the structure of URLs, and the use of navigation elements.
    • Robots.txt File: Websites often use a robots.txt file to provide instructions to search engine crawlers. This file can specify which parts of the site should not be crawled. However, it’s crucial to ensure that important content is not unintentionally blocked.
    • XML Sitemap: Creating and submitting an XML sitemap is a best practice. The sitemap provides a list of URLs on the site, helping search engines understand the structure and prioritize crawling.
    • Website Architecture: A well-organized website architecture with clear navigation paths aids crawlability. Internal links between pages also contribute to effective crawling.
  2. Indexability:
    • Definition: Indexability refers to whether the content crawled by search engines is eligible and suitable for inclusion in the search index.
    • Importance: Even if a page is crawled, it may not necessarily be indexed. Factors that affect indexability include the quality of content, the presence of duplicate content, and the use of canonical tags.
    • Content Quality: High-quality and unique content is more likely to be indexed. Google aims to provide users with valuable and relevant information in its search results.
    • Canonicalization: Duplicate content issues can be addressed using canonical tags. These tags specify the preferred version of a page, consolidating signals for similar or identical content.
    • Meta Robots Tags: HTML meta tags such as <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> can be used to explicitly indicate that a page should be indexed.
    • Noindex and Nofollow: Conversely, pages can include meta tags like <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> to instruct search engines not to index or follow links on the page.
    • 404 Errors: Pages returning a “404 Not Found” status code are generally not indexed. Regularly address broken links and 404 errors.

Understanding and managing crawlability and indexability are essential for effective SEO. Regularly monitoring these factors, using tools like Google Search Console, and following best practices help ensure that your website’s content is properly crawled, indexed, and made available in search results.

Cornerstone content refers to the most important and foundational pieces of content on a website. This content is typically comprehensive, authoritative, and serves as a cornerstone for the rest of the site. Cornerstone content plays a crucial role in providing a solid foundation for both visitors and search engines.

Key characteristics of cornerstone content include:

  1. Comprehensive and In-Depth: Cornerstone content is usually more extensive and in-depth than regular articles or blog posts. It covers a broad topic relevant to the website’s main theme or niche.
  2. Authoritative: Cornerstone content establishes the website as an authority on the chosen topic. It showcases the expertise of the content creator and provides valuable information to the audience.
  3. Evergreen: Ideally, cornerstone content is evergreen, meaning it remains relevant over time. While regular blog posts may focus on current events or trends, cornerstone content addresses fundamental aspects of a subject that do not quickly become outdated.
  4. Interlinked: Cornerstone content is often interlinked with other pages on the website. It acts as a hub that connects to and supports related articles and posts, creating a cohesive structure.
  5. SEO-Focused: Cornerstone content is essential for search engine optimization (SEO). When well-optimized, it can attract organic traffic by targeting key search terms and providing valuable information that search engines recognize as authoritative.

Examples of cornerstone content may include comprehensive guides, tutorials, or in-depth analyses related to the central themes of a website. For instance, a fitness website might have a cornerstone article on “The Ultimate Guide to Building Muscle,” while a travel blog could have a cornerstone piece on “Essential Tips for Budget Travelers.”

Creating and maintaining cornerstone content is a strategic approach for improving a website’s visibility, authority, and user experience. It helps the site establish a strong presence in search engine results and provides valuable resources for visitors seeking comprehensive information.

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