Nicolas Cage as Cris Johnson Quote Next Movie 2007

Here is the thing about the future. Every time you look at it, it changes, because you looked at it, and that changes everything else.

Cris Johnson
  • Cris Johnson Here is the thing about the future. Every time you look at, it changes, because you looked at it, and that changes everything else.
  • Cris Johnson There’s an Italian painter, named Carlotti, and he uh, ahem, defined beauty. He said it was the summation of the parts working together in such a way that nothing needed to be added, taken away or altered, and that’s you. You’re beautiful. Liz Wow.
  • Cris Johnson I’ve seen every possible ending. None of them are good for you.
  • Cris Johnson You don’t believe in destiny? Liz Well, even if it does exist, I don’t think I want to know. I mean, if every move we make is preordained, then what is the point of that? I mean, life is supposed to be a surprise.[beat] Liz Isn’t it? Cris Johnson It would be nice.
  • Callie Ferris Tell me what just happened. What did you see? Cris Johnson If I do what you want, you’ll keep me in this chair forever.
  • Liz You can see things before they happen? Cris Johnson Only my future… except with you. I saw far beyond anything I’d ever seen before. You need to get away from here.
  • Cris Johnson [has a premonition of them sharing a kiss]  Wow. That was incredible. Liz What was?Cris Johnson This.[kisses her] 
  • Cris Johnson It may be a week, or a month, but if you can wait, I will find you.
  • Cris Johnson Every once in a while what we think is magic is the real deal hiding behind a $50.00 trick, because the alternative is impossible for others to live with.
  • Cris Johnson Did you hear about the zen monk who ordered a hot dog? He said he had one with everything
  • Cris Johnson I have a small magic act back in Vegas. The Frank Cadillac Show. Liz I thought your name was Cris. Cris Johnson It is. Frank Cadillac is my stage name. Liz How’d you come up with that? Cris Johnson I picked two things I really like and put them together. Frankenstein and Cadillacs.
  • Cris Johnson [Chris knows he’s about to be punched by Liz’s stalker. Gritting his teeth]  Incoming.[gets punched in the face] 
  • Cris Johnson I like rain. Liz I like rain, too.
  • Liz I don’t want you to die. Cris Johnson It happened. It just hasn’t happened yet.
  • Cris Johnson You have one way out of this.[Mr. Smith holds up the detonator; Ferris shoots it out of his hand] Cris Johnson That wasn’t it.
  • [last lines] Callie Ferris Ready? Cris Johnson Yeah.
  • Callie Ferris Don’t do it. Cris Johnson I already have.
  • Cris Johnson It helps if you don’t speak right now.
  • Callie Ferris Let’s talk about something hard. A stolen nuclear munition is being smuggled into the United States, or may, in fact, already be here. I want you to look ahead and tell me where it’s going to be deployed.Cris Johnson Uh… I think you’ve got the wrong guy. It’s a magic act.Callie Ferris You going to stick with that story? Because millions of lives are at risk and you could, maybe, prevent a major catastrophe. On a practical note, we’re standing in front of a stolen vehicle and you’re wanted for assault involving a weapon at the casino.Cris Johnson All right, that was an accident. He had a gun. He was going to shoot two people.Callie Ferris Yeah? How’d you know that? No good deed goes unpunished, does it? I can fix your legal problems, buddy, but you’ve got to step up. Otherwise, your next magic show is going to be at Folsom State Prison.Cris Johnson It’s ironic, but people like you who try to help have been torturing me, in the full sense of the word, since I was three years old. What did they call it? Oh, yeah. Observed play therapy. Featuring, the marathon 36-hour, can-you-guess-the-next-flash-card game. So, please, leave me alone and let me live some semblance of a normal life.Callie Ferris I’d love to indulge your feelings, but I am dealing with a slightly larger picture right now. Now you can exercise your responsibility to help your fellow man or I will exercise that responsibility for you.
  • Cris Johnson [to agent who keeps interrupting him while he’s trying to brief the team]  if you will SHUT UP now, and do EXACTLY what I tell you to do, I’ll keep you alive.

filosofi tai

Filosofi Tai
Ini Tai
Tai Memang Barang Remeh
Tapi Tai Tidak Bisa Dianggap Sepele
Tai Memang Tanpa Harga Diri
Tapi Tidak Ada Yang Berani Menginjak-injak Tai


Tai Mengajarkan Kita Ke Ikhlasan Yang Hakiki
Ketika Tai Diminta Pergi
Tai Tak Berharap Untuk Kembali

Tai Sering Dianggap Sebagai Barang Yang Menjijikan
Padahal Sebenarnya Memang IYA

Tapi Ingat Mencintai Belum Lengkap Jika Tanpa Tai
Ada Tai Dalam Kata MencinTai


Fakta: Tai harus kita keluarkan. Kalau berada dalam tubuh kita dalam waktu yang lama, maka akan jadi racun.
Filosofi: Tahukah sebenarnya tai mirip dengan harta atau uang yang kita miliki. Harta juga harus dikeluarkan (sebagian) untuk orang lain. Karena ada hak orang lain di setiap harta kita. Kalau tidak dikeluarkan, maka kebahagiaan tidak akan bisa kita raih.

Fakta: Tai itu menjijikkan. Tapi kita semua menyimpannya setiap hari.
Filosofi: Sesuci apapun kita, sekhusuk apapun kita di hadapan Tuhan, tapi kita gak berhak menjudge atau menganggap orang lain lebih buruk dari kita. Karena kita dan mereka itu sama. Sama-sama menggombol tai setiap harinya.

Fakta: Tidak ada yg suka dengan tai. Padahal kalau kita perhatikan, warna tai itu kuning kayak emas.
Filosofi: Emas ibarat kekayaan. Kekayaan seseorang itu tidak akan menjamin kebahagiaan kalau hanya disimpan saja. Sama kayak tai, kekayaan harus dibagi, dikeluarkan, diberikan kepada yg berhak menerima.

Fakta: Kita tidak bisa mengeluarkan tai dalam satu ngeden saja. Harus pelan-pelan dan bertahap.
Filosofi: Dalam hidup, kita juga memerlukan tahap-tahap menuju kesuksesan. Tidak ada cara instant. Semua butuh pelan-pelan. Dan sabar.

Fakta: Ketika kebelet, tubuh kita akan tersiksa, otak tidak tenang, bahkan kadang sampe keringetan. Kita akan berusaha keras mencari wese. Setelah ngising selesai, kita senang, kita lega.
Filosofi: Hidup pun begitu. Ungkapan “Bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian” memang banyak benarnya. Kita gak boleh manja untuk meraih kebahagian hidup. Harus berjuang memeras keringat. Sampe tujuan tercapai. Dan kita akan senang dan tenang.

Fakta: Kita tidak bisa ngising kalau sambil banyak bicara.
Filosofi: Take action! Jangan cuma omong doang!

Fakta: Kalau sudah kebelet, kita gak akan takut oleh apapun! Dan tujuan kita jelas: WESE!
Filosofi: Jangan takut melangkah demi tujuan hidup yang jelas!

Fakta: Tai itu bisa bermanfaat jadi pupuk kompos yg bagus buat tumbuhan.
Filosofi: Seburuk apapun suatu kejadian, pasti ada manfaatnya yg bisa kita petik.

Fakta: Ketika ngising, kita gak akan mau keluar wese sebelum semuanya tuntas!
Filosofi: Selesaikan apapun yang sudah kamu mulai!

Fakta: Kita gak mungkin akan minta tai orang lain. Kita juga gak mungkin membantu mengeluarkan tai orang lain.

Fakta: Tai itu warnanya kuning. Kenapa gak merah, atau biru saja?
Filosofi: Kuning itu warna yang menggambarkan kehangatan, semangat, passion. Warna kuning pada tai mengingatkan kita untuk selalu mengawali hari dengan SEMANGAT!!!

Fakta: Tai awalnya berada di tubuh kita, lalu kita keluarkan. Anehnya, kita tidak pernah mengharapkan tai itu kembali.
Filosofi: Ngising mengajarkan kita tentang KEIHLASAN yang hakiki!

Tahi, orang sering menulisnya tai. Menjadi bahasa makian sehari hari, bila sedang kesal, “Ta..** sensor”. Padahal apa salah tahi, sehingga dia dijadikan bahan ejekan, bahkan umpatan yang bermakna kasar dan menghina?

Tahi juga sering dijadikan ungkapan, seperti “Hangat hangat tahi ayam” atau “Bila cinta sedang melekat, Tahi ayam rasa coklat “.Aku heran mengapa ada ungkapan seperti itu , padahal tahi dari ayam tidak disebut tahi ayam tapi tahi kotok, dan apa ia orang pernah makan tahi ayam saat sedang jatuh cinta,sehingga dia tahu rasa  eenya ayam itu seenak rasa coklat ?

Bicara tentang filosofi tahi, tahukah kamu bahwa tahi memiliki sebuah filosofi yang sangat mendalam. Tentu saja ini tak ada dibuku ajaran filosofi manapun, karena ini murni hasil kecapan seorang kampret saat sedang duduk di bangku kuliah. Jadi kebenarannya tentu tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

Kembali pada filosofi tahi. Menurut kamus persemedian, tahi dalam proses sakralnya memegang hajat hidup orang banyak. Bayangkan bila tahi tahi itu menumpuk diperut, tanpa bisa dikeluarkan! Sembelit  bukan? Pernah bayangkan sembelit seminggu ? Bagaimana sakitnya prosesi membuang hajat itu, bila sembelit berminggu minggu? Pasti sakit bukan? Sambil tunjuk sakitnya  tuh disini. Tunjuklah sendiri sesuka hati, dimana sakitnya itu terasa.

Kita tahu Tahi adalah kotoran tubuh. Dia dihasilkan dari sisa sisa makanan yang tidak dapat lagi diolah, Bila tak dikeluarkan, tentu akan menimbulkan sembelit, perut melilit  dan lama lama  menjadi penyakit.

Sama seperti tubuh fisik, jiwapun memerlukan makanan. Maka tak heran orang membaca banyak buku buku rohani, mendengarkan ceramah, Membaca kitab kitab suci, agar cukup asupan gizi bagi tubuh jiwa. 4 sehat 5 sempurna bagi jiwa adalah Baca, Dengar, Pahami, Jalani, Doa. Ditambah Iman dan Taat,  maka jiwa menjadi kuat dan berkah. 
Namun sayangnya seringkali jiwapun kita beri makanan junk food dan racun tak terolah , berupa film film “XYZ”, bacaan atau makanan lain yang tak dapat diolah oleh jiwa, dan menjadi kotoran jiwa. Ya sama seperti tubuh fisik, jiwapun bisa menghasilkan tahi tahi jiwa hasil makanan jiwa yang tak bisa diolah.

Kembali pada filosofi tahi tadi, kotoran harus dibuang, bila tidak, maka akan menimbulkan sembelit, dan lama lama akan menjadi penyakit! Penyakit jiwa dari sembelit adalah munafik, rasa bersalah yang terpendam, dan rasa bersalah yang terpendam lebih kejam dari hukuman penjara, karena dia menyiksa tanpa batas waktu yang jelas.

Tahi, jangan jadikan dia makian kasar saat kamu marah. Karena tahi , memiliki hajatannya sendiri. Dia memiliki filosofinya sendiri. Dia membuat perutmu lega, saat kau buang dia dalam jamban. Dia membuat hatimu lega saat kau akui dia dan membuangnya dalam jamban hidupmu. 

Tahi dibuang tidak untuk dipungut kembali. Seperti tidak mungkin kau makan tahimu saat kau lapar bukan? karena yang sudi memakan tahimu hanya Lele di Kolam…. Eeeehhh. Seperti itu juga tahi jiwamu, tak mungkin kau lakukan lagi salah dan dosa yang sama bukan, bila itu sudah kau buang sebagai tahi dalam jamban hidupmu.

Ajaibnya Tahi yang kau buang sebagai kotoran, bisa menjadi pupuk bagi tanaman, makanan bagi ikan, dan Alam mampu mendaur ulang semua itu, menjadi berkah dan bentuk baru. Semoga demikian juga berakhirnya tahi jiwa, saat dia diakui, dikeluarkan dan dibuang, dia mungkin akan berdaur ulang, menjadi berkah dalam bentuknya yang baru.

Two Kinds Of Non-Car Enthusiasts

There are two kinds of non-car Enthusiasts:

  1. Those who respect and support car-enthusiasts regardless of difference in what they enjoy (hobbies, interests, etc)
  2. Those who don’t, can’t, and/or, won’t respect and support car-enthusiasts. These include people who would say anything against cars and/or car-enthusiasts just for the sake of it.

If you are a non-car enthusiast, please don’t be the number 2, be the number 1, thanks to the number 1! Thank you for your respect and support!

You spend a long time caring for your car

Many people give their car a good clean on a Saturday afternoon, but it might be that you spend a little longer than most. You might make every effort to get your car looking like it has come fresh from a showroom, spending an age washing, buffing, and waxing it. Chances are, you might not be happy until you can clearly see your reflection shining out from the bonnet.

Your car is your career

There are all kinds of career options in the automotive industry, and you might have fallen into one of them. You could be an auto mechanic, a car detailer, or even a car salesman. You might even be a driving instructor or a vehicle inspector, and you might buy and sell cars on the internet. You’re in a motoring career because you like to be hands-on in the trade, and every other type of job to you seems lacking in comparison.

Your calendar is marked with upcoming car events

There are all kinds of car events happening in next year, and chances are, you have more than a couple of them marked on your calendar already. The London Classic Car Show is a big one for February and continuing the retro theme, there is also the Total Retro Show in Kendal in May and the Vintage Nostalgia Festival in Wiltshire the following month. There are also events that celebrate Volkswagen, Audi, and the humble Mini, and many more besides. You can check them out in the previous link.

You are keen to learn everything about your car

Do you regularly read your car’s manual to get to grips with everything that is going on beneath the bonnet? Do you scour forums that are populated with reviews and stories about your model of motor from other car lovers? Do you visit those websites and YouTube channels that go into depth about the car that is sitting on your drive? If so, you’re a real car enthusiast and the knowledge you contain might be encyclopedic.

There is nothing wrong with being a car enthusiast, of course. Many of us have a keen interest in something that is a part of our lives. So, if you have related to this post today, we hope you continue to enjoy both your car and the motoring activities that you enjoy taking part in.

Ragnar Lothbrok Speech To His Daughter Gyda

“Gyda, I have come to say goodbye to you properly.
I have been thinking about you, about when you were small. You could run as swiftly as the wind. You were like quick-silver. But then, before I knew it, you stopped running here and there and everywhere, and you became still.

At 12-years-old, you had the stillnessand the calm of a fine woman. What children you would have produced! What joy that would have brought to all of us.

Dear child, Gyda. You are not gone because you are always in my heart.

They say that a man must love his sons more, but a man can be jealous of his sons, and his daughter can always be the light in his life.

I know very well that you are with the Gods. But I will wait here awhile. And if you want to comeand talk to me, then come and talk, and I will gently stroke your long and beautiful hair once again with my peasant hands.”

— Ragnar Lothbrok, Brother’s War.

Ragnar To Gyda

What Is The Meaning of “Put A Cork In It” Idiom

Put A Cork In It used as a rude way to tell someone to stop talking and especially to stop complaining or talking.

Chiefly US informal for telling someone to stop talking or going on about something, dates from the early 1900s, from the obvious allusion to closing off a bottle with a cork. See also Corker.


  1. Why don’t you put a cork in it! I’m sick of your whining!
  2. Dad told me to put a cork in it when I wouldn’t stop talking.
“Put A Cork In It!”

To stop talking and be quiet. Usually used as an imperative. Put a cork in it, you two! I don’t want to hear any more arguing until we get to Grandma’s house.

Source: Wikipedia

Synonym of put a sock in it (“be quiet”)

2 cork /ˈkoɚk/ verb

corks; corked; corking

Britannica Dictionary definition of CORK

[+ object]

: to close (something, such as a bottle) with a cork

  • Please cork the wine.
  • corked bottle of wine

— opposite uncork; see also corked

: to put cork inside (something, such as a baseball bat)

  • a player who has been accused of illegally corking his bats
  • corked bat

Nation of sheep, ruled by wolves, owned by pigs

“Nation of sheep, ruled by wolves, owned by pigs”

“To survive in a nation of sheep, ruled by wolves, owned by pigs, you must become a lion”

“A society of sheep will beget a government of wolves” is a saying by French philosopher, political economist, and futurist Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903-1987) from the 1940s.

“NATION OF SHEEP. RULED BY WOLVES. OWNED BY PIGS”, says a button for sale at the front counter, was printed in the Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer on February 25, 1998.

“We’ve become a nation of wolves, ruled by sheep.
Owned by swine, overfed, and put to sleep.
While the media elite declare what to think,
I’ll be wide awake, on the edge, and on the brink.”

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” ― Edward R. Murrow

A nation of sheep ruled by wolves will not last because:

  1. contrarian views that may offer a better way forward are suppressed;
  2. the rulers only hear the good things from loyalists who don’t want to rock the boat less they lose their entrenched interests.
  3. the general population focuses on the short term benefits while ignoring the inherent flaws of a system predicated on the assumed “wisdom” and benevolence of the rulers.

Ragnar Lothbrok Final Speech – S4E15

It gladdens me to know that Odin prepares for a feast! Soon I shall be drinking ale from curved horns. This hero that comes into Valhalla does not lament his death. I shall not enter Odin’s hall with fear. There, I shall wait for my sons to join me. And when they do, I will bask in their tales of triumph. The Aesir will welcome me. My death comes without apology. And I welcome the Valkyries to summon me home!

Ragnar Lothbrok

Ragnar Lothbrok Final Speech – S4E15

Ragnar was so ready to die and was happy to die there. He feels like his whole plan has worked, and his kids were coming to avenge him and get revenge on Ecbert,” explained Fimmel who, according to Hirst, had “strong ideas” about how Ragnar’s death should play out in the series. Fimmel was also fully on board with the idea of Ragnar’s death not coming at the end of the season.

Speaking with THR, Hirst explained why he chose not to make Ragnar’s death the focus of the season four finale. “This is the saga of Ragnar and his sons. I didn’t want to suggest to the audience that the death of Ragnar meant some huge breaking point in that saga; it’s just part of the weight. So Ragnar’s sons will continue the saga. This isn’t the end of Ragnar Lothbrok.

Ragnar will live on in his fame. He will live on because he was the most famous Viking of the time. But he also, of course, will live on through his sons. I never wanted this story to end when Ragnar dies physically. We’ve shot roughly 25 more hours of TV now after Ragnar’s death, and we are a long way down the line. We are really embracing the sons, but Ragnar hasn’t gone away, because Ragnar is still the inspiration.”

Guys Like You Always Think Of Other People Get Lucky, I Make My Own Luck – Harvey Specter – Suits

Guys Like You Always Think Of Other People Get Lucky, I Make My Own Luck – Harvey Specter

I was angry with my friend I told my wrath, my wrath did end | Poison Tree William Blake Arts

A Poison Tree

Tommy Shelby Peaky Blinders – William Blakes – A Poison Tree

I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I waterd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night.
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,
When the night had veild the pole;
In the morning glad I see;
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

“A Poison Tree” is a poem written by William Blake, published in 1794 as part of his Songs of Experience collection. It describes the narrator’s repressed feelings of anger towards an individual, emotions which eventually lead to murder. The poem explores themes of indignation, revenge, and more generally the fallen state of mankind.

The poem relies on a trochaic beat. It consists of four stanzas and begins with an emphasis on the first person. The first person perspective changes with the use of the word “And” after the first stanza, while the emphasis on “I” is replaced

The original draft has a line drawn beneath the first stanza, which could denote that Blake originally intended the poem as concluding at the 4th line. There are also many differences between the manuscript and published versions of the poem, with the original line 3 and 4 reading “At a Friends Errors Anger Shew / Mirth at the Errors of a Foe.”

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