Daftar Klub Sepak Bola Indonesia Beserta Julukan Berdasarkan Provinsi dan Kota

Julukan dalam klub sepak bola Indonesia memiliki berbagai tujuan dan makna yang mendalam. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan utama mengapa klub-klub sepak bola di Indonesia memiliki julukan:

1. Identitas dan Kebanggaan Daerah

  • Julukan sering mencerminkan identitas daerah asal klub, termasuk budaya, sejarah, atau ikon khas daerah tersebut.
  • Contoh: “Macan Kemayoran” (Persija Jakarta) berasal dari ikon harimau yang melambangkan keberanian, serta “Kemayoran” sebagai kawasan bersejarah di Jakarta.

2. Meningkatkan Loyalitas Suporter

  • Julukan membantu membangun ikatan emosional antara klub dan para pendukungnya.
  • Contoh: “Maung Bandung” (Persib Bandung) digunakan untuk mencerminkan semangat dan karakter kuat yang juga dimiliki oleh para suporternya, Bobotoh.

3. Mencerminkan Filosofi dan Gaya Bermain

  • Beberapa julukan menggambarkan karakter permainan tim, seperti agresif, lincah, atau solid.
  • Contoh: “Bajul Ijo” (Persebaya Surabaya) menggambarkan kelincahan tim seperti buaya hijau yang menjadi simbol kekuatan Surabaya.

4. Pengaruh Sejarah dan Legenda Lokal

  • Beberapa klub mengambil julukan dari tokoh atau legenda setempat untuk memperkuat identitas mereka.
  • Contoh: “Laskar Wong Kito” (Sriwijaya FC) diambil dari istilah dalam budaya Palembang yang berarti “Pasukan Orang Kita,” menggambarkan persatuan dan semangat juang.

5. Peningkatan Brand dan Pemasaran Klub

  • Julukan yang kuat dapat memperkuat citra klub di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.
  • Klub dapat menggunakan julukan mereka untuk keperluan merchandise, slogan, dan strategi pemasaran lainnya.

Julukan ini tidak hanya menjadi simbol klub, tetapi juga membentuk kebanggaan bagi masyarakat dan penggemar setianya. 🚀⚽

Berikut adalah daftar klub sepak bola di Indonesia yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan provinsi dan kota asal mereka, dengan semua kolom diisi.

Berikut adalah daftar klub sepak bola di Indonesia beserta julukan dan nama suporter mereka berdasarkan provinsi dan kota asal.

Daftar Klub Sepak Bola Indonesia Beserta Julukan dan Nama Suporter

NoProvinsiKota/KabupatenNama KlubJulukanNama Suporter
1AcehBanda AcehPersiraja Banda AcehLaskar RencongSKULL, Lantak Laju
2Sumatera UtaraMedanPSMS MedanAyam KinantanSMeCK Hooligan, KAMPAK FC
3PematangsiantarPersesi SiantarSiantar Nagogo
4Sumatera BaratPadangSemen Padang FCKabau SirahThe Kmers, UWS 1980
5RiauPekanbaruPSPS RiauAskar BertuahCurva Nord 1955
6Kepulauan RiauTanjung PinangPSTS Tanjung PinangLaskar Segantang Lada
7JambiJambiPersijam JambiLaskar Sipinjai
8BengkuluBengkuluPersib BengkuluBujang Gadis
9Sumatera SelatanPalembangSriwijaya FCLaskar Wong KitoSinga Mania, Sriwijaya Mania
10LampungBandar LampungBadak Lampung FCLaskar SaburaiSKULL Fans, Sai Bumi Rua Jurai
11Bangka BelitungPangkal PinangPS BangkaLaskar Timah Panas
12BantenTangerangPersita TangerangPendekar CisadaneNorth Legion, La Viola
13SerangPerserang SerangLaskar Singandaru
14DKI JakartaJakartaPersija JakartaMacan KemayoranThe Jakmania
15Jawa BaratBandungPersib BandungMaung BandungBobotoh, Viking Persib
16BogorPersikabo 1973Laskar PadjadjaranKabomania, Ultrassik
17BekasiBhayangkara FCThe Guardian
18Jawa TengahSemarangPSIS SemarangLaskar Mahesa JenarPanser Biru, Snex
19Surakarta (Solo)Persis SoloLaskar SambernyawaPasoepati
20JeparaPersijap JeparaLaskar KalinyamatBanaspati, Jetman
21CilacapPSCS CilacapLaskar NusakambanganBlue Sharks
22DI YogyakartaSlemanPSS SlemanSuper Elang JawaSlemania, BCS (Brigata Curva Sud)
23YogyakartaPSIM YogyakartaLaskar MataramBrajamusti, The Maident
24Jawa TimurSurabayaPersebaya SurabayaBajul IjoBonek, Bonita
25MalangArema FCSingo EdanAremania, Aremanita
26KediriPersik KediriMacan PutihPersikmania
27LamonganPersela LamonganLaskar Joko TingkirLA Mania
28GresikGresik UnitedLaskar Joko SamudroUltras Gresik
29BaliGianyarBali United FCSerdadu TridatuSemeton Dewata
30Nusa Tenggara BaratMataramPS MataramLaskar Giri Sasak
31Nusa Tenggara TimurKupangPersab BeluLaskar Bumi Rai
32Kalimantan BaratPontianakPersipon PontianakElang Khatulistiwa
33Kalimantan SelatanBanjarmasinBarito PuteraLaskar AntasariBartman
34Kalimantan TengahPalangka RayaKalteng PutraEnggang BorneoKalteng Mania
35Kalimantan TimurSamarindaBorneo FCPesut EtamPusamania
36BalikpapanPersiba BalikpapanBeruang MaduBalistik
37Kalimantan UtaraTarakanPersikutim Kutai TimurLaskar Pantai Utara
38Sulawesi UtaraManadoSulut UnitedLaskar Nyiur Melambai
39Sulawesi TengahPaluCelebest FCTanduk Anoa
40Sulawesi SelatanMakassarPSM MakassarJuku EjaThe Maczman
41Sulawesi TenggaraKendariPS KendariLaskar Bumi Anoa
42GorontaloGorontaloPersigo GorontaloLaskar Hulonthalo
43MalukuAmbonMaluku FCLaskar Nusa Ina
44Maluku UtaraTernatePersiter TernateLaskar Kie Raha
45PapuaJayapuraPersipura JayapuraMutiara HitamPersipura Mania
46Biak NumforPSBS BiakBadai Pasifik
47Papua BaratManokwariPerseman ManokwariLaskar Manokwari


Setiap klub di Indonesia memiliki julukan yang mencerminkan identitas daerah, filosofi, atau sejarah mereka. Selain itu, keberadaan suporter yang fanatik menjadi kekuatan utama dalam mendukung timnya. Mereka memiliki peran besar dalam membangun atmosfer pertandingan serta menjaga loyalitas klub.

Jika ada tambahan atau revisi, silakan beri tahu saya! 😊⚽🔥

Cara Membuat Terrarium Tertutup dengan Ekosistem Mandiri 🌱

Terrarium tertutup adalah ekosistem mini yang bisa bertahan bertahun-tahun tanpa perawatan. Jika dibuat dengan benar, ia akan memiliki siklus air sendiri, tidak butuh penyiraman, dan bisa menjadi ekosistem mandiri yang menarik!

Cara Membuat Terrarium Tertutup dengan Ekosistem Mandiri 🌱

Terrarium tertutup adalah ekosistem mini yang bisa bertahan bertahun-tahun tanpa perawatan. Jika dibuat dengan benar, ia akan memiliki siklus air sendiri, tidak butuh penyiraman, dan bisa menjadi ekosistem mandiri yang menarik!

🌿 1. Siapkan Wadah Kaca Tertutup

  • Gunakan toples kaca, botol, atau akuarium kecil dengan tutup rapat.
  • Pilih yang transparan, agar cahaya bisa masuk untuk proses fotosintesis.

📌 Wadah harus bersih! Cuci dengan air panas dan keringkan sebelum digunakan untuk mencegah jamur.

🪴 2. Buat Lapisan Drainase (Agar Akar Tidak Busuk)

Lapisan ini membantu mengatur kelembapan dan mencegah pembusukan akar. Urutannya dari bawah ke atas:

1️⃣ Kerikil atau batu kecil → Drainase agar air tidak menggenang.
2️⃣ Arang aktif (karbon aktif) → Menyerap racun & mencegah bau/jamur.
3️⃣ Tanah khusus → Gunakan campuran tanah gambut, cocopeat, atau sphagnum moss.

🌱 3. Pilih Tanaman yang Tahan Kelembapan

Gunakan tanaman yang bisa hidup di lingkungan lembap dan rendah perawatan, seperti:

Lumut (Java Moss, Sheet Moss, dll.) → Cocok untuk terrarium tertutup.
Pakis mini (Asplenium, Adiantum) → Tahan kelembapan tinggi.
Fittonia (Nerve Plant) → Daya tahan kuat & warna menarik.
Peperomia → Cocok untuk ekosistem mandiri.
Tanaman karnivora (Venus Flytrap, Cape Sundew) → Bisa menangkap serangga kecil sendiri.

📌 Hindari sukulen atau kaktus, karena mereka butuh lingkungan kering.

🦠 4. Tambahkan Ekosistem Mikro (Agar Mandiri & Tanpa Perawatan)

Untuk menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem dan menghindari jamur atau pembusukan, tambahkan:

🔹 Springtail (Serangga Mikro Pemakan Jamur) → Membersihkan jamur & sisa organik.
🔹 Isopod (Kutu Kayu Kecil) → Membantu mengurai daun mati & sisa bahan organik.

📌 Tanpa ini, terrarium bisa cepat berjamur dan busuk!

💧 5. Siram Air Secukupnya & Tutup Wadah

  • Gunakan air hujan atau air suling agar tidak ada zat kimia yang mengganggu keseimbangan.
  • Siram sedikit saja agar tanah lembap, tapi tidak terlalu basah.
  • Tutup rapat agar siklus air terbentuk.

☀️ 6. Letakkan di Tempat yang Tepat

  • Jangan kena sinar matahari langsung! Cahaya terlalu kuat bisa memicu kelembapan berlebih & jamur.
  • Taruh di tempat terang, tapi tidak terkena sinar matahari langsung (misal dekat jendela).
  • Jika ada terlalu banyak embun, buka tutupnya sebentar untuk ventilasi.

📆 7. Perawatan (Minimal atau Tanpa Perawatan)

Tidak perlu disiram lagi! Air akan bersirkulasi sendiri.
✅ Jika ada jamur, bersihkan dengan kapas dan buka tutup sebentar.
✅ Jika tanaman tumbuh terlalu besar, pangkas sedikit agar tetap seimbang.

💡 Jika semua langkah benar, terrarium bisa bertahan bertahun-tahun tanpa perawatan!

🌿 Kesimpulan

Terrarium tertutup adalah ekosistem mandiri yang bisa bertahan bertahun-tahun.
Gunakan tanaman tropis yang tahan lembap seperti lumut & pakis mini.
Tambahkan serangga mikro (springtail & isopod) agar bebas jamur & minim perawatan.
Tempatkan di tempat terang tapi hindari sinar matahari langsung.

✨ Dengan cara ini, kamu bisa memiliki “hutan mini dalam botol” yang hidup sendiri tanpa perlu disentuh lagi! 🌍🌱

Ilmu di balik terarium tertutup

Terarium tertutup pada dasarnya adalah ekosistem mini, dan kemampuannya untuk mandiri bergantung pada prinsip-prinsip siklus air dan fotosintesis.

Siklus air: Seperti yang disebutkan sebelumnya, terarium tertutup menciptakan siklus air mini. Air menguap dari tanah dan tanaman, mengembun di kaca, dan jatuh kembali ke tanah. Siklus ini memungkinkan tanaman menerima air yang mereka butuhkan tanpa perlu penyiraman terus-menerus.

Fotosintesis: Fotosintesis adalah proses di mana tanaman menggunakan sinar matahari untuk menciptakan energi. Tanaman di dalam terarium tertutup dapat berfotosintesis, yang berarti mereka dapat menghasilkan makanan mereka sendiri menggunakan cahaya yang masuk ke dalam wadah. Tanaman menyerap karbon dioksida dan melepaskan oksigen, yang menciptakan lingkungan yang mandiri di dalam terarium.

Perawatan terarium tertutup

Meskipun terarium tertutup relatif mudah dirawat, terarium tetap memerlukan perhatian untuk memastikannya terus tumbuh subur. Berikut beberapa kiat untuk merawat terarium tertutup Anda:

1. Letakkan terarium tertutup Anda di area dengan cahaya terang dan tidak langsung, karena sinar matahari langsung dapat menyebabkan suhu di dalam wadah meningkat ke tingkat yang berbahaya bagi tanaman.

2. Pangkas daun yang mati atau menguning dari tanaman untuk mencegah pertumbuhan jamur atau mikroorganisme berbahaya lainnya.

3. Jika terjadi pengembunan di dalam terarium, angkat tutupnya hingga kaca menjadi bening untuk memungkinkan kelebihan air menguap.

4. Setelah menyiram terarium untuk pertama kalinya, amati dengan saksama. Tanaman dan lumut di dalamnya akan memberikan petunjuk visual yang menunjukkan kapan mereka membutuhkan lebih banyak air.

Terarium tertutup adalah contoh ekosistem miniatur yang menarik yang bergantung pada prinsip siklus air dan fotosintesis untuk dapat bertahan hidup sendiri. Memahami ilmu di balik taman miniatur ini dapat membantu Anda merawat terarium tertutup dengan lebih baik dan menghargai keindahan bentuk berkebun dalam ruangan yang unik ini.

Gen Z Explained – A Guide to Generations, By Birth Year

Here’s a concise guide to the various generations, organized by their approximate birth years:

1. The Silent Generation (1928–1945)

  • Characteristics: Known for their strong work ethic, loyalty, and traditional values. They experienced the Great Depression and World War II.

2. Baby Boomers (1946–1964)

  • Characteristics: Born post-World War II during a time of significant population growth. They value personal gratification and are associated with social movements like civil rights and feminism.

3. Generation X (1965–1980)

  • Characteristics: Often seen as the “middle child” generation, they value independence and self-reliance. They witnessed the rise of technology and changes in family dynamics.

4. Millennials (Generation Y) (1981–1996)

  • Characteristics: Digital natives who grew up during the internet explosion. They prioritize experiences over possessions and often value diversity and inclusivity.

5. Generation Z (1997–2012)

  • Characteristics: The first generation to grow up with smartphones and social media. They are known for their activism, awareness of social issues, and preference for authentic communication.

6. Generation Alpha (2010–mid-2020s)

  • Characteristics: The youngest generation, growing up in a fully digital world. They are likely to be more diverse and tech-savvy, with a focus on sustainability and social consciousness.

Summary of Characteristics by Generation:

GenerationBirth YearsKey Traits
Silent Generation1928–1945Traditional, hardworking, loyal
Baby Boomers1946–1964Socially active, idealistic, value personal growth
Generation X1965–1980Independent, pragmatic, adaptable
Millennials1981–1996Tech-savvy, experience-oriented, value diversity
Generation Z1997–2012Activist-minded, social media fluent, individualistic
Generation Alpha2010–mid-2020sDigital natives, environmentally conscious, diverse

Each generation has unique influences and characteristics shaped by the socio-economic, cultural, and technological contexts of their formative years.

Defining Generation Names and Dates

A generation is a group of people born at roughly the same time. They’re usually grouped by a 20-year time interval, says Deborah Carr, PhD, professor and chair of the sociology department of Boston University and author of Golden Years? Social Inequalities in Later Life.

“Generations take on special meaning because their members tend to experience critical life events and transitions at particular historical moments, and these moments define their lives,” says Dr. Carr. Indeed, generations influence everything from baby name trends to parenting styles.

Many experts, including Dr. Carr, agree that the most reliable and well-known generation timeline was identified by authors Neil Howe and William Strauss. However, the latest generational designations come from the Pew Research Center, a “nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world.”1

The Greatest Generation (GI Generation): Born 1901–1927

This generation lived through the Great Depression and then went off to fight in World War II. Notably, they popularized jazz and swing music, but don’t be fooled by the wild provocations of the cultural preferences of the times. Due to the current events of this generation, the challenge of raising a family put a premium on traits like hard work and grit.

The Silent Generation: Born 1928–1945

The silent generation famously got their name for being so conformist that they were silent through the MacCarthy era when the fear of Communism swept the country.2 During this era, kids were expected to earn their way through life using a strong work ethic.

Baby Boom Generation: Born 1946–1964

Gen Z may think of Baby Boomers as their out-of-touch grandparents (as in “OK, Boomer”), but this generation actually had a wild youth we often don’t talk about. Boomers are named for the population “boom” that occurred after WWII, and many young people of this generation defied their parents, protested the Vietnam War, and created the “Summer of Love.”

Boomer parents notably redefined parenting by being the first generation to look at their kids’ perspective of growing up, and they started the concept of having family meetings.

Generation X: Born 1965–1980

So often dismissed as the slacker generation, Generation X lived through the AIDS epidemic, MTV culture, and a shifting landscape that would give rise to LGBTQ+ rights.

Generation X parents were the first to use helicopter parenting styles. Unlike their Boomer parents, who famously let their kids stay outside until the streetlights came on, Gen X’ers tend to be far more involved with their children’s social and educational development.

Millennial Generation or Generation Y: Born 1981–1996

Millennials lived through 9/11, remember when Amazon only sold books, and are also the first generation to know a childhood both with and without the internet, which now plays a significant role in their personal lives.

While Boomers may accuse Millennials of being self-centered and impatient due to their excessive use of technology, this generation has proven to be incredibly community-oriented and environmentally conscious, which are traits being picked up by their children.

When it comes to parenting, millennials are more likely than prior generations to encourage their children to live as their authentic selves, and they’re leading the movement in helping gender non-conforming kids be happy with who they are, points out Carr. “Some millennial parents, who were ‘helicoptered over’ in their youth, are taking on a freer approach to parenting, allowing their children to explore and create without constant structure or supervision.”

Generation Z or iGen: Born 1997–2010

Generation Z kids are the first to be born into a world where they know nothing besides constant connection to one another, albeit through phones, screens, and tablets. However, like millennials before them, Gen Z’ers are often environmentally conscious, inclusive and accepting of others, and extremely politically aware—despite many of them not yet being of voting age.3

Generation Alpha: Born 2010-2024

Kids born between 2010 and 2024 are part of Generation Alpha.4 Generation Alpha is the first generation of kids who will never know a time when social media didn’t exist, and they are far more tech-savvy than any generation previously, which is a powerful tool that can change humanity in myriad positive ways.

It may be too soon to peg the Alphas as this or that based on how little we know about them so far. However, there are a few things we understand: Some Gen Alphas are the first to be born amid the COVID-19 pandemic, they’re more diverse than any other generation, and they’re more likely to be in a single-parent household.4

Like the generations that came before them, every passing year will shape the cultural perception of who they are. In the meantime, parents get the pride and honor to help guide them to making the best choices possible.

The Greatest Generation (GI Generation)Born 1901–1927
The Silent GenerationBorn 1928–1945
Baby Boom GenerationBorn 1946–1964
Generation XBorn 1965–1980
Millennial Generation or Generation YBorn 1981–1996
Generation Z or iGenBorn 1997–2010
Generation AlphaBorn 2010-2025

Pig Butchering Scam

Every year, people around the world lose millions of dollars to a sophisticated scam known as “the pig butchering romance scam”.

The Pig Butchering Scam (also known as “Sha Zhu Pan” 殺豬盤/杀猪盘 or “slaughtering the pig”) is a type of financial scam that originated in China and has since spread globally. It is a long-con romance and investment scam where the victim (referred to as the “pig”) is “fattened up” emotionally and psychologically by the scammer over time before being “butchered,” meaning they are coerced into investing large sums of money into fake investment schemes.

How the Scam Works:

  1. Initial Contact and Relationship Building:
    • Scammers typically approach victims through dating apps, social media, or cold messaging on platforms like WhatsApp.
    • They spend weeks or months building a fake relationship, gaining the victim’s trust by pretending to be romantically interested, showing care, or posing as a friend.
  2. Introducing the Fake Investment:
    • Once trust is established, the scammer introduces the victim to a fake investment opportunity. This could be a cryptocurrency investment, forex trading, or any high-return scheme.
    • The scammer shows supposed “evidence” of their own profits and convinces the victim that they, too, can make money quickly.
  3. Small Returns to Gain Trust:
    • Victims are often persuaded to invest a small initial amount, and the scammer may provide fake returns to make the investment seem legitimate and lucrative.
    • This initial success motivates the victim to invest more money.
  4. The Big Loss – Butchering the Pig:
    • Once the victim has invested a large sum, the scammer disappears with the money or prevents the victim from withdrawing their funds.
    • The victim is left with no access to their “investment,” which in reality never existed.

Characteristics of the Scam:

  • Long-term Manipulation: The scam takes time, as the scammer “fattens up” the victim by developing a deep emotional connection.
  • High Returns Promised: Victims are usually promised high or guaranteed returns, making the scam seem like a “once in a lifetime” opportunity.
  • Use of Fake Investment Platforms: The scam often involves convincing the victim to invest through fake websites or apps that appear legitimate, complete with customer support and live dashboards to show false profits.
  • Withdrawal Blockage: When the victim tries to withdraw their funds, they may be told there are “fees” or “taxes” to pay, which are just tactics to extract more money before the scammer vanishes.

How to Avoid Pig Butchering Scams:

  • Be Wary of Strangers Online: Be cautious about people who approach you on dating apps or social media, especially if they bring up financial opportunities.
  • Do Not Share Personal Information: Avoid sharing sensitive personal details or financial information with people you haven’t met in person.
  • Research Investment Opportunities Thoroughly: If someone suggests an investment platform, research it thoroughly. Be skeptical of high returns or “no risk” opportunities.
  • Avoid Transferring Money Quickly: Do not send money to someone you just met online or invest in schemes you don’t fully understand.

The Pig Butchering Scam is a sophisticated, emotionally manipulative con, preying on vulnerable individuals who trust the scammer. By being aware of the tactics used, you can better protect yourself and others from falling victim to this type of fraud.

The scam takes its name from the victims, who the scammers call “pigs” that they “fatten up” before slaughter. It usually begins with a text message that appears to be a wrong number. People who respond are lured into a long conversation with a good-looking and wealthy stranger who eventually offers to teach them how to make money with crypto investments. The investments are (of course) fake, and once victims send enough of their money, the scammers disappear. Victims frequently lose their life savings, and often the crime goes unreported because the victim is so embarrassed by what happened. A Kansas banker embezzled almost $50 million dollars from his bank as part of a pig-butchering scam, leading to the bank’s failure.

List of Common Terms

Investors need to understand the common terms related to Pig Butchering scams in order to protect themselves from being financially victimized.

  • Cryptocurrency – A digital currency in which transactions are verified and records maintained by a decentralized system using cryptography, rather than by a centralized authority.
  • Dating Apps – An application that enables people to meet for a date and possible lasting relationship (i.e., Tinder, Bumble, eHarmony).
  • Emotions – A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
  • Encrypted messaging applications – Provide end-to-end encryption for user-to-user text
  • messaging. Encrypted messaging prevents anyone from monitoring your text conversations.
  • Fake Profiles – A profile where someone is pretending to be something or someone that doesn’t exist.
  • Fake trading platform – Binary options trading platforms manipulate the trading software to distort binary options prices and payouts. For example, when a customer’s trade is “winning,” the countdown to expiration is extended arbitrarily until the trade becomes a loss.
  • Investing scam – Happens when people try to trick you into investing money. A scammer may lie to you or give you fake information about a real investment.
  • Love Bombing – The action or practice of lavishing someone with attention or affection, especially to influence or manipulate them.
  • Manipulation – To control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one’s own advantage.

The Red Flags

  • Out of the blue text message from wrong number.
  • Builds a relationship over time.
  • Encourages potential victim to start investing in cryptocurrency.
  • Quickly switches from one platform to another to avoid detection.

Don’t Be a Victim!

  • Have you been using social media apps that you don’t understand?
  • Did you give/share your personal or financial information with someone you just met?
  • Did you invest with an online app and can’t get your money back?

We are Here to Help!

  • Do you think you are a victim of a Pig Butchering scam, financial fraud or investment fraud?
  • Act quick, get help and stop any wiring/transferring of money or cryptocurrencies.
  • Make detailed notes and keep all documentation relating to the transaction.
  • Call your local police, law enforcement office, or the Securities Division to file a report.


Quiet Quitting

Quiet Quitting is the commonly discussed buzzword today with the HR Fraternity. A lot has been spoken about the Great Resignation however that is a very myopic approach to managing Talent. Silent Resignation or Quiet Quitting as it is called in recent times much precedes before the any employee makes the final decision to resign.

Like the Pandemic, this phenomenon also finds its origin to China and the trend was referred to as “tang ping” 躺平 or “lying flat”. This is nothing but a slow protest where employees refuse to overwork or succumb to pressure.

The causes of this behavior include employees feeling that their work is not getting enough appreciation or recognition from the company, both material and non-material, or because the workload is too high, causing employees to feel exhausted to the point of burnout. Blurred boundaries between work and personal life can also be a driving factor for this behavior, because someone is often still busy with work matters outside of working hours or even during holidays. Often here it means when something like this happens repeatedly, not only because of an emergency.

In order for this employee behavior to be anticipated quickly and accurately by the organization, it is necessary for the organization to recognize early on the occurrence of this behavior in its employees. Some of the characteristics of employees who are starting to engage in quiet quitting behavior include:

  • Not willing to do work outside of their main job.
  • Going home from work on time and avoiding overtime.
  • Working according to their portion.
  • Not wanting to deal with work or answer questions about work obligations during holidays.
  • Losing interest in becoming an outstanding employee in the company.
  • Passive during meetings or certain discussions related to work.
  • Rarely attending events organized by the company.

The debate in this case is that not everyone agrees with the phenomenon of quiet quitting, including according to workplace politeness expert, Pattie Ehsai, stating that you will not succeed in the workplace with such behavior. However, seen from another perspective, this phenomenon cannot be said to be completely wrong because it will actually create clearer boundaries between work life and personal life and more broadly, can realize work life balance. But it cannot be denied that this behavior also has the risk of harming the organization。

Having observed the trend of resignations with a few organizations and some insightful discussions with peers; I have identified classic behavioral patterns in this Quiet Quitting phenomenon. Employees go through 3 classic phases of transition before the ultimate plunge of Resigning. The three stages are as below:

1. Emotional Stage of Quitting: All humans are emotional beings and employees who feel that their expertise and experience is no more valued in workplace often give in to emotional low. At this stage the employee is confused as to what is happening with them and are not able to arrive at conclusive understanding on what to do next. There is an internal conflict between wanting to stay and deciding to move on.

    2. Mental Stage of Quitting: Disengagement on a chronic basis indicates that employee is evaluating his / her sustenance at work place. Employees continue to remain active contributors of their work but are mentally no longer committed to the hustle culture. There is a conscious effort to avoid work stress. Employees have internalized the fact that they are no longer enjoying their engagement with the current organization.

    3. Physiological Stage of Quitting: This is the most visible of all stages; where employees openly expressing their discomfort and willingness to move on. Employees no more want to shy away from accepting that they are actively exploring options outside of workplace. A very cliché yet commonly used phrase by employees at this phase; ‘itna paise mein itnaich milega”

    12 Sign Of a Sigma Male

    The term “sigma male” is often used in pop psychology to describe a personality type that is independent, self-reliant, and non-conformist. Here are 12 common signs often associated with a sigma male:

    1. Prefers Independence: Sigma males value their freedom and prefer to operate independently rather than follow the crowd or rely on others.
    2. Self-Reliant: They tend to rely on themselves for their needs and decisions, trusting their own judgment and capabilities.
    3. Quiet Confidence: Sigma males often have a quiet, unassuming confidence that doesn’t require validation from others.
    4. Introverted but Not Shy: They often enjoy solitude and may be introverted, but this doesn’t mean they are shy or lack social skills.
    5. Non-Conformist: They typically resist societal norms and expectations, choosing to live by their own rules and standards.
    6. Observant: Sigma males tend to be keen observers of their environment and the people around them, often noticing things others might miss.
    7. Mysterious: Their reserved nature and tendency to keep to themselves can make them appear mysterious and intriguing to others.
    8. High Self-Awareness: They usually have a strong sense of self-awareness, understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and motivations.
    9. Goal-Oriented: Sigma males are often highly focused on their goals and ambitions, prioritizing their personal growth and achievements.
    10. Adaptable: They can adapt to different situations and environments, making them versatile and resilient.
    11. Selective with Relationships: They tend to be selective about who they let into their inner circle, valuing deep, meaningful connections over a large social network.
    12. Value Authenticity: Sigma males prioritize authenticity in themselves and others, disliking superficiality and pretenses.

    It’s important to note that the concept of a sigma male is more of a descriptive archetype rather than a scientifically validated personality type. It reflects certain traits and behaviors that some people may exhibit, but it’s not a rigid or universally applicable classification.

    Format NIK Nomor Induk Kependudukan KTP Indonesia

    Format 16 digit angka Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK) dalam e-KTP. Namun tahukah kamu 16 digit angka itu bukan sembarang angka? Ada kode rahasia yang membuatnya berbeda dengan e-KTP orang lain.

    1. NIK KTP menyimpan informasi data pribadi, bukanlah nomor acak
    2. NIK KTP rentan disalahgunakan sebagai pinjaman online
    3. NIK sebagai sumber data pribadi, yang hampir digunakan di seluruh dunia
    4. Jangan mudah menyampaikan data terkait NIK, karena memberikan celah bagi pelaku tindak pidana
    5. NIK diberikan melalui proses yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan. Jika digunakan tanpa izin pemilik, termasuk kejahatan data pribadi.

    Sebagai contoh dari gambar di atas, 35-76-01-44-03-91-0003, cara mengetahui artinya adalah sebagai berikut:

    • 35 : Kode Provinsi
    • 76 : Kode Kota/Kabupaten.
    • 01: Kode kecamatan, setiap kecamatan memiliki kode yang berbeda.
    • 44: Tanggal lahir. Nah, di sini ada perbedaan antara kode laki-laki dan perempuan. Kode untuk laki-laki adalah tanggal lahir 01-31. sedangkan untuk perempuan berbeda lagi, tanggal lahir ditambah 40, jadinya adalah 41-71. Jadi kalau kamu seorang perempuan yang lahir tanggal 12 maka kodenya adalah 40 + 12 yaitu 52.
    • 03: Mengacu pada bulan lahir, 01 untuk Januari hingga seterusnya 12 untuk Desember.
    • 91: Tahun lahir, ditulis dua angka terakhir. Seperti jika kamu lahir tahun 1991 maka hanya ditulis 91 saja.
    • 0003: Nomor urut pendaftaran penduduk sesuai tanggal lahir pada hari tersebut yang diproses secara otomatis oleh sistem.

    Referensi: https://dispenduk.mojokertokota.go.id/home/berita/Arti-kode-angka-dalam-NIK-E-KTP

    Perfect Numbers in Math

    A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors, excluding itself. Proper divisors of a number are all the divisors excluding the number itself.

    For example, let’s take 6, which is the smallest perfect number:

    • The divisors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6.
    • If we exclude 6 itself, the proper divisors are 1, 2, and 3.
    • The sum of these divisors is 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, which is equal to the number itself.

    Hence, 6 is a perfect number.

    Perfect numbers have been studied for centuries and have interesting properties and connections to other areas of mathematics, such as Mersenne primes. Every even perfect number can be expressed in the form:

    However, it is still unknown whether there are any odd perfect numbers, as none have been found to date.

    Here are the first ten perfect numbers, which correspond to the first ten Mersenne primes:

    1. First Perfect Number: 6
    2. Second Perfect Number: 28
    3. Third Perfect Number: 496
    4. Fourth Perfect Number: 8,128
    5. Fifth Perfect Number: 33,550,336
    6. Sixth Perfect Number: 8,589,869,056
    7. Seventh Perfect Number: 137,438,691,328
    8. Eighth Perfect Number: 2,305,843,008,139,952,128
    9. Ninth Perfect Number: 2,658,455,991,569,831,744,654,692,615,953,842,176
    10. Tenth Perfect Number: 191,561,942,608,236,107,294,793,378,084,303,638,130,997,321,548,169,216

    These numbers represent a fascinating aspect of number theory, highlighting the unique properties of perfect numbers and their connection to Mersenne primes.

    By the time you reach the 8th perfect number, it is already 2,305,843,008,139,952,128, and they grow exponentially larger from there. The size of these numbers reflects the enormity of the task in finding and verifying Mersenne primes, as the process requires significant computational power and is conducted by projects like the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS).

    Berapa Kilo Bagasi ANA Airlines?


    Boarding ClassSize LimitNumber of PiecesTotal Kg
    First Class32kg / pcs396kg
    Business Class32kg / pcs264kg
    Premium Economy / Economy Class23kg / pcs246kg

    All Nippon Airways (ANA) merupakan salah satu maskapai penerbangan terkemuka di Jepang yang menawarkan pelayanan kelas dunia kepada penumpangnya. Dalam hal bagasi, ANA memiliki kebijakan yang jelas dan terstruktur untuk memastikan kenyamanan dan keamanan bagi semua penumpang. Kebijakan bagasi ANA Airlines disesuaikan berdasarkan kelas penerbangan, tujuan, dan status keanggotaan frequent flyer penumpang.

    Bagasi Terdaftar (Check-In Baggage)

    1. Kelas Ekonomi dan Premium Ekonomi:
    • Penumpang biasanya diizinkan membawa 1 atau 2 bagasi terdaftar, dengan berat maksimum tiap bagasi 23 kg.
    1. Kelas Bisnis:
    • Penumpang diizinkan membawa 2 bagasi terdaftar, dengan berat maksimum tiap bagasi 32 kg.
    1. Kelas Pertama:
    • Penumpang diizinkan membawa 3 bagasi terdaftar, dengan berat maksimum tiap bagasi 32 kg.

    Bagasi Kabin (Carry-On Baggage)

    Penumpang ANA juga diizinkan membawa satu tas bagasi kabin dan satu item pribadi ke dalam kabin. Berat maksimum untuk bagasi kabin adalah 10 kg, dan dimensi maksimum adalah 55 cm x 40 cm x 25 cm. Item pribadi dapat berupa tas laptop, tas tangan, atau barang kecil lainnya yang sesuai dengan ketentuan.

    Kelebihan Bagasi

    Jika bagasi penumpang melebihi batas yang ditetapkan baik dalam hal jumlah, berat, atau ukuran, ANA akan mengenakan biaya kelebihan bagasi. Tarif kelebihan bagasi bervariasi tergantung pada rute penerbangan dan berat atau ukuran kelebihan bagasi.

    Bagasi Khusus

    ANA mengizinkan pengangkutan bagasi khusus seperti alat olahraga, instrumen musik, dan peralatan medis. Penumpang harus menginformasikan maskapai terlebih dahulu dan mungkin dikenakan biaya tambahan tergantung pada dimensi dan berat barang.

    Tips Bagasi

    • Periksa Batasan Berat dan Ukuran: Sebelum berangkat, pastikan untuk memeriksa batasan berat dan ukuran bagasi sesuai dengan kelas tiket dan rute penerbangan Anda.
    • Packing Efisien: Untuk menghindari biaya kelebihan bagasi, bawalah barang-barang yang benar-benar Anda perlukan dan gunakan teknik packing yang efisien.
    • Label Bagasi: Pastikan semua bagasi Anda dilabeli dengan nama, alamat, dan nomor telepon untuk memudahkan identifikasi.

    Kebijakan bagasi ANA Airlines dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan berbagai jenis penumpang, dengan memberikan fleksibilitas dan kenyamanan. Untuk informasi lebih terperinci mengenai kebijakan bagasi, termasuk biaya kelebihan bagasi dan penanganan barang khusus, disarankan untuk mengunjungi situs resmi ANA atau menghubungi layanan pelanggan mereka.

    References Link:

    Apply Visa Jepang Gratis dengan EPassport untuk Warga Negara Indonesia

    Jakarta, 27 Maret 2023

    Bebas Visa dengan Registrasi E-Paspor bagi Warga Negara Indonesia: Pengajuan Registrasi Pra-Keberangkatan E-Paspor secara Daring (Online)

    Registrasi Pembebasan Visa (JAVES):https://www.evisa.mofa.go.jp/personal/logintoko Step by step:

    • Daftar Akun Email
    • Registrasi dan Submit
    • Menunggu 1-2 Hari (Hari Kerja)
    • Ketika Status sudah REGISTERED, maka Anda sudah dapat pergi ke Jepang dengan hanya menunjukan Visa Exemption Registration dengan bentuk pdf ataupun to display
    • *Bisa mendaftarkan orang lain selain diri sendiri*

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