CupangBreW Cupang Breeder Bandung

Breeding Cupang Online berkualitas dengan harga murah terbaru 2021 di Tokopedia! Pembayaran mudah, pengiriman cepat & bisa cicil 0%. Ikan cupang adalah salah satu primadona bagi para pencinta ikan hias. Sisik ikan yang penuh warna ini menjadi daya tariknya tersendiri. Ditambah lagi, cara ternak dan budidaya ikan cupang untuk pemula juga disebut tidak begitu sulit. Kebanyakan penggemar ikan cupang mengenal nama-nama ikan ini dengan sebutan yang indah. Antara lain bulan sepotong, serit, laga, cagak, dan masih banyak lagi. Biasanya, pemberian nama ikan cupang itu ditentukan berdasarkan bentuk atau ciri di tubuhnya.

CupangBreW adalah peternak cupang fokus kepada CrownTail x Plakat Nemo Galaxy. Dimulai dari awal tahun 2021 sudah sukses menghasilkan ratusan cupang blasteran dan menjualnya dengan Online Store di marketplace Indonesia.

Ikan cupang hias

  • Bentuk sirip dan ekor menjuntai panjang
  • Warna tubuh terang, tidak kusam. Memiliki varian warna yang menarik dan atraktif
  • Gerakannya tenang. Bila melihat ikan cupang lain atau sedang bercumbu dengan betina, ekornya akan mengembang sempurna dan menunjukkan bentuk khas
  • Ikan cupang hias sering dilombakan dalam hal keindahan warna. Jenis-jenis ikan cupang itu seperti, serit (crown tail), bulan separuh (halfmoon), laga (plakat), cagak (double tail) dan akhir-akhir ini jenis giant.

Ikan cupang aduan

  • Lebar dan tinggi ikan mulai dari leher hingga ekor terlihat memiliki ketebalan dan besar yang sama, namun pada ujung ekor biasanya bentuknya mengecil
  • Gerakannya agresif
  • Ketika melihat ikan cupang lain, sirip-siripnya mengembang penuh
  • Bibir tampak tebal dan kokoh. Biasanya mulut ikan cupang adu tertutup rapat, tidak menganga. Jika dilihat pada bibir bagian bawah ada bintik-bintik dan itu mencirikan giginya yang runcing

Cupang adu biasanya berasal dari spesies Betta Splendens, Betta Imbellis, Betta Mahachai dan variasi silangannya. Perlombaan adu cupang kerap digelar di Asia Tenggara, padahal itu sebenarnya adalah hal illegal.

Sebab itu sebenarnya adu ikan cupang juga tidak boleh dilakukan, sebab dalam konferensi hewan internasional yang dilakukan pencinta hewan disebutkan bahwa hewan juga punya hak untuk hidup.

Jika cupang beradu sendiri dianggap bukan menjadi masalah, namun jika direkam bisa jadi merenggut hak asasi hewan untuk hidup.

Setelah mengetahui jenis ikan cupang, langkah cara ternak dan budidaya ikan cupang untuk pemula selanjutnya adalah memilih indukan ikan cupang yang berkualitas.

Hal ini harus dilakukan agar nantinya anak ikan cupang yang keluar juga berkualitas. Indukan ikan cupang yang bagus biasanya berasal dari keturunan ungu dengan kondisi tubuh yang sehat.

Selain itu bebas penyakit dan tidak ada cacat bawaan pada tubuh ikan cupang, misalnya ada sirip yang tinggi sebelah. Berikut ciri-ciri indukan ikan cupang yang sudah siap kawin:

Ikan cupang jantan

  • Setidaknya sudah berumur 4-8 bulan
  • Bentuk badannya panjang
  • Siripnya panjang dan warna pada sirip terang
  • Gerakannya lincah dan terkesan agresif

Ikan cupang betina

  • Setidaknya sudah berumur 3-4 bulan
  • Bentuk badan membulat dan bagian perut sedikit buncit
  • Siripnya pendek dan warna sisik kusam tidak menarik
  • Gerakannya lambat

Daftar Binance Dapat Potongan Fee 10% Setiap Transaksi

Register dengan menggunakan referral kode: K7PIC1Y0 atau klik link ini

Rekan Binancian,

Binance telah menautkan komisi biaya perdagangan untuk program rujukan Spot dan Futures pada 2020/05/11 4:00 PM (UTC).

Untuk setiap pengguna baru yang berhasil merujuk ke Binance, perujuk akan menerima komisi atas biaya kapan saja pengguna baru yang dirujuk berdagang di salah satu pasar spot atau futures Binance. Ini berarti Anda sekarang dapat dengan bebas mengundang pengguna melalui tautan rujukan spot atau tautan rujukan berjangka dan menerima komisi dari keduanya.

Contoh A:

Pengguna A mengundang Pengguna B melalui tautan rujukan Spot. Pengguna A sekarang menerima komisi rujukan atas biaya perdagangan Pengguna B setiap kali mereka berdagang di pasar spot atau futures Binance mana pun.

Contoh B:

Pengguna A mengundang Pengguna B melalui tautan rujukan Berjangka. Pengguna A sekarang menerima komisi rujukan atas biaya perdagangan Pengguna B kapan pun mereka berdagang di pasar spot, margin, atau berjangka Binance mana pun.

Tarif komisi dan kickback / diskon yang ditetapkan untuk masing-masing adalah sebagai berikut:


Jika saldo akun BNB rata-rata harian pengundang kurang dari 500 BNB dan tingkat referensi dasar mereka adalah 20%, mereka dapat memilih untuk berbagi 0%, 5% atau 10% dengan teman yang mereka undang.
Jika saldo akun BNB rata-rata harian pengundang adalah 500 BNB atau lebih, tingkat rujukan dasar mereka meningkat menjadi 40%, dan mereka dapat memilih untuk berbagi 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, atau 20% dengan teman yang mereka undang.
Tingkat rujukan dasar afiliasi spot ditingkatkan menjadi 41-50%, dan mereka dapat memilih untuk berbagi 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% atau 20% dengan teman yang mereka undang.
Tarif spot komisi dan suap untuk pengguna yang dirujuk melalui tautan rujukan di masa mendatang ditetapkan sesuai tarif yang ditetapkan pada tautan rujukan spot ‘default’.

Jika saldo akun BNB rata-rata harian pengundang kurang dari 500 BNB, tingkat rujukan dasar mereka adalah 20%, di mana mereka akan berbagi 10% dengan teman, meninggalkan pengundang dengan 10% bonus rujukan
Jika saldo akun BNB rata-rata harian pengundang adalah 500 BNB atau lebih, tingkat rujukan dasar mereka adalah 30%, di mana mereka akan berbagi 10% dengan teman, meninggalkan pengundang dengan bonus rujukan 20%.
Tingkat rujukan dasar afiliasi berjangka adalah 40%, di mana mereka akan berbagi diskon 10% untuk 30 hari pertama dengan seorang teman, meninggalkan pengundang dengan bonus rujukan 30%.

Penautan komisi tidak berlaku untuk pengguna yang dirujuk ke Binance melalui program rujukan spot atau futures sebelum 2020/05/07 1:00 PM (UTC).
Tautan default untuk komisi spot dapat dilihat di sudut kiri atas halaman arahan rujukan spot dan diubah kapan saja dengan mengklik ‘default’ pada salah satu tautan yang tersedia.
Jika pengguna mendaftarkan akun dari tautan rujukan berjangka, tarif rujukan spot mereka akan ditentukan oleh tautan default untuk komisi spot. Jika pengundang kemudian mengubah tautan default mereka ke tautan lain dengan rasio komisi spot berbeda, pengguna akan mempertahankan tarif rujukan spot diterapkan pada saat pendaftaran akun.
Data undangan rujukan Spot dan Futures masih dapat dilihat di halaman arahan masing-masing Halaman arahan rujukan spot & halaman arahan rujukan Futures.
Untuk mendapatkan komisi spot dan futures saat mereferensikan seorang teman, Anda harus memastikan bahwa Anda telah membuka sendiri akun futures. Jika Anda mereferensikan teman menggunakan link referral spot Anda, tetapi Anda sendiri belum membuka akun futures, maka Anda akan melakukannya. hanya mendapatkan komisi dari biaya perdagangan spot mereka.

Aturan rujukan untuk program spot dan futures tetap tidak berubah.
Aturan program rujukan Binance Spot.
Aturan program rujukan Binance Futures.

Terima kasih atas dukunganmu!

Berdagang di mana saja dengan aplikasi perdagangan kripto seluler Binance:

Unduh untuk Android

Unduh untuk iOS

Temukan kami di





Margin Quiz Answer Key – Binance Pop Up Quiz

Here’s the Margin Quiz Answer Key. PS: * = Answer

  1. Binance Margin includes cross margin and isolated margin. Which one of the following sentences does not describe their difference?
    In isolated margin, borrowing, trading, and risk management functions are included in an independent isolated margin account, while in cross margin, each user can only open one cross margin account where borrowing, trading, and risk management functions are available.
    *They have different interest rates
    They have different maximum leverage ratio
    They support different borrowables
  2. Margin level is used to evaluate the risk level of your margin account. How is margin level calculated?
    *Margin level = total assets value/(total borrowed value + total accrued interest value)
    margin level = total assets value/(total borrowed value – total accrued interest value)
    margin level = total borrowed value/ total accrued interest value
  3. Which one of the following events will force you to liquidate ?
    *The margin level has reached the liquidation level
    The current margin level has reached the initial margin level
    The total debt is lower than the total interest
  4. How often is margin interest calculated?
    *Hourly, at the time of borrowing
  5. Do you need to borrow manually before trading?
    *No, you can use the “auto borrow” function on the trading page.
  6. Which one of the following factors does not affect your maximum borrowing limit?
    *The borrowing period
    The amount of fund in your margin account
    Your VIP level
    The system borrowing limit
    Your individual borrowing limit
  7. Which one of the following sentences is correct regarding your borrowing interest rate?
    *The borrowing interest rate will change with the market, and the system will notify you when it changes
    The borrowing interest rate will be determined at the time of borrowing, no changes afterward
  8. In the event of liquidation, how to repay your debts?
    *Binance insurance funds will write off your debts
    You are required to repay the debts yourself
  9. How to pay the interest fee with BNB in cross margin
    *Transfer BNB to cross margin account and repay manually
    Repay with the loan
  10. When you receive a margin call notification, what should you do?
    Borrow more funds to hedge the risk
    *Reduce your position to repay the debt or add more collateral into the margin account
    Do nothing

siakew tattoos

a mark, figure, design, or word intentionally fixed or placed on the skin:. How to use tattoo in a sentence.

tattoo is a form of body modification where a design is made by inserting ink, dyes, and/or pigments, either indelible or temporary, into the dermis layer of the skin. The art of making tattoos is tattooing.

Tattoos fall into three broad categories: purely decorative (with no specific meaning); symbolic (with a specific meaning pertinent to the wearer); and pictorial (a depiction of a specific person or item). In addition, tattoos can be used for identification such as ear tattoos on livestock as a form of branding.

First tattoo inspired by Patrik Svensson :

Second Tattoo designed by Devin Decun:

Third Tattoo designed by Devin Decun: Prototype 0

Third Tattoo designed and tattooed by Devin Decun:


An identification tattoo on a survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp

People throughout history have also been forcibly tattooed for means of identification.

A well-known example is the Nazi practice of forcibly tattooing concentration camp inmates with identification numbers during the Holocaust as part of the Nazis’ identification system, beginning in fall 1941.[17] The SS introduced the practice at Auschwitz concentration camp in order to identify the bodies of registered prisoners in the concentration camps. During registration, guards would pierce the outlines of the serial-number digits onto the prisoners’ arms. Of the Nazi concentration camps, only Auschwitz put tattoos on inmates.[18] The tattoo was the prisoner’s camp number, sometimes with a special symbol added: some Jews had a triangle, and Romani had the letter “Z” (from German Zigeuner for “Gypsy”). In May 1944, Jewish men received the letters “A” or “B” to indicate a particular series of numbers.

Tattoos have also been used for identification in other ways. As early as the Zhou, Chinese authorities would employ facial tattoos as a punishment for certain crimes or to mark prisoners or slaves. During the Roman Empire, gladiators and slaves were tattooed: exported slaves were tattooed with the words “tax paid”, and it was a common practice to tattoo “fugitive” (denoted by the letters “FUG”) on the foreheads of runaway slaves.[19] Owing to the Biblical strictures against the practice,[20] Emperor Constantine I banned tattooing the face around AD 330, and the Second Council of Nicaea banned all body markings as a pagan practice in AD 787.[21]

In the period of early contact between the Māori and Europeans, the Māori people hunted and decapitated each other for their moko tattoos, which they traded for European items including axes and firearms.[22] Moko tattoos were facial designs worn to indicate lineage, social position, and status within the tribe. The tattoo art was a sacred marker of identity among the Māori and also referred to as a vehicle for storing one’s tapu, or spiritual being, in the afterlife.[23]Tattoo marking a deserter from the British Army; skin removed post-mortem

Tattoos are sometimes used by forensic pathologists to help them identify burned, putrefied, or mutilated bodies. As tattoo pigment lies encapsulated deep in the skin, tattoos are not easily destroyed even when the skin is burned.[24]

Tattoos are also placed on animals, though rarely for decorative reasons. Pets, show animals, thoroughbred horses, and livestock are sometimes tattooed with identification and other marks. Tattooing with a ‘slap mark’ on the shoulder or on the ear is the standard identification method in commercial pig farming. Branding is used for similar reasons and is often performed without anesthesia, but is different from tattooing as no ink or dye is inserted during the process, the mark instead being caused by permanent scarring of the skin.[25] Pet dogs and cats are sometimes tattooed with a serial number (usually in the ear, or on the inner thigh) via which their owners can be identified. However, the use of a microchip has become an increasingly popular choice and since 2016 is a legal requirement for all 8.5 million pet dogs in the UK.[26]

Hunter x Hunter Ryodan Phantom Troupe Wallpapers

Sometime in the past, Chrollo Lucilfer formed the Phantom Troupe with at least six other Meteor City residents and left the city. The founding members of the Troupe were Chrollo himself, Feitan, Machi, Nobunaga, Pakunoda, Franklin, and Uvogin, with the possible inclusion of Phinks and Shalnark.

The Phantom Troupe (in Japanese: 幻影旅団, Genei Ryodan) is a world famous gang of thieves and a criminal organization in the anime/manga series Hunter X Hunter.

The Phantom Troupe (in Japanese: 幻影旅団, Genei Ryodan) is a world famous gang of thieves and a criminal organization in the anime/manga series Hunter X Hunter. They serve as the main antagonistic faction of the Yorknew City Arc, and one of the main antagonistic organizations overall as well as Kurapika‘s arch-enemies, being the ones responsible for killing his entire clan 5 years before the beginning of the series. The group consists of a total of thirteen members, all of whom are very skilled Nen users, each with a numbered tattoo of a spider on their body.

During the Chimera Ant arc, the Phantom Troupe act more like anti-villains, as they protect their homeland, Meteor City, from an invasion of Chimera Ants.

Theme Song One Esports Singapore Major 2021 | I’m Born To Win

ONE Esports Singapore Major 2021 is the first Major of the 2021 Dota Pro Circuit season. It is also the first top tier offline cross regional event in over a year following the lockdowns across the world in 2020.

Lee Richardson feat. Jon Murrill, Tom Ford & James Cocozza – Born to Win Lyrics

Artist: Lee Richardson feat. Jon Murrill, Tom Ford & James Cocozza

Album: Electro Blues

Louder and louder
soon the world is gonna shout my name
Oh faster and stronger
feel the blood pumping through my veins
step in the ring I’ll be coming for you
I’m the legend I’m the pioneer
life is a game I’m born to win it
see me burning through the atmosphere

I’m born to win
yeah life is a game and
I’m born to win
I’m born to win

pressure passing on the edge of taking everything
fire, I’m fighting
cut the cables let the games begin
step in the ring I’ll be coming for you
I’m the legend I’m the pioneer
life is a game I’m born to win it
see me burning through the atmosphere

I’m born to win
yeah life is a game
and I’m born to win
I’m born to win
yeah life is a game
and I’m born to win
I’m born to win

I’m born for this one moment
yeah this mission one focus
I keep fighting there’s no quitting
it’s my game yeah and I’m winning
I’m born for this yeah this moment
one mission and one focus
I keep fighting there’s no quitting
it’s my game yeah and I’m winning

I’m born to win
I told you
that life is a game and I’m born to win
and I’m born to win
yeah I’m born to win
I’m born to win
yeah life is a game
and I’m born to win
I’m born to win

What does monkaS emote mean on Twitch

Monkas (or MonkaS as it’s sometimes spelled) is a popular Twitch emote. It is probably one of the most used emotes on the entire platform, so you can find it all over the place. It pops up on gaming streams, IRL streamers, pretty much anywhere and from any streamer in the Twitch directory. It isn’t a meme unique to Twitch, but the Monkas meaning on Twitch is probably the most well-known. If you’re watching a streamer hang out in real life or betting on Twitch streamers, you’re likely to see the Monkas emote at some point. Even if you don’t know what the meaning of Monkas, you’ll likely recognize the frog.


The Monkas emote means anxiety or generally sweating. In the sense of sweating due to anxiety or due to stress in a specific situation. As you can likely gather this has a lot of potential across Twitch. You can use it to express being uncomfortable, react to something a streamer said, or even to indicate they’re playing like a hard section of a game.

What’s Monkas meaning on Twitch?
As one of the more relatable memes or Twitch emotes, it is used in moments of intense action, anxiety-inducing sections or during otherwise emotive moments.

If you’re wondering what is Monkas or what does Monkas mean on Twitch, the illustration itself – commonly a Monkas PNG – shows the green Pepe frog sweating, with his eyes bulging and squinting a little.

In IRL streams it’s often used during rants, while in gaming chats, it tends to appear during tense or stressful gameplay moments. Monkas has been floating around Twitch for some time, along with other popular Pepe emotes. These include Pepehands, Poggers, Feelsbadman, and Feelsgoodman, among others.

On Twitch, you can throw out the Monkas emote to react to something the streamer is doing and indicate stress or being unconformable. Given that Twitch is nearly synonymous with controversy over streamer behavior, Monkas gets a lot of use out of mocking the person actually broadcasting.

As a twitch emote, used during a moment of high tension in video games (nervous moment).

Twitch emote is Pepe the Frog sweating and looking scared.
Streamer: Fortnite, solo squads epic clutch

Audience: “OMG what a play, that was some MonkaS shit right there.”

Variations include:

“POGGERS” is a Twitch emote and a variation of another emote, PogChamp. It features an edited “Pepe the Frog” with its mouth opened. It can represent multiple things: Excitement, Surprise, Amazement, etc.

It can also be used in an ironic way, when something or someone “child friendly” is shown on screen (for example Fortnite, Marshmello…)

“monkaS” is yet another Twitch emote, featuring another Pepe, but this time sweating profusely with his panicked eyes. This used, well, when something scary or worrying is show or going on.

MonkaS Origin

Monkas can be traced back all the way to 2011 when it appeared on a 4chan thread. Monkas wasn’t actually an emote until 2016, when it was uploaded through a Twitch extension.

Specifically, FrankerFaceZ’s Twitch extension added it into the site for a lot of players. A few months later, in February 2017, the emote had become pretty popular across a lot of different internet communities, not just the Monkas Twitch emote. From there, it really took off. After being used on Forsen’s community page, the rest of Twitch quickly picked it up and the Monkas emote spread.

Emotes tend to spread on Twitch because of their usability or humor, rarely solely spreading because of their aesthetics. The Monkas meaning is considerably different from how it physically looks, but it is linked to the more general Pepe the frog.

Who is Pepe the Frog?

This Twitch emote is probably best considered separately from the overall Pepe the frog thing. However, since the meme is literally a picture of Pepe his origin needs to be understood for the more general meme too. Pepe the frog is an anthropomorphic frog that originated in a 2005 comic, called Boy’s Club. The meme’s look is fairly rooted in that era too, looking more at home in flash games and rage comics.

The frog was a feature of memes since its image became exploitable online. By around 2015 it had become a pretty major feature of a number of meme templates. The Monkas emote is a great example of this. Pepe was a set of exploitable images of an odd-looking frog. They’ve been taken out of context and used as completely separate memes, with few who use these emotes knowing much about the comic it originates in.

The fate of Pepe the frog has been pretty strange since the emote was introduced. After being co-opted and used as a symbol of alt-right hate groups, the creator of the meme went to the lengths of physically killing off Pepe and suing those using the meme. This hasn’t stopped the use of Pepe memes, but it has done a bit to drop their popularity. This emote is simply a reaction image though. Despite its origin with Pepe the frog, its use on Twitch is completely separate from all that and doesn’t carry the same connotations as using a Pepe meme on a different platform.

Using Monkas emote

Monkas is available through the third party BetterTwitchTV add-on, along with several other versions of it. People were quick to come up with their own variations of the anxiety-ridden look, developing on the Monkas meaning. Adding different features and components to make the emote relate better The most popular variations include monkaOMEGA, monkaThink, Monkagiga, and monkaS. Although these don’t really change the answer to what is Monkas, each is used in a different context.

They all still indicate the same thing – a tense moment for the audience. By now though, it’s also used ironically and has even become a meme in and of itself, as often happens with popular emotes like this one. Unlike other Pepe emotes which are named after just what they display, this one has its own distinct name.

This is believed to be owed to a subscriber by the name of MonkaSenpai, who used the monkas emote as his own personal emote. He was a subscriber of Nymn, who eventually co-opted it and named it monkaS – at which point, it took off worldwide.


How to Use “MonkaS”

Using Monkas depends specifically on the circumstances of the stream, even if the MonkaS meaning is essentially the same. Since these emotes can be used in so many different ways, it can be difficult to figure out the exact right circumstances. These are some examples of the right context to use this in:

  • An Important Part of a Game – When a streamer reaches a tense point of the action, using the Monkas emote is a good call. Such as when hitting the top few players in a Battle Royale, or that single moment of RNG that a whole speedrun depends upon. This is commonly the answer to what does Monkas mean when you see it in a stream.
  • A Streamer on a Rant – If a streamer heads into a bit of a rant, the type that might get into trouble, you can starting throwing out this emote.
  • Sarcastically – Monkas can used ironically or sarcastically too, like when a streamer is talking about something completely wholesome or performing a particularly easy feat in-game.

Those are some examples. As you see Monkas being used in chat though, you’ll get the hang of when to use it yourself too.

Open Graph Meta Tags | SEO Search Engine Optimization

<html prefix="og:">
          <title>The Title</title> <!-- ˜60 chars -->
          <meta name="description" content="The Description"> <!-- ˜150 chars -->
          <meta property="og:title" content="The Title">
          <meta property="og:description" content="The Description"> <!-- ˜300 chars -->
          <meta property="og:site_name" content="Software Engineer's Blog">
          <meta property="og:locale" content="id_ID"> <!-- language_location -->
          <meta property="og:type" content="website">
          <meta property="og:url" content="">
          <meta property="og:image" content=""> <!-- 200x200px - 1200x1200px -->

Template Open Graph

og:title – This is the title of your webpage. Remember that this will be shown whenever someone links your website, so make it quick, snappy and able to draw attention.

og:site_name – The name of your website. Remember that this differs from the actual title of your webpage and is usually shown under the title itself.

og:description – A brief description of your website. This should be no more than 2 sentences. Make sure it’s to the point and able to attract clicks.

og:type – This is a tag to determine the type of content. A full list of types can be found at The type you use will change the way the content is displayed. For instance, using the “” type will represent a single song and open up additional tags such as music:album which represents the album and music:release_date which is when the song was released.

og:image – URL for an image that you want to display. The minimum size is 50 by 50 pixels and must be in JPEG, GIF or PNG formats.

og:url – The URL that you want your content to link to.

These are the most important tags to keep in mind. Remember that if you use a specific type such as, you’ll need to add extra tags to fill in more information. Here is another Open Graph reference resource with a full list of all the types and their associated tags.

Open Graph Tag Integration
The simplest way to integrate Open Graph tags is to add them to thecontainer of your page’s HTML files. This might sound complicated for regular web users, but there’s also an easier way if you use WordPress or another website builder.

For example, there’s an official Facebook plugin that can be attached to your website, but eCommerce modules such as Zen Cart and Shopify also support Open Graph integration. Yoast SEO is our favorite choice and makes setting Open Graph meta tags a breeze. However, if you know your way around HTML and don’t have many pages to set up and want to keep it simple, then you can simply add them to the HTML files of your webpage.

Simply open with the container like so:

<title>My Website</title>
<meta property=”og:title” content=”My Website” />
<meta property=”og:type” content=”article” />


Just replace the property and content in quotes with your relevant tags, and add as many as you need.

Some platforms use their own social media tags. For instance, Twitter uses Twitter Cards which work in a similar fashion. However, if Twitter doesn’t detect any Twitter Card tags, it will default to Open Graph. This makes Open Graph a universally accepted protocol that generally works with every website, hence why it’s such an important tool to utilize.

If you don’t use Open Graph, then you’re seriously harming your chances of getting more exposure. When people do actually share your website, you want people to see what your website is about, some relevant information and an accurate image. By neglecting Open Graph tags, you could potentially be losing a lot of business.

If you’re a web design agency then your clients absolutely expect this. If you need help setting up open graph or additional technical SEO requirements schedule a free consultation with us and we’ll get you on the right path.

MySQL vs. PostgreSQL: 2021 Benchmarks

Setiap situs web dan aplikasi membutuhkan cara untuk mengakses dan memproses data, dan ini berarti dapat mengelola database Anda. Sistem manajemen basis data terkadang digabungkan dengan basis data, namun pada kenyataannya, sistem ini memungkinkan Anda untuk berinteraksi dengan basis data dan melakukan tugas manajemen seperti mengontrol akses, menulis data, dan menjalankan kueri.

Sebagian besar alat manajemen basis data menggunakan sistem manajemen basis data relasional (RDBMS) untuk mengatur data, dan sebagian besar basis data relasional menggunakan bahasa kueri terstruktur (SQL) untuk memproses dan meminta data. RDBMS menggunakan model data berorientasi tabel, di mana skema relasinya ditentukan oleh nama tabel dan sekumpulan atribut dengan tipe data tetap. Meskipun ada model data non-SQL yang tersedia, model data relasional tetap menjadi pilihan pertama bagi sebagian besar organisasi di seluruh dunia.

Dua RDBMS open source yang paling populer adalah MySQL, yang dikembangkan oleh Oracle, dan PostgreSQL. Saat memilih alat manajemen database yang akan digunakan, organisasi mempertimbangkan memori, keandalan, dan waktu respons kueri, tetapi mereka juga mempertimbangkan masalah kompatibilitas dan tingkat dukungan yang ditawarkan. Untuk alasan ini, popularitas suatu alat dapat menjadi ukuran yang baik untuk aksesibilitas dan ukuran komunitas sumber terbuka.

Membandingkan MySQL dan PostgreSQL

Dalam persaingan untuk mendominasi dunia perangkat lunak, setiap alat memiliki kelebihannya masing-masing. MySQL adalah RDBMS sumber terbuka paling populer selama beberapa tahun, memberdayakan beberapa situs web terbesar di dunia seperti Facebook, Twitter, dan Netflix. Namun, sebuah studi terbaru menunjukkan bahwa PostgreSQL sekarang memimpin dan berada di peringkat # 4 dalam hal popularitas database secara keseluruhan. PostgreSQL digunakan, misalnya, oleh Apple, Cisco, dan Skype.

Jadi mari kita lihat mengapa beberapa organisasi memilih MySQL atau PostgreSQL.

MySQL adalah sistem manajemen basis data yang kuat namun terjangkau. Sebagian besar situs web dan aplikasi web dapat bekerja dengan mudah di MySQL, karena bersifat fleksibel dan relatif dapat diskalakan. PostgreSQL, di sisi lain, adalah DBMS relasional objek open-source dan dianggap sebagai alat paling canggih dan kuat dari jenisnya. Ini juga lebih sesuai dengan SQL dan bekerja dengan baik dengan desain database yang kompleks. PostgreSQL sangat dapat diperluas dan dioptimalkan untuk kueri dan konkurensi yang kompleks, yang berarti dapat menangani banyak tugas pada saat yang bersamaan.

Dalam hal fungsionalitas, PostgreSQL menawarkan lebih banyak kemungkinan, tetapi MySQL memiliki kemampuan dalam memori. PostgreSQL memiliki kinerja memori yang kurang efisien, karena membagi proses baru untuk setiap koneksi, dan setiap proses membutuhkan sekitar 10MB memori. Jika database Anda memiliki banyak koneksi, memori dapat bertambah, sehingga tidak cocok untuk operasi read-heavy sederhana jika dibandingkan dengan MySQL.

MySQL mendukung lebih banyak bahasa, tetapi PostgreSQL kompatibel dengan lebih banyak sistem operasi. Meskipun kedua database mendukung tipe data numerik, tanggal dan waktu, dan string, PostgreSQL juga mendukung bentuk geometris, pencarian teks, alamat jaringan, dan tipe data khusus dan eksotis lainnya.

Mari kita lihat perbedaannya dalam hal replikasi data (menyimpan data di lebih dari satu tempat). MySQL memiliki replikasi asinkron satu arah, yang melibatkan server master dan server slave. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mereplikasi tabel yang dipilih dalam database Anda. PostgreSQL memiliki replikasi sinkronis (2-aman), yang menjalankan dua instance database secara bersamaan, sedangkan database master disinkronkan dengan database slave. Ini membuatnya lebih cocok untuk baca-tulis secara bersamaan.

Jika tidak, kueri PostgreSQL biasanya identik dengan kueri MySQL.

Sebagai alat sumber terbuka, kedua RDBMS memerlukan dukungan dalam hal komunitas sumber terbuka, dan keduanya memiliki komunitas besar yang mengembangkannya serta menyumbangkan alat dan informasi tentang cara menggunakannya. Namun, pengembangan MySQL tampaknya mengalami stagnasi, dan komunitas tidak dapat lagi bereaksi dengan cepat terhadap masalah atau menerapkan perubahan. PostgreSQL, di sisi lain, memiliki komunitas yang kuat dan dukungan pihak ketiga.

Sekarang mari kita pertimbangkan beberapa kelemahan dari setiap alat. MySQL dirancang untuk kecepatan dan keandalan, tetapi ini mengorbankan kepatuhan penuh pada SQL standar. MySQL juga memiliki beberapa masalah dengan stabilitas dan pengelompokan, dan tidak mendukung gabungan luar penuh.

PostgreSQL dioptimalkan untuk operasi dan konkurensi yang kompleks serta membantu melindungi integritas data, tetapi tidak efisien untuk operasi baca-berat. Ini juga tidak cocok untuk kecepatan atau pengaturan sederhana. Kecuali jika Anda berurusan dengan database besar dan kueri kompleks yang melibatkan banyak CPU, PostgreSQL bisa jadi berlebihan, menghabiskan banyak memori.

PostgreSQL lebih baik untuk aplikasi dengan banyak pengguna yang menulis data secara bersamaan. Ini juga sesuai untuk sistem besar yang perlu mengautentikasi tanggal, atau jika Anda membutuhkan database Anda untuk melakukan prosedur kustom. Jika tidak, MySQL mungkin merupakan pilihan yang lebih baik untuk proyek yang hanya membutuhkan database untuk transaksi data sederhana.

Pengambilan Terakhir
Banyak organisasi memilih untuk bermigrasi dari alat manajemen database lama seperti MySQL, tetapi tidak perlu beralih ke NoSQL. Migrasi dari Oracle ke PostrgeSQL tidak harus sulit, mengingat PostgreSQL mudah diintegrasikan dengan berbagai alat, dan mungkin bermanfaat jika Anda ingin beralih ke sistem yang lebih kompleks dan dapat disesuaikan.

Sementara MySQL pasti memiliki kegunaannya, untuk semakin banyak perusahaan, PostgreSQL memiliki keunggulan.

Lyric Andy Lau Believe in Me 相信我 – Theme Song of Shock Wave 2 (2020)

Xiang Xin Wo – Andy Lau

等不到一個歸宿 撐不到最後一步 無奈的接受命運的企圖
Děng bù dào yīgè guīsù chēng bù dào zuìhòu yībù wúnài de jiēshòu mìngyùn de qìtú
Can’t wait for a destination, can’t make the last step, helplessly accept fate
你的笑你的哭 比清晨還要純樸
Nǐ de xiào nǐ de kū bǐ qīngchén hái yào chúnpǔ
Your smile and your cry are more simple than early morning
經歷了痛的領悟 涙水去安撫 一段走不完的路
Jīnglìle tòng de lǐngwù lèi shuǐ qù ānfǔ yīduàn zǒu bù wán de lù
After experiencing the painful comprehension, I will pacify the water, an endless road
是埋怨是憤怒 是習慣還是麻木
Shì mányuàn shì fènnù shì xíguàn háishì mámù
Is it complaining or anger, habit or numbness

等不到你的歸宿 我不怕落下帷幕 只害怕遺下太多的愛慕
Děng bù dào nǐ de guīsù wǒ bùpà luòxià wéimù zhǐ hàipà yí xià tài duō de àimù
I can’t wait for your destination, I’m not afraid of closing the curtain, I’m just afraid of leaving too much love
你的感你的觸 我只能來生彌補
Nǐ de gǎn nǐ de chù wǒ zhǐ néng lái shēng míbǔ
Your feelings, your touches, I can only make up for the next life
要不要都要結束 和你的開始 絕對不是個錯誤
Yào bùyào dōu yào jiéshù hé nǐ de kāishǐ juéduì bùshì gè cuòwù
It’s definitely not a mistake to end or not and your beginning
如果是天意的部署 也保留最後的自主
Rúguǒ shì tiānyì de bùshǔ yě bǎoliú zuìhòu de zìzhǔ
If it’s provided by God’s will, we will retain the final autonomy

請相信我 相信我們跨過了維度
Qǐng xiāngxìn wǒ xiāngxìn wǒmen kuàguòle wéidù
Please believe me, believe that we have crossed the dimension
Ràng ài yīzài chóngfù
Let love repeat
Ràng wǒ yīzài shǒuhù
Let me guard
Kǔ děng jǐ bèizi yìwúfǎngù
Waiting for a few lifetimes without hesitation
我鐵了心走這條路 我天生就是頑固
Wǒ tiěle xīn zǒu zhè tiáo lù wǒ tiānshēng jiùshì wángù
I’m determined to follow this path, I’m born to be stubborn
Ài de jìyì cóng bù hánhú
The memory of love is never vague

等不到你的歸宿 我不怕落下帷幕 只害怕遺下太多的愛慕
Děng bù dào nǐ de guīsù wǒ bùpà luòxià wéimù zhǐ hàipà yí xià tài duō de àimù
I can’t wait for your destination, I’m not afraid of closing the curtain, I’m just afraid of leaving too much love
你的感你的觸 我只能來生彌補
Nǐ de gǎn nǐ de chù wǒ zhǐ néng lái shēng míbǔ
Your feelings, your touches, I can only make up for the next life
Yào bùyào dōu yào jiéshù
End or not
和你的開始 絕對不是個錯誤
Hé nǐ de kāishǐ juéduì bùshì gè cuòwù
And your start is definitely not a mistake
如果是天意的部署 也保留最後的自主
Rúguǒ shì tiānyì de bùshǔ yě bǎoliú zuìhòu de zìzhǔ
If it’s provided by God’s will, we will retain the final autonomy

請相信我 相信我們跨過了維度
Qǐng xiāngxìn wǒ xiāngxìn wǒmen kuàguòle wéidù
Please believe me, believe that we have crossed the dimension
Ràng ài yīzài chóngfù
Let love repeat
Ràng wǒ yīzài shǒuhù
Let me guard
Kǔ děng jǐ bèizi yìwúfǎngù
Waiting for a few lifetimes without hesitation
我鐵了心走這條路 我天生就是頑固
Wǒ tiěle xīn zǒu zhè tiáo lù wǒ tiānshēng jiùshì wángù
I’m determined to follow this path, I’m born to be stubborn
Ài de jìyì cóng bù hánhú
The memory of love is never vague

一輩子一埸賭注 看不到明天的日出
Yībèizi yī yì dǔzhù kàn bù dào míngtiān de rì chū
One bet for a lifetime, I can’t see the sunrise tomorrow
找到愛 找不到你我認輸
Zhǎodào ài zhǎo bù dào nǐ wǒ rènshū
I find love, I can’t find you, I give up

Qǐng xiāngxìn wǒ
Please trust me
Xiāngxìn wǒmen kuàguòle wéidù
Believe that we have crossed the dimension
讓愛一再重複 讓我一再守護
Ràng ài yīzài chóngfù ràng wǒ yīzài shǒuhù
Let love repeat again and again, let me guard again and again
Kǔ děng jǐ bèizi yìwúfǎngù
Waiting for a few lifetimes without hesitation
我鐵了心走這條路 我天生就是頑固
Wǒ tiěle xīn zǒu zhè tiáo lù wǒ tiānshēng jiùshì wángù
I’m determined to follow this path, I’m born to be stubborn
Ài de jìyì cóng bù hánhú
The memory of love is never vague

Wǒ quēle nǐ bù huì xìngfú
You won’t be happy without me

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