Privacy Policy – Android Apps – siakew – Wonder Word

Wonder Word is a guess game for everyone to train color sensors and awareness of objects around them. Customer security and privacy are the main things to be handled properly. Wonder Word continues to maintain the security of all important customer data and information. Guaranteed servers, privacy data protection, periodic back-ups, and access to customer data, are Wonder Word efforts to continue to maintain the security and privacy of every customer. Wonder Word ensures that all your information and data is encrypted and protected very well.

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Privacy Policy

siakew built the Wonder Word app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by siakew at no cost and is intended for use as is.

This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service.

If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which are accessible at Wonder Word unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Use

For a better experience, while using our Service, I may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. The information that I request will be retained on your device and is not collected by me in any way.

The app does use third-party services that may collect information used to identify you.

Link to the privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app

Log Data

I want to inform you that whenever you use my Service, in a case of an error in the app I collect data and information (through third-party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing my Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.


Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device’s internal memory.

This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third-party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service.

Service Providers

I may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:

  • To facilitate our Service;
  • To provide the Service on our behalf;
  • To perform Service-related services; or
  • To assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.

I want to inform users of this Service that these third parties have access to their Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.


I value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and I cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Links to Other Sites

This Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by me. Therefore, I strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. I have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

Children’s Privacy

These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. I do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13 years of age. In the case I discover that a child under 13 has provided me with personal information, I immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact me so that I will be able to do the necessary actions.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

I may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

This policy is effective as of 2021-11-01

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about my Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact me at work(dot)josuamarcelc(dot)com(at)gmail(dot)com.

MDF, HDF, HPL, Multipleks, dan Bahan Baku Pembuatan Furnitur Selain Kayu Solid

Pada industri mebel berbahan dasar kayu, rata-rata penggunaan bahan alternatif kayu solid digunakan untuk menekan harga produksi. hal ini sangat wajar karena harga furniture dengan kayu solid sangat mahal dan repot pembuatannya. sekarang anda bayangkan, untuk membuat panel kayu dengan lebar 200 x 100 cm dengan ketebalan 3 cm misalnya, para pengrajin mebel jepara akan berpikir berkali-kali sebelum memutuskan untuk membuatnya. panel lebar seperti itu membutuhkan bahan papan kayu yang berasal dari log / spindel berdiameter besar. yang sulit dan mahal.

Proses pengeringan juga harus intens dan hati-hati agar tidak merusak papan yang mahal, sehingga prosesnya juga harus sangat tepat dan hati-hati. dengan proses yang rumit dan merepotkan walaupun resiko kerusakan tetap tidak bisa dianggap hilang dan selesai. kayu akan tetap tidak bergerak, baik menyusut maupun mengembang. itu tidak akan hilang bahkan ratusan tahun, buktinya… mari kita lihat rumah-rumah yang memiliki pintu kayu, kita bisa membandingkan jarak / celah antara pintu dan kusen di musim panas dengan musim hujan. pasti berbeda. dan ini akan berlangsung selamanya.

Mengapa kayu bisa terus bergerak begitu kaya? jawabannya menurut kami karena kayu memiliki serat arah yang dapat bergerak bebas dalam arah panjang maupun lebar tanpa adanya ikatan apapun. khusus untuk lekukan arah lebar banyak dipengaruhi oleh asal potongan papan, jika papan berasal dari tepi kayu maka kemungkinan melengkung akan jauh lebih besar daripada papan yang berasal dari kayu tengah. ini adalah pengaruh dari arah lingkaran kambium kayu.

Nah… untuk menyiasati kelemahan papan kayu alam, digunakan bahan lain yang masih berkayu, namun mampu meminimalisir kelemahan papan kayu alam. bahan-bahan ini sebenarnya sangat buruk untuk digunakan pada perabotan rumah tangga kita sehari-hari, tetapi mungkin kita tidak mengerti nama bahannya. Nah…gak tau lah ya kan sayang, yuk kenalan dengan beberapa bahan pengganti papan kayu alami.

MDF dan HDF (Fibreboard Kepadatan Menengah dan Tinggi)

MDF dan HDF adalah papan yang terbuat dari serbuk kayu keras yang lembut dan dicampur keras kemudian dipres panas dengan perekat dan kepadatan tertentu yang rata-rata dijual dalam ukuran panjang x lebar kayu lapis. Bahan ini mungkin yang paling populer setelah multiplexing. bahan utama pembuatannya disebut serat kayu / serbuk kayu, yang dapat dibuat dari kayu keras atau kayu lunak.

Perbedaan antara MDF dan HDF adalah densitasnya, yang diukur dalam satuan kg/kubik. jika MDF berdensitas sedang (Medium Density Fibreboard) dan HDF berdensitas tinggi (High Density Fibreboard) dan ada lagi berdensitas rendah yang biasa kita sebut Particle Board. perbandingannya coba lihat gambar dibawah ini.

Industri mebel jepara yang banyak digunakan adalah MDF, jadi kami jelaskan ya kalau papan partikel jarang pakai karena cepat rusak, HDF jarang karena berat dan mudah pecah. MDF banyak digunakan untuk daun meja balok karena permukaannya yang halus dan tidak mudah pecah. Oiyha… MDF juga dilapisi veneer sehingga menyerupai kayu asli. Anda dapat membaca informasi lebih lanjut tentang furnitur veneer di sini. kualitas MDF juga bervariasi tergantung harga dan merknya.

MDF / Medium-density fibreboard

Keuntungan MDF

Lebih murah daripada menggunakan kayu solid. murah dalam bahan dan juga dalam proses produksi. Pak tukang tinggal potong dan pasang kalau pakai MDF, beda kalau pakai kayu solid harus dibelah, dipelintir, disambung bla bla bla… repot.

Selain mudah dikerjakan, penggunaan MDF juga mengurangi risiko pecah dan retak. bahkan bisa dibilang tanpa resiko pecah. terbuat dari serbuk jadi tidak ada seratnya, sedangkan kalau kayunya patah pasti di seratnya. jadi ya begitu…

Oh ya, ada satu lagi kelebihan dari bahan ini, meski tidak kami rekomendasikan, MDF bisa diukir lho. jadi bisa pesan mebel jepara ukir menggunakan bahan MDF juga. harganya bisa lebih murah dari pada menggunakan kayu solid.

Kelemahan MDF

Tidak tahan air, jika terkena air baik secara langsung atau hanya karena kelembaban yang tinggi, MDF akan rusak yang ditandai dengan terkelupas dan rontok seperti bedak lainnya. atau jika menjadi lembab dia akan berjamur. sangat buruk jika Anda jamur kan? hal ini biasanya diatasi dengan menggunakan MDF berlapis veneer atau menggunakan lapisan HPL. tapi yang namanya air, dia tetap mencari celah untuk ditampung, jadi resikonya tidak bisa dihilangkan sama sekali.

Multipleks atau Kayu Lapis atau Plywood

Namanya berasal dari kata ply atau lembaran tipis, jadi pada dasarnya plywood atau triplek adalah papan yang terdiri dari beberapa lapis irisan kayu tipis yang ditumpuk dan direkatkan dan dipres menjadi lembaran tebal. Irisan kayu tipis diperoleh dari kayu gelondongan yang digunakan oleh mesin raksasa yang prinsip kerjanya sama persis dengan rautan pensil.

Ada beberapa jenis kayu lapis di pasaran saat ini. semua dibedakan dari kayu dan bahan perekat yang digunakan. Berikut beberapa jenis kayu lapis/plywood yang ada di pasaran, serta ketersediaannya di industri mebel jepara.

Multiplex / Kayu Lapis

Kayu lapis keras, bahan kayu yang digunakan seperti meranti, jati kamper dan kayu keras lainnya. Biasanya digunakan untuk membuat rumah yang membutuhkan kekuatan maksimal. Di Jepara jarang digunakan untuk mebel karena harganya mahal dan jarang peminatnya.

Kayu lapis lunak, kayu yang digunakan oleh jenis kayu lunak seperti sengon, cemara atau pinus dan kelasnya. Kayu lapis jenis ini banyak digunakan di Jepara untuk membuat mebel dari kayu lapis.
Kayu lapis tahan air / laut. Terbuat dari kayu jati dan sejenis kayu waterproof dari Afrika, kalau tidak salah okume. biasanya dibuat untuk bahan kapal, bukan untuk furniture pada umumnya. perekat yang digunakan juga tahan air.

Kayu lapis dengan lapisan veneer, jenis kayu lapis ini banyak digunakan untuk pembuatan furnitur dari kayu lapis. Bahan bakunya pada dasarnya adalah kayu lapis kayu lunak namun lapisan atas diberi lapisan kayu jati, mahoni atau mindi veneer. Penjelasan tentang veneer dapat dibaca di bawah posting ini.
Kayu lapis, kami menyebutnya triplek karena inti atau dalamnya adalah potongan kecil kayu2 yang kemudian dilapisi dengan kayu lapis tipis untuk “menjepit” menjadi satu papan balok yang kokoh. banyak digunakan juga sebagai bahan pembuatan furniture di Jepara.

Keunggulan Kayu Lapis Dibandingkan dengan Kayu Solid

Ada yang anti pecah, triplek terbuat dari beberapa lapisan kayu yang saling bersilangan seratnya, hal ini membuat kayu lapis sulit retak, tidak seperti kayu solid yang jika tidak benar-benar kering akan pecah atau retak. lapisan persilangan juga membuat kayu lapis lebih tahan terhadap lengkungan.

Tidak menyusut… lagi-lagi, proses pembuatan triplek sudah mengeringkan bahan kayunya terlebih dahulu hingga kadar minimum, bahkan ada yang direbus dalam cairan anti hama. Kekeringan yang maksimal merupakan syarat utama agar kayu lapis menjadi lem sempurna dan tahan terhadap hama. kayu lunak sangat rentan terhadap hama, sehingga mau tidak mau produsen harus mencegahnya. jika tidak ingin kalah.

Proses pembuatan furniture dari kayu lapis sangat cepat kok tidak mau cepat tidak ada proses membelah kayu, proses pengeringan kayu dengan oven, proses serut seret kayu dan lem perekatan kayu. jadi tinggal beli berapa ketebalannya, potong sesuai ukuran yang dibutuhkan…sudah. hati kami senang.

Kelemahan Furnitur dari Kayu Lapis

Kekuatannya kurang…menurut kami, triplek kayu keras pun masih kalah kuat dari kayu solid. terutama jika dibandingkan dengan kayu lapis kayu lunak. tidak percaya ? coba palu palu ke papan triplek setebal 2 cm dan di papan kayu dengan ketebalan yang sama, lihat seberapa dalam kerusakannya. ya memang itu bukan tes yang adil dan akurat. tapi itu bisa dibuat sebagai bayangan.

Tahan air dan kelembaban, Bahkan pada kayu lapis laut atau kayu lapis tahan air, kekuatan udara lembab masih kalah dengan kayu solid. namun demikian, kelembaban akan lebih mudah menembus lapisan perekat pada kayu lapis dibandingkan menembus serat/pori-pori kayu. kelembapan yang “terjebak” pada lapisan kayu pada plywood akan mempercepat proses “delaminasi/pengelupasan. hal ini tidak terjadi pada kayu solid.

HPL High Pressure Laminate

HPL / High Pressure Laminate (Laminasi Tekanan Tinggi)

Setelah kita mengetahui bahan pengganti kayu solid yang banyak digunakan di industri mebel jepara, kita lanjut ke HPL, kata-kata tersebut belakangan ini disebut-sebut karena banyak permintaan produk yang menggunakan bahan ini. pengrajin disini menyebutnya “hapeElan”, yang rata-rata Hpl digunakan untuk memesan kitchen set dan lemari atau juga furniture model minimalis yang permukaannya polos saja.

Apakah itu benar-benar HPL? High Pressure Laminates yang merupakan singkatan dari HPL sebenarnya adalah lapisan tipis yang terbuat dari kertas kerajinan bermotif/gambar tertentu yang disebut kertas kraft yang kemudian disuntik dengan resin bertekanan tinggi untuk menghasilkan lembaran tipis, keras, dan bergambar. aplikasi tidak dapat langsung digunakan sebagai furnitur tetapi hanya sebagai pelapis akhir. rangka produk masih menggunakan bahan padat lainnya seperti multipleks, MDF atau bahkan kayu solid.

Kelebihan HPL

Hasil akhirnya rapi, tidak akan ada yang retak, sambungan melengkung, rambut patah, lubang dan cacat kayu lainnya. ada permukaan yang tertutup sempurna.

Relatif murah dan cepat prosesnya, HPL hanya bisa ditempel di permukaan yang rata. jadi prosesnya mudah dipotong, rakitnya menempel dan selesai. berbeda dengan Veneer yang sangat kompleks.

Kelemahan HPL

Menurut kami yang berlatar belakang “agak fanatik” dengan furnitur kayu solid, tampilan akhir HPL terlihat… “Plastik”, seperti plastik. walaupun menggunakan HPL dengan pola kayu natural atau rustic sekalipun, tidak bisa dipungkiri hasil akhirnya akan tetap terlihat seperti artifisial, tidak natural. itu rapi tapi ya …

Kelemahan kedua menurut kami produk tidak bisa divariasikan, hanya model minimalis yang lurus saja yang bisa menggunakan HPL. Ingin model ukiran? lupakan HPL

Jadi kesimpulannya, mengapa Anda ingin menggunakan HPL? jika anda menginginkan dekorasi rumah minimalis yang modern, sederhana dan rapi. menggunakan HPL. ada sangat banyak pilihan pola yang bisa dipilih sehingga tampilan akhir bisa tidak terbatas.

Upgrading PHP 7.* to PHP 8.0 in Ubuntu Nginx | Programming

If Upgrading, start from here:

sudo apt-get purge php7.* -y
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get autoremove -y

If Installing directly to PHP8.0, start from here:

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt update

sudo apt install php8.0-common php8.0-mysql php8.0-xml php8.0-curl php8.0-gd php8.0-imagick php8.0-cli php8.0-dev php8.0-imap php8.0-mbstring php8.0-opcache php8.0-soap php8.0-zip php8.0-fpm php8.0-snmp php-memcached -y

sudo php-fpm8.0 -t 
sudo service php8.0-fpm restart
sudo service nginx restart

php -v

Edit FPM Servers

sudo nano /etc/php/8.0/fpm/pool.d/www.conf

Edit FPM Pools at

sudo nano /etc/php/8.0/fpm/php.ini
upload_max_filesize = 32M 
post_max_size = 48M 
memory_limit = -1 
max_execution_time = 600 
max_input_vars = 3000 
max_input_time = 1000

Edit your configuration.

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/your.conf

The line you need to modify will look like this.

fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock; 

You need to replace the old PHP version with the new version.

fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.0-fpm.sock; 

Check PHP version.

php -v

Fast Women And Slow Horses Will Ruin Your Life | Peaky Blinders

“It’s a very old Yorkshire name. Once it took the head of my family a day’s hard riding to make the circuit of his estates, but the mighty are fallen. Fast women and slow horses.”

The meaning here is that the family has lost all its wealth for the following mildly humorous reasons.

Fast women This a rather old-fashioned expression. A ‘fast woman’ is a rather immoral woman who likes a man to spend all his money on her.

slow horses A slow horse in a horse race is not a good one to bet your money on.

That phrase means ‘he became bankrupt’

That phrase wear in movie Sherloc Holmes(2009)’s dialogue too.

Watson: Lady Radford’s emerald bracelet has disappeard.
Holmes: Insurance swidle. Lord Radford likes fast woman and slow ponies. (He become bankrupt)

Fast Women are women that slow men cant keep up with better watch yourself because women are moving quick today.

You want your women to take it slow and your horses fast. The opposite, fast women, are thrill seekers and easy. Slow horses will ruin you because you bet on them and they lose.

comparing someone’s intelligence to the speed of a horse finishing a race. the slow horse would naturally finish last, therefore the person who is the ‘slow horse‘ is not very bright.

Fengshui untuk Nomor HP

Ramalan angka, merupakan bagian penting dari kehidupan kita. Angka-angka bermunculan setiap saat, pada nomor-nomor rumah, nomor-nomor telepon, nomor-nomor nomor HP Yang paling diinginkan oleh orang-orang adalah angka- angka yang telah dipersonalisasi sebagai nomor keberuntungan bagi mereka. Tetapi bagaimanakah caranya untuk mulai memilih angka? Stanley Ng menelitinya. Dalam feng shui, kami menggunakan angka-angka untuk mewakili lima unsur dalam metode Delapan Arahdan Bintang Terbang. Metode tersebut juga dipakai untuk meramal masa depan dan menetapkan kualitas Chi di suatu ruangan. Meskipun demikian, untuk nomor nomor HP, orang-orang mengunakan metode yang berbeda. Untuk nomor HP, orang-orang lebih menyukai angka-angka yang secara fonetik mirip dengan kata-kata keberuntungan dalam bahasa Cina. Kebanyakan mempunyai pilihan untuk angka-angka kejayaan seperti “8”, “6” tau “9” untuk membentuk kombinasi nomor keberuntungan seperti“168”, “8998” atau“8888′. Angka dua dan tiga Juga populer.

Dalam metode perhitungan feng shui, arti nomor adalah

  • 0 = khusus, spesial, langka,
  • 1 = satu, satu-satunya, saya, diri sendiri
  • 2 = Mudah, gampang, tidak sulit
  • 3 = Menemukan, mendapatkan, hidup
  • 4 = Mati,miskin, susah
  • 5 = Tidak akan, tidak pernah, tidak bisa
  • 6 = Menuju, akan
  • 7 = Tepat, Hoki, Pasti, atau bisa disebut juga keTuhanan.
  • 8 = Makmur
  • 9 = sukses, panjang, lama

Kombinasi angka menurut fengshui

  • 168 = saya akan makmur
  • 328 = menemukan kemudahan untuk makmur
  • 28 = mudah makmur
  • 54 = tidak akan susah/miskin
  • 78 = pasti makmur

Nomor – nomor yang dijauhi

  • 64 = akan miskin
  • 74 = pasti miskin
  • 58 = tidak akan makmur
  • 24 = mudah mati
  • 34 = hidup susah

69, walaupun jika diartikan akan sukses, tetapi dalam feng shui tidak berarti demikian.

77,  rewel dan banyak omong.

Jgn menempatkan angka 4 di belakang nomor2 anda, menurut feng shui, artinya tidak baik.

Nomor cantik bukan berarti nomor hoki, contoh
* 6464 cantik, tapi artinya akan miskin berulang ulang
* 5588 cantik, artinya tidak akan makmur.

Karena tidak semua nomor cantik itu hoki, JIKA ANDA PERCAYA, berhati hatilah untuk memilih nomor.

12 === > TIDAK KERAS SENDIRI === > Baik bisa menjadi buruk
25 === > MUDAH GAGAL === > buruk
28 === > IS MAKMUR === > BAIK
30 === > MENEMUKAN langka === > BAIK
34 === > KEHIDUPAN KERAS === > buruk
37 === > MENEMUKAN Hockey === > BAIK SEKALI
40 === > HIS ekstrim KERAS === > buruk sekali
41 === > MISKIN SENDIRI === > Tidak begitu baik
42 === > TIDAK KERAS KERAS === > buruk
43 === > KEHIDUPAN KERAS === > buruk
44 === > OFF & OFF LAGI === > buruk sekali
45 === > TIDAK AKAN SULIT == > Baik
46 === > MATI TERUS == > buruk
47 === > PASTI MISKIN === > buruk
48 === > KERAS MAKMUR === > buruk
49 === > KERAS berkepanjangan === > BURUKSEKALI
50 === > TIDAK AKAN KHUSUS == > Bisa baik bisa buruk

NOMOR 51 – > 100
51 === > TIDAK BISA SENDIRI === > tidak begitu baik
52 === > AKAN PERNAH MUDAH == > Tidak Baik
53 === > AKAN PERNAH MENEMUKAN === > buruk
54 === > TIDAK AKAN SULIT === > BAIK
56 === > AKAN PERNAH KE == > buruk
57 === > KERAS hoki / KANAN === > buruk
58 === > TIDAK AKAN MAKMUR === > buruk
59 === > TIDAK LAGI BISA SUKSES == > Baik
60 === > UNTUK KHUSUS === > BAIK
61 === > UNTUK kesendirian === > TIDAK BAIK
64 === > AKAN MISKIN === > Buruk
65 === > UNTUK YANG TIDAK AKAN === > Buruk
Dan = 66 = BERJALAN
67 === > BE LUCKY === > BAIK
70 === > Hockey YANG KHUSUS === > BAIK
72 === > Hockey MUDAH === > BAIK
73 === > Hockey === HIDUP AKAN > BAIK
74 === > PASTI MISKIN === > Buruk SEKALI
75 === > PASTI GAGAL === > Buruk
77 === > SELALU TEPAT & BENAR === > BAIK
81 === > MY MAKMUR === > BAIK

Talent Autographs Chat Wheel – The International 10 2021 – Dota 2

Dota 2 Compendium Talent Autographs
But the real star of this Dota 2 Compendium update is the 2021 Talent Autographs. Talent Autographs are Purchasable in-game cards, in the same vein as Player Cards. They’re available at $0.99 for a base price. You can level up the cards at $0.99 per level up to level five, when you’ll receive a chat wheel line from the associated talent. Level 10 will unlock a silver border and level 20 a gold border.

As per the details on the website, the Autograph, which can be displayed on your profile, is available permanently. The voiceline will last until The International 2022. And, 50% of the Talent Autographs sales go to the talent! Do remember you don’t have to choose talent from only the English talent pool, voice lines have also been added for the Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian talent as well.

Download Talent Autographs Chat Wheel

The post also includes details on the new TI10 website, info about the new broadcasts in Spanish and Portuguese, and an update to the embattled Short Film Contest. The latter was said to now have had finalists selected, and you can now vote for them in the client. Winners will bag $25,000.

One of those rewards is The International 2021 Lineage Treasure. It’s a reward set that includes nine hero sets that have been reworked to match this year’s black and gold color scheme. Get an emoticon at level 1, and earn a custom HUD skin, teleport effects, and loading screens.

New this year are the Talent Autographs that players can buy for $0.99 for the base level. Additional levels are available at the same price point, up to level 50, according to the press release. At level 5 you unlock a custom chat wheel line that will be available until TI 2022. Getting to level 10/20/50 will unlock bronze, silver, or gold borders, respectively. The autograph is permanent.

Half of the Talent Autograph sales go directly to the talent.

Points can be earned in various ways.

  • Tournament predictions
    • Most played hero? Who will get the highest number of kills? Earn points by just filling out all the categories, earn even more when you’re correct!
  • In-game predictions
    • Get 100 Compendium points, up to 600, for every in-game prediction you nail.
  • Fantasy lineups
    • Choose your lineup every day and earn points with your players’ performances when you place in the top 50% of all players.
  • Main Event Bracket Predictions
  • Supporter’s Club
    • All club members automatically receive 200 Compendium Points when their team wins a match.
  • Fill out your Player Card rosters. Earn points for having 1/8/18 full teams

Top 20 Japanese Fashion Brands

Besides being famous for its technology, Japan is also recognized for the creativity of its young people in innovating in clothing. The benchmark just look at Harajuku, which is one of the centers of street fashion in the world. In that district, there are many kinds of brands, both local and international. The development of fashion in Japan is also supported by local industries that can compete worldwide. #WedWearing this time, we will present any brands that are successful worldwide and make Japan proud. Here’s the list:

  1. W)Taps is made by Tetsu Nishiyama, aka TET, a fashion pioneer in the Harajuku scene. After starting with several different brands in the early 90s, TET made a fortune after making W)Taps in 1996. The brand’s products are heavily inspired by military things, including its signature motifs. This brand has been recorded to have collaborated with several well-known brands such as Supreme, Stussy, A Bathing Ape, and Vans.
  2. Although Evisu was not the first to produce selvedge denim, it was this brand that made a big impact and popularized this type of denim. Starting from the designer and owner Hidehiko Yamane who works as a supplier of imported clothing to Japan, he found that there is almost no quality denim in the Japanese market. Then he started to collect ancient looms for weaving selvedge denim, in the early 90s Yamane started by producing 14 pieces of denim which were sold around Osaka. Each piece of denim has a handmade seal on the back pocket which requires patience to make. Needless to say, selvedge denim is now a trend and sparks worldwide interest in vintage denim. Evisu is also an example of how small industries are run in Japan.
  3. Uniqlo has had success where companies like Gap, and H&M have stumbled. With roots that started in 1949, but started in earnest in 1984, Uniqlo offers a fashion store concept that always improvises in providing quality clothing at affordable prices for consumers. The brand has expanded its network to 100 stores in Japan in the last 10 years including opening a location in the heart of Harajuku – the fashion heart of Tokyo -. In 2004 this brand began to expand overseas by opening outlets in New York, including Indonesia.
  4. Good Enough Brand is the first brand created by the legend Hiroshi Fujiwara. It is a classic streetwear brand that has consistently provided awesome clothing for the youth of Harajuku and Shibuya in the 90s. Good Enough influenced and became part of the Japanese streetwear scene. This is Hiroshi’s first work on his journey to becoming the godfather of Harajuku and dictating world trends.
  5. Neighborhood was born thanks to the subculture of the ‘hardcore motorcycle subculture community’ in Japan. The product is of course for those who want to imitate how ‘badass’ the riders or motorcyclists are. Based in Harajuku and founded in 1994 by motorcycle enthusiast Shinsuke Takizawa, he was looking for a way to express his passion. Neighborhood, a streetwear brand that maintains its high-end level and is a favorite on the streets of Tokyo.
  6. Onitsuka Tiger has a long history of seducing athletic athletes who used to be barefoot to get used to wearing shoes. In addition, founder Kihachiro Onitsuka’s goal was to raise the confidence of children in a war-torn country through athletics. A shoe that offered many innovations at the time that made it popular in Japan. The change of brand name to ASICS in 1977, made this brand more popular not only among athletes but also among fashion lovers. Now who doesn’t know the legendary Onitsuka Tiger sneakers, or the ASICS Gel Lyte? There is an interesting story, around the 60’s a former Onitsuka agent for the American part, started selling a shoe called Cortez whose design was based on the Onitsuka Corsair. Do you know who the former agent was? he was Phil Knight, and his business was called Nike.
  7. Head Porter This is another work by Hiroshi Fujiwara, it’s not wrong if he is called the godfather of Harajuku. Being the brains of many of his brands, at Head Porter he specializes in making accessories, such as bags. It didn’t take long, this brand immediately became hype among fashion enthusiasts in Japan. This brand has collaborated with several other top brands such as Mastermind Japan, Comme des Garçons, and Undercover. The rest, this brand launched a sub unit called Head Porter Plus which offers simplicity but wrapped in quality and clothes that look awesome.
  8. Visvim. The appeal of this brand is that they create something that goes against what is. The designer Hiroki Nakamura started making shoes in 2000 and expanded to include clothing. Many brands are only concerned with visual aesthetics or quality alone, but Visvim is the perfect combination of both. Since its inception, Nakamura emphasizes strict quality control and ethical manufacturing that is carried out at every stage, to ensure that the clothes that reach customers are the best products. The combination of American style and Streetwear brings something fresh and original. See how John Mayer became a stylish man in Visvim.
  9. Bathing Ape. Without a doubt A Bathing Ape is the most influential and best streetwear brand in Japan. Designer Nigo started in 1993 with a few shirts and hoodies, plus Bapesta sneakers. His most phenomenal work is of course his signature camo pattern which became a boom, and took over the Japanese streetwear market in the 2000s. A Bathing Ape consistently provides exclusive models and is supported by several limited edition collaboration products. With large prints and logos used by Kanye West and Pharell William, of course, everyone will want it. But because it is limited that only a few can get Bape and make him continue to be hunted. Unfortunately, A Bathing Ape was overhyped, and led to it being sold to the Hong Kong IT Group in 2011. Bape is one of the brands that is often used as a reference, no streetwear brand in the world can claim to be unaffected by Bape.
  10. Comme des Garçons from its inception, the brand has defied the notion of color, shape and conventions of fashion itself. This brand first emerged in 1970 from the creative idea of Rei Kawakubo who dared to deconstruct conventions in the fashion world. Now Comme des Garçons has dominated the high fashion market, especially for contemporary men. Not only that, he opened the Play and Homme Deux sub-units which are specifically for streetwear lovers and everyday formal wear. This brand became a brand that made the world pay attention to Japanese fashion, and continues to dominate on all fronts. For nearly 30 years now Comme des Garçons has been at the forefront of every conversation about men’s fashion. It also proves that a brand or brand is able to place a country on top of the world.
  11. Kotohayokozawa. Stylized as “kotohayokozawa,” this is the eponymous brand of Kotoha Yokozawa, a Nagoya native who started the brand in 2015. The designer appreciates the uniqueness of following trends, and says he creates cut-and-paste for girls like himself. Catch one of its pop-up stores or browse online stores.
  12. KIKS TYO is a Tokyo-based casual clothing and casual accessories company that was founded in 2006. Apart from basics like tees and sweatshirts, they also make accessories: hats, sunglasses, wallets, and phone bags and cases.
  13. UNDERCOVER. Jun Takahashi mendirikan UNDERCOVER di 1990, dan sejak itu merek ini menjadi klasik di dunia streetwear Jepang. Pakaian mengambil isyarat gaya dari punk rock serta penampilan mode tinggi. Slogan mereka adalah “Kami membuat suara, bukan pakaian.”
  14. DRWCYS is a streetwear brand aimed at women in their twenties and thirties. Their motto is “Trend. Casual. Bohemian.” The brand started in 2008, but didn’t open their first store until 2010.
  15. Fumika Uchida adalah label mode yang tumbuh dari J’Antiques, salah satu toko pakaian vintage terbaik di Tokyo. Sesuai dengan akarnya, label ini adalah perpaduan gaya modern dan tampilan vintage yang diperbarui.
  16. Snidel carrying the concept of “formal street”, Snidel is quite popular among Japanese women of school age to their 20s. Designed by Asami Kusugami, Snidel opened its first store on Cat Street in Harajuku in April 2005. Subsequently, Snidel expanded its scope by opening boutiques in Shibuya, Nagoya, Shinjuku, Yokohama, and other cities in Japan.
  17. Tsumori Chisato was born in the city of Saitama, Japan, Tsumori Chisato greatly admires French culture and fashion. In 1990, Tsumori Chisato began to develop his own brand. She presented her first collection at Japan Fashion Week in the same year. The style that characterizes Tsumori Chisato is innovative textiles, the use of embroidery, appliques, and prints. Tsumori Chisato’s love for France made him open a shop in that country, in the Marais district to be exact. In addition, the Tsumori Chisato collection is also marketed in several countries such as the United States, Italy, Russia, and Scandinavia.
  18. WEGO is a well-known fashion brand from Shibuya, Tokyo. The WEGO collection consists of cool and trendy casual clothes that young Japanese are known for. With the concept of “mix used style, WEGO offers collections such as t-shirts, tops, bottoms, and outerwear.
  19. Cecil McBee founded in 1984, Cecil McBee under the auspices of Delica Co. targeting young women as its main target market. In addition to targeting young women, Cecil McBee also launched a collection aimed at older women. Cecil McBee has the same name as a jazz singer from the United States. However, the two are not related at all. Even because of the similarity of the name, Cecil McBee, the jazz musician once filed a lawsuit against the Japanese fashion brand.
  20. The streets of Shibuya, Tokyo are the birthplace of the clothing brand United Arrows. Founded in 1989, United Arrows appointed Osamu Shigematsu as its first President. A year later, United Arrows opened its first store in Shibuya, Tokyo and was followed by other stores in the following years. United Arrows has The Green Label relaxing brand targeting younger and more casual shoppers. In December 1999, United Arrows launched Chrome Hearts, one of its product lines. Today, United Arrows manages more than 250 high-end boutiques spread across the Tokyo area. The United Arrows collection includes men’s and women’s clothing with models that continue to change every season.

Well friends, those are some brands from Japan that are arguably the best and are able to compete at the world level. One that can be learned is innovation, persistence, and doing what they believe got them where they are today.

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Getting Started With Axie Infinity Tutorial:

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Bumi Perkemahan Taman Bincarung | Pasir Angling

Bagi yang suka berkemah bareng keluarga dan teman-teman di area Bandung, dapat ke Bumi Perkemahan Taman Bincarung, Pasir Angling yang berada di area Maribaya Bandung.

Info per Agustus 2021

Ada 2 lokasi perkemahan, Umum dan Private


  • Bisa berkemah di manapun di area umum, tapi tergantung oleh padatnya pengunjung.
  • Tiket Masuk Rp. 5,000.- / Orang (Bayi tidak dihitung)
  • Tiket Parkir Rp. 5,000.- / Mobil


  • Mendapatkan gazebo, tidak dilewati orang umum.
  • Tiket per gazebo Rp. 150,000.- / 24 jam (Kemah Pagi jam 7, dapat pulang sampai jam 7 lagi, bukan seperti hotel)
  • Hanya ada 2 lokasi untuk gazebo per agustus 2021

Booking Acara atau bertanya langsung kontak:

Mas Ade di Whatsapp / Telepon:

Lokasi –

Info Perjalanan ke Perkemahaan

  • Setelah naik ke Pasir Angling, jalanan hanya cukup untuk 1 mobil.
  • Ketika berpas-pasan dengan mobil lain, saling mengalah, karena mereka warga sekitar.
  • Kalau bisa pergi pagi, dan pulang sore.

Info Keadaan Sekitar Perkemahan

  • Ada Warung jual pop mie, air, kelapa, gorengan, dan lain lain.
  • WC jongkok ada, sedang dibangun WC baru.
  • Air sangat dingin.
  • Ada masjid.
  • Waspada banyak lalat.
  • Ada beberapa anjing menunggu dikasih makan.
  • Banyak Pohon Berdekatan, bisa pasang hammock.

Alat-alat yang disarankan untuk dibawa

  • Flysheet
  • Tiker
  • Makanan Ringan
  • Bawa Alat Gorengan / Panggangan diperbolehkan
  • Selimut
  • Jaket
  • Plastik sampah
  • Kopi
  • Rokok

#BumiPerkemahan #TamanBincarung #PasirAngling

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