What Is Ordnance in Apex Legends?

Ordnance in the game Apex Legends is a small weapon that can be thrown at enemies to get damage. Ordnance Apex can be found in Supply Bins, floor loot, and Loot Ticks. There are 3 main Ordnance Apex that can be used, namely Arc Star, Frag Grenade, and Terminate Grenade. To make it clearer, see the information one by one below.

Arc Star

Arc Star is a combination of stick bombs and shuriken. This weapon can be thrown at the enemy. If it hits the enemy, Arc Star will deal 15 damage. After that, within three seconds it will explode and cause 75 damage.

  • Deals 10 impact damage and up to 75 explosion damage in an 8.75 m explosion radius, with a 1.8 m inner radius. Slows those affected for up to 5 seconds.
  • Projectile launch speed is faster than the other grenades (2200 UPS instead of 1300 UPS).
  • Damages and destroys doors. Also, it disables the Trident for a very short amount of time.
  • Thrown to Squadmate will be bounced off to either left or right direction.
  • The explosion’s “splash” damage decreases with distance from the Arc Star itself so plan accordingly.
  • If you come across extra high-tier armor such as Epic or Legendary ones and you or your squad don’t need it, equip an Arc Star, look at your feet and throw the Arc Star on the ground. You’ll break your armor, but now you can swap to the new extra armor. Thus, leaving a broken armor on the ground for an enemy to potentially pick up or be forced to heal it.
  • Some legends can shake the stuck Arc Star off by activating their ability. For example,  Into the Void by Wraith and  Phase Breach by Ash.

Frag Grenade

Frag Grenades are bombs that can be thrown at enemies. Frag Grenades take as much as 4 seconds after the pin is removed to explode.
Frag Grenade will produce damage ranging from 1-100 if it hits the enemy. However, this damage depends on the enemy’s distance to the location or position of the weapon explosion. The closer the greater the damage generated.

  • Deals 10 impact damage and up to 100 explosion damage in an 8 m explosion radius, with a 2.4 m inner radius.
  • Damages and destroys doors.
  • Frag Grenades also can bounce or roll on the environment before detonating. This can be used to hit enemies around a corner
  • Frag Grenades can be used to force enemies out of cover.
  • Looking up and throwing a Frag Grenade directly up in the sky will have it fall directly back where you’re currently standing in the next 3 seconds and explode on impact. This is great if you’re outside a door and someone is about to break it down on the opposite side or do this if you’re being chased while running.
    • This will not work with Fuse unless the throw power is disabled, as the grenade will explode in mid-air.

Terminate Granades

The last ordnance apex is the Terminate Grenade which functions similarly to Molotov. So when you throw the Terminate Grenade, it will produce a horizontal wall of fire. Creates a horizontal wall of flames.
Anyone who is hit by the fire will receive as much as 25 damage for more than 3 seconds and can stack up. So the longer you stand in the Terminate Grenade area, the greater the damage you will receive.

  • The wall is 6 m long and is horizontal, perpendicular to the direction it was thrown from.
  • Deals 4 damage per tick when standing in the flames, and applies an over-time burn effect that lasts for 25 damage.
  • Bypasses the  Knockdown Shield.
  • Damages and destroys doors.
  • The wall of flames lasts for 8 seconds after impact with the ground.
  • Can be used to increase the fire rate of the Rampage LMG.
  • It can be useful to seal off an enclosed area such as a doorway to prevent enemies from pushing a position, as well as a mild way to break the line of sight of an enemy.
  • If an enemy is body blocking a door, you can throw a Thermite at the bottom of the door. It will destroy the door and burn the enemy.
  • Can be useful against an enemy raising their  Knockdown Shield, as raising the shield slows them and forces them to take more damage from the flames.


  • Grenades and regen items are both classified as “consumables” in the Death Box.
  • Fuse can hold two grenades, instead of one, and will take a stack of two grenades if he uses Loba‘s  Black Market Boutique.

That’s an explanation of the apex ordnance that you need to know when playing the Apex Legends game. May be useful.

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