Tung Uk Jue 同屋主 – Alex Fong Lik San & Stephy Tang Lai Yan 方力申 & 鄧麗欣

談讀書 談電影
Taam duk sue taam din ying
Talk about reading, talk about movies

從前跟你每夜 說過未停 最溫馨
Chung chin gan nei mooi ye suet gwoh mei ting jui wan hing
I used to tell you every night that it never stops, the warmest

仍在裝 很溫馨
Ying joi jong han wan hing
still pretending very warm

然而說到某處 會突然無聲
Yin yi suet do mau chue wooi dat yin mo sing
However, when I say something, there will be a sudden silence

流動不息的水 怎麽會結冰
Lau dung bat sik dik sui jam moh wooi git bing
How does flowing water freeze

仍舊渴望澎湃 卻變得死靜
Ying gau hot mong paang baai keuk bin dak sei jing
Still eager to surge, but become dead still

Naan do taai gwoh goo ding
Is it too fixed

Yeung sing yat jung gam ching
cause a feeling

Tung boon oi lui yi fan bat ching
Companions and lovers are indistinguishable


Tung uk jue dik mau gwan
the same landlord

Ching gam soh dak taai chan
emotionally distant

忘了共你初吻 有過動魄驚心
Mong liu gung nei choh man yau gwoh dung paak ging sam
Forgot to share your first kiss, it was thrilling

Yue gam man bit choi man
kiss goodbye now

Yue yau beng ji chaak tai wan
If you are sick, take your temperature

Chun lai suet oi yat sai yat saang
As usual, love forever

循例扮幸福 但不甘
Chun lai baan hang fuk daan bat gam
Pretending to be happy as usual but unwilling

Tung uk jue ching fong sam
Homeowner please rest assured

Lin hei si ngoh boon fan
Playing is my job

從我未會演 到乍看 亦算迫真
Chung ngoh mei wooi yin do ja hon yik suen bik jan
From the fact that I didn’t know how to act to the first glance, it’s pretty realistic

Yue kap yeuk sai chau gam
imprisoned by oath

Lo lui woo sung dik gwaan sam
mutual care in prison

臨睡關燈 見你遠得這樣近
Lam sui gwaan dang gin nei yuen dak je yeung gan
Turn off the lights before going to bed, seeing you so close

漏夜開燈 看你笑得多遺憾
Lau ye hoi dang hon nei siu dak doh wai ham
Turn on the light at night, it’s a pity to see how much you smile

還在忍 還在等
Waan joi yan waan joi dang
still waiting

祈求戀愛碰着 某個事情 再昇溫
Kei kau luen oi pung jeuk mau goh si ching joi sing wan
I pray that love will encounter something and heat up again

甜或苦 不打緊
Tim waak foo bat da gan
sweet or bitter doesn’t matter

同牀太遠 要有意外 才同心
Tung cong taai yuen yiu yau yi ngoi choi tung sam
The same bed is too far away, there must be an accident to be in the same heart

毋問一屋冰山 怎麽會發生
Mo man yat uk bing saan jam moh wooi faat saang
Don’t ask how a house of icebergs can happen

如若渴望溶雪 要哪邊走近
Yue yeuk hot mong yung suet yiu na bin jau gan
If you want to melt the snow, where do you go

Kei sat ngoh jui pa man
In fact, I am most afraid to ask

Gau si king sam dik yan
old time lover

Sui yuen yi gaau ngoh jam moh chan
Who wants to teach me how to kiss

Repeat *

Tung uk jue ching fong sam
Homeowner please rest assured

Lin hei si ngoh boon fan
Playing is my job

從我未會演 到乍看 亦算迫真
Chung ngoh mei wooi yin do ja hon yik suen bik jan
From the fact that I didn’t know how to act to the first glance, it’s pretty realistic

Yue kap yeuk sai chau gam
imprisoned by oath

Lo lui woo sung dik gwaan sam
mutual care in prison

Lam sui gwaan dang
Turn off the lights before going to sleep

Lau ye hoi dang
Turn on the lights at night

Gin nei yuen dak je yeung gan
see you so close

Tung wa na git guk yue wan
fairy tale ending aftertaste

Tim mat yue mei lai sing yan
sweet and beautiful addiction

其實這安穩 已悶極 如複印
Kei sat je on wan yi moon gik yue fuk yan
In fact, this stability is already extremely boring, like copying

Yuet gin dak doh gang mak saang
more and more strange

Yuet gaak hoi hin gwa yuet sam
The farther apart, the deeper the concern

就怕分開了 人一走遠 又變吸引 Wo
Jau pa fan hoi liu yan yat jau yuen yau bin kap yan Wo
I’m afraid that when we are separated, when people walk away, they will become attractive to me again

同屋主的某君 情感鬆得太緊
Tung uk jue dik mau gwan ching gam soh dak taai chan
A certain gentleman of the same house owner is too loose

忘了共你初吻 有過動魄驚心
Mong liu gung nei choh man yau gwoh dung paak ging sam
Forgot to share your first kiss, it was thrilling

Yue gam man bit choi man
kiss goodbye now

Yue yau beng ji chaak tai wan
If you are sick, take your temperature

Chun lai suet oi yat sai yat saang
As usual, love forever

循例扮幸福 但不甘
Chun lai baan hang fuk daan bat gam
Pretending to be happy as usual but unwilling

如傢俬的至親 純粹為了穩陣
Yue ga si dik ji chan sun sui wai liu wan kan
Like close relatives of furniture, purely for stability

如放在客廳 看見了 就會安心
Yue fong joi haak teng hon gin liu jau wooi on sam
If you put it in the living room, you will feel at ease when you see it

Mo sui pa joi pooi chan
Don’t be afraid to be a foil

Pooi chan yik yau go dai dang
There are also high and low levels of foil

長伴一生 勝過退燒的熱吻
Cheung boon yat saang sing gwoh tui siu dik yit man
A lifetime of companionship is better than a fever-reducing kiss

被誤一生 也算至死的緣份
Bei ng yat saang ya suen ji sei dik yuen fan
Being wronged for a lifetime is also considered a fate to death

我感激 這軟禁
Ngoh gam gik je yuen gam
I appreciate the house arrest

其實也 勝過獨行
Kei sat ya sing gwoh duk haang
In fact, it is better than walking alone

Gam gik mau gwan
thank you

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