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Category: quotes
All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question. – Thomas Shelby – Peaky Blinders
Finding the meaning behind our existence is a foolish answer.
I think that religions where born when the first children died in the arms of their parents.
At some point you just can’t accept everything, you have to change your views on the realities of a harsh world so you don’t loose your mind. “He is in a better world now”, “this rainbow is a sign send by God”, “I am ill because I have done something wrong”, “this thief who escaped is going to pay for what he did”.
In a place where there is no concept of science, where you are confronted to randomness and injustice, you have to replace [something that we don’t know yet] by [God], it’s shorter and enough most of the time to keep going.
Believers of all confessions are not foolish, nor stupid, I think they just have faith in a better world with better people. I respect that even if I don’t believe in any Gods.
Religions helped us build civilizations by making the first laws and sanitary rules (don’t kill, don’t eat pork, don’t steal, clean yourself)
Not personally religious, but I can understand why believing in a higher being can give a lot of people peace of mind. Edit: It’s certainly better than the depressing alternative, that everything is pointless
Just want to clarify that there is ALOT of difference between atheism or not believing in god, and nihilism.
Honestly, religion is a silly little cult that’s gone on for too long. But I like it because it’s helped me accept who I am. I believe that there is something after death but know that it can never be proven but it’s nice to think that there might be. Plus the accepting myself thing thru religion really helped me come to terms with being gay. Knowing someone would always love me was wonderful. But yeah, religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question.
If God or gods exist, then I see two options, neither of which require a religious background. Either hell doesn’t exist and everyone goes to heaven because situations that lead to where you are can’t be controlled, or hell is basically perfect rehab because people have mental illness and or make poor choices. If your point of view ends up fucked enough, you may see something as right when it’s wrong, so hell just doesn’t make sense. If one doesn’t then why worry about it and waste what time I have? If nothing matters then everything matters
Ask something that can’t be proven isn’t foolish at all. It’s in fact the purpose of questions. If we know the answer to a question and could prove it then where’s the need to ask the questions. And the more unanswerable a question is the better the question is (for example Millennium Prize Problems are better problem then let’s say “what does 1+1 equal”) So “What’s the purpose of everything” is in fact one of the best questions ever written. Of course you can just argue that all questions are foolish in general but that’s totally another thing.
I sorta agree with it. The question’s credibility depends on the particular question, but the answer is definitely stupid.
Asking about our origin is natural. There are three paths you can take to deal with this.
- First, you can make hypotheses based on science.
- Second, you can decide not to ignore it.
- The third is that you make up an answer.
I guess most religion is based on the third option. This answer is usually similar with variations according to culture and environment. Notice how it tends to abuse concepts we can’t understand, like infinity. This answer is great psychologically, but it’s rubbish from the scientific viewpoint.
Another Quotes:
“everyone’s a whore Grace, we just sell different parts of ourselves”
Alfie : I, my friend, am the uncle, and the protector, and the promoter of that fucking thing right there, in whose shadow nothing good nor godly will ever fucking grow. That there, right, is the southern counties’ welterweight champion. He is of mixed religion, therefore he is godless. He was adopted by Satan himself before he was returned out of fear of his awkwardness. But he’s impossible to marry off due to his lethal dimensions. His mother, terrified, she’s fucking abandoned him. And there he is, stood before you like the first of some brand-new fucking species! Any man that you put before him, right, it’d be like entering a fucking threshing machine, mate. Now, will you offer your son?
He stole horses and he told fortunes, often he would tell a man that his horse would be stolen and they would marvel at his powers when it was.
Alfie: “I’ll need another ton for killing Tommy, because his brother is an animal and will try to fucking kill me.”
Tommy: “I take it for the pain. To keep warm.” – Grace: “Is that what it’s for? The warmth? … Ahh. The warmth.” – “All this time.” – “I know. Our love still remains… But you have to listen to the voices that you hear.” I love this scene because it shows Tommy’s escapism, Grace’s support but also her tendency to infiltrate him as his imaginative dark side
“You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take”
“Me, talking to myself, about myself Something like that”
“There is peace when war is hopeless.”
“During John’s funeral when he said that War already killed them , after that everything is just extra in their life”
Love is a terrifying thing | Suits
Love is a terrifying thing. It’s not safe. Because when you love someone, you have to face the fact that you could lose them. Sometimes life throws an unexpected wrench in your way. It might be that you’re in jeopardy of losing your career, your freedom, or worst of all, you might even find out that a loved one has died. These things make you realize how precious life is, how important every second we have on this earth is, and how important the people we care about are to us. Donna… I kept my feelings inside for so long because I was afraid. But when I finally got good news, that’s when I knew you were my everything. I knew I could always count on you when the chips are down. I just hadn’t realized I couldn’t do without you when they were up. I’m a gambler. I always have been and I always will be. When you’re with me, my chips are always up. None of us know how much time we really have. It could be a minute. It could be an hour. It could be fifty years. But I know even if it’s a hundred years, I’ll never have enough time with you. From the day we are born, we look for love. Because it is love that nourishes our soul. And when we are lucky enough to find it, our lives are changed forever. You make me laugh. You make me cry. You make me crazy. But most of all, Harvey, you make me happy. Without you, I’m empty. I can never go back to the way I was before. You've changed me. And you've changed my life forever.
I love you, Harvey Specter.
I love you, Donna Paulsen.