我不知不覺 又徘徊在從前
Wǒ bùzhī bù jué yòu páihuái zài cóngqián
Unconsciously, I have wandered back to the past again

秋風悄悄的呼喚 聽來盡是孤單
Qiūfēng qiāoqiāo de hūhuàn tīng lái jìn shì gūdān
The autumn wind calls softly, filled with loneliness when heard

落葉的期盼 片片左右為難
Luòyè de qī pàn piàn piàn zuǒyòu wéinán
The yearning of falling leaves, every leaf feeling caught in the middle

心走寂寞攀 跟著飄進黑暗
Xīn zǒu jìmò pān gēnzhe piāo jìn hēi’àn
My heart embarks on a lonesome climb, then drifts into darkness

我不聞不問 也許好過一點
Wǒ bù wén bùwèn yěxǔ hǎoguò yīdiǎn
If I don’t show interest in anything, perhaps I would feel better

被遺憾關在房間 掙扎只是拖延
Bèi yíhàn guān zài fángjiān zhēngzhá zhǐshì tuōyán
Locked in the room by regret, struggling is only to delay (what is to happen)

無望的空談 一聲聲的輕嘆
Wúwàng de kōngtán yī shēng shēng de qīng tàn
Empty chatter with no hope, soft sighs one after another

回憶扯不斷 怎麼擺脫糾纏
Huíyì chě bùduàn zěnme bǎituō jiūchán
If memories cannot be torn apart, then how can one escape from entanglement

找不到方向 往彩虹天堂
Zhǎo bù dào fāngxiàng wǎng cǎihóng tiāntáng
Unable to find my way, (I) head towards the rainbow heaven

有你說的愛 在用幸福觸摸懮傷
Yǒu nǐ shuō de ài zài yòng xìngfú chùmō yǒu shāng
There’s the love you speak of that is using happiness to touch sadness

兩個人 相守直到白髮蒼蒼
Liǎng gè rén xiāng shǒu zhídào bái fà cāngcāng
Two people sharing their lives until their hair has turned white

Zìyóu de fēixiáng zài cànlàn de xīngguāng
Flying freely in the brilliant starlight

找不到方向 往彩虹天堂
Zhǎo bù dào fāngxiàng wǎng cǎihóng tiāntáng
Unable to find my way, (I) head towards the rainbow heaven

有你說的愛 在用幸福觸摸懮傷
Yǒu nǐ shuō de ài zài yòng xìngfú chùmō yǒu shāng
There’s the love you speak of that is using happiness to touch sadness

兩個人 相守直到白髮蒼蒼
Liǎng gè rén xiāng shǒu zhídào bái fà cāngcāng
Two people sharing their lives until their hair has turned white

自由的飛翔在燦爛的星光 有你在我身旁
Zìyóu de fēixiáng zài cànlàn de xīngguāng yǒu nǐ zài wǒ shēn páng
Flying freely in the brilliant starlight, I have you by my side

Story :
This is a continuation of the previous song (Feng/Maple-Jay Chow), Will Liu take advantage being with her. When Jay know it, he don’t want to disrupt their relationship bear the pain and Let them to be together. One day when the girl went to Jay’s house and remember her memory but she hate jay for not telling her the truth and she leave Will Liu and Jay because she don’t know how to face them and if she choose one of them, is unfair to the other.

Wǒ bù wén bùwèn
* “bù wén bùwèn” literally means not bothering to ask any questions or listen to what anyone says; translated as not showing interest or being indifferent