To My Baby Girl…. from the moment you came into this world, you’ve been my greatest joy, my little princess, and the light of my life. I want you to know that as your father, I will always be here for you just like I promised the day you were born. you are my precious treasure and I will forever be your protector, your guide, and your biggest fan. As you navigate the journey of life, please remember that my love for you is unending and unconditional. I will shield you from the storms, lift you when you fall, and stand by your side through every challenge that comes your way. your dreams are my dreams. your happiness is my mission and your well being is my top priority. You are growing into an amazing young woman and I am so proud of the person you are becoming. I believe in your strength, your intelligence, and your ability to achieve anything you set your heart on. As you spread your wings and explorer the world, know that I will always be your safe haven, your rock and your loving father.
– Anon –
To My Baby Girl #elle