Mayday 五月天 – 有些事现在不做 一辈子都不会做了【Just Do What You Want To Do Now】[Lyric Pinyin,English Translation]


Nián lún lǐmiàn yǒu zhōng
Tree rings are clocks

Zhòuwén lǐmiàn yǒu zhōng
Wrinkles are clocks

Jiùsuàn zàntíng quán shìjiè de zhōng
Even if we were to pause all the clocks in the world

也停不了 一秒钟
Yě tíng bùliǎo yī miǎo zhōng
Time wouldn’t stop, even for a single second

Diédǎo yǐhòu yǒu tòng
It’s painful after a fall

Hòuhuǐ yǐhòu yǒu tòng
It’s painful after regrets

Wèn nǐ zuì tòng huì shì nǎ yī zhǒng
If I were to ask which is more painful

Dá’àn shuōmíng suǒyǒu
The answer is self-explanatory

想像你的孙子 孙女 充满光的瞳孔
Xiǎngxiàng nǐ de sūn zǐ sūnnǚ chōngmǎn guāng de tóngkǒng
Imagine the bright eyes of your grandsons and granddaughters

正等着你开口 等着你说 你最光辉 的一次传说
Zhèng děngzhe nǐ kāikǒu děngzhe nǐ shuō nǐ zuì guānghuī de yīcì chuánshuō
Looking eagerly at you, to hear the most glorious legend of your life

每个平凡的自我 都曾幻想过
Měi gè píngfán de zìwǒ dōu céng huànxiǎngguò
Every ordinary person has once fantasised

以你为名的小说 会是枯燥 或是隽永
Yǐ nǐ wèi míng de xiǎoshuō huì shì kūzào huò shì juànyǒng
Will my autobiography [1] be dull or everlasting?

Cóngqián zhǐ xiǎng zhuāng dǒng
Once, I wanted to appear knowledgeable

Zhuāng zuò shénme dōu dǒng
Acting as if I knew everything

Dǒngdé shēngcún de guīzé zhīhòu
After learning the rules of survival

却只想要 都不懂
Què zhǐ xiǎng yào dōu bù dǒng
I just want to be ignorant

Rúguǒ rénlèi de liǎn
If all of mankind

Zhǎng dé quándōu xiāngtóng
Looked exactly the same

Nàme nǐ hé rénmen de bùtóng
Then the only thing differentiating you from the rest

Jiù kàn nǐ zěnme huó
Would be how you led your life

想像你的白发 皱纹
Xiǎngxiàng nǐ de bái fà zhòuwén
Imagine your white hair and wrinkles

Jǐn tiē nǐ de lúnkuò
Framing your silhouette

你最终的朋友 就是此刻 那些最疯 最爱和最痛
Nǐ zuìzhōng de péngyǒu jiùshì cǐkè nàxiē zuì fēng zuì ài hé zuì tòng
Your last friends are the craziest, most passionate, and most painful memories at this moment

每次冲动留下的 都有所不同
Měi cì chōngdòng liú xià de dōu yǒu suǒ bùtóng
Every impulse leaves something different behind

Rán’ér yǒu tiān nǐ huì dǒng
Someday you will understand

就是那些 让你不同
Jiùshì nàxiē ràng nǐ bùtóng
Those set you apart from others

每滴眼泪挣脱后 都带走懦弱
Měi dī yǎnlèi zhēngtuō hòu dōu dài zǒu nuòruò
Every tear that drops, brings a bit of cowardice along

Gǎndòng zǒng zài chōngdòng hòu
Touching moments always lie after impulsive ones

苦涩回忆 都会温柔
Kǔsè huíyì dūhuì wēnróu
Even bitter memories become gentle

每个平凡的自我 都曾幻想过
Měi gè píngfán de zìwǒ dōu céng huànxiǎngguò
Every ordinary person has once fantasised

然而大多的自我 都紧抓着 某个理由
Rán’ér dàduō de zìwǒ dōu jǐn zhuāzhe mǒu gè lǐyóu
However most people hold on tightly to one reason or another

每个渺小的理由 都困住自由
Měi gè miǎoxiǎo de lǐyóu dōu kùn zhù zìyóu
Every tiny excuse puts another lock on freedom

有些事情还不做 你的理由 会是什么?
Yǒuxiē shìqíng hái bù zuò nǐ de lǐyóu huì shì shénme?
If there is something undone in your life, why would that be?

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