All Chat Wheel on DPC Supporters Club 2022 Dota 2


Download Chat Wheel DPC Supporters Club 2022 Dota 2 Here

Nigma Galaxy DPC 2022 Supporters Club

DPC Supporters Club Sale
Ready to make your Dota allegiances known? The homestretch of the season is here and it’s the perfect time to show your support. To make it even easier, from today until the conclusion of the DPC Winter Tour Regional Finals on February 20th, the Winter Tour Supporters Clubs are all on sale for half price. Make sure to support your favorite teams and help represent in force as you cheer for victory during the final fights.

DPC Fantasy Update
The DPC Winter Tour Fantasy Dota has been updated to include an extra two-week-long period for the Regional Finals. Check out the new quick-access menu under the Watch Tab to see a summary of how you can interact with the DPC. Plus, for any players who have already participated in Fantasy, stay tuned for treasure rewards arriving before the start of the Regional Finals.

Changes to Co-Op Bots Matchmaking Mode
Today’s update also includes some modifications to Co-Op Bots Matchmaking to help improve behavior around disconnecting and queuing in general. You can check out the changes below:

  • Leaver penalties no longer apply in this mode.
  • If a player disconnects, a bot will control their hero while they are absent.
  • Players can now queue for multiple selected difficulties and supported bot scripts simultaneously, instead of only individual selections for each.
  • If a player has been in the queue for Co-Op bots for more than 2 minutes, a match will immediately be made including any players that are in the queue. Empty player slots will be filled with allied bots.

Aghanim’s Labyrinth Update
We’ve also included a small update with a number of bug fixes for the Aghanim’s Labyrinth game mode. Check out the patch notes for all the details.

Linux Runtime Update
As part of our continuing efforts to move Dota’s technology forward, we have upgraded the Linux client to use the container version of the Steam runtime. This ensures better compatibility across distributions and prepares for future improvements.

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