約會像是為 分享到飽肚滋味
Dating seems like for sharing the taste of the food
yoek wui zoeng si wai fan hoeng dou baau tou zi mei

有任何難題 卻不提起
But you never mention about any problem
yau yam ho nan tai koek bat tai hei

這若是浪漫 我怎麼覺得就快分離
If this is romance how come I feel like we are going to separate soon
ze yoek si long maan ngo zam mo gok dak zau faai fan lei

你哭過 但眼影閃得更艷美
You cried, but the reflection in your eyes was more beautiful
nei huk gwo daan ngaan ying sim dak gang yim mei

我是誰情人 你始終也是你
Who do I belongs to you are always yourself
ngo si seoi cing yan nei ci zung yaa si nei

微笑靜默互望 笑比哭更可悲
Looking at each other quietly, laughing is more terrible than crying
mei siu zing mak wu mong siu bei huk gang ho bei

You always look sad
zau syun zam hoi sam zau zoek mei

Even I only hug you tightly
zeon gun gan gan pou dak wan nei

兩臂 卻分得開我共你
Two arms can separate you and me
loeng bei koek fan dak hoi ngo gung nei

無言的親親親 侵襲我心
Wordless kiss melting my heart
mou yin dik can can can cam zaap ngo sam

I’d rather say you’re tired
ying ning yun can hau gong nei leoi dak han

If someone apart from me
yu ceoi ngo yi ngoi zoi nei sam

還多出一個人 你瞞住我
Is in your heart, You hidden it from me
waan do ceot yat go yan nei mun zyu ngo

我亦 瞞住我 太合襯
I also hidden that from me
ngo yik mun yu ngo taai hap can

這就是談情 客氣得嚇著我
This is dating make me scared
ze zau si taam cing haak hei dak haak zoek ngo

除了近來繁忙 我所知有幾多
Apart from knowing your busy I know nothing
ceoi liu gan loi faan mong ngo so zi yau gei do

If you want to tell the reason
yoek yiu huk bat huk sou wai ho

We would just argue
daai gaa zang caau dau zeoi hou gwo

勝過 笑不出聲抱著我
Better then holding me without any smile on your face
sing gwo siu bat ceot sing pou zoek ngo

無言的親親親 侵襲我心
Wordless kiss melting my heart
mou yin dik can can can cam zaap ngo sam

I’d rather say you’re tired
yng ning yun can hau gong nei leoi dak han

If someone apart from me
yu ceoi ngo yi ngoi zoi nei sam

還多出一個人 你瞞住我
Is in your heart, You hidden it from me
waan do ceot yat go yan nei mun zyu ngo

我亦 瞞住我 太合襯
I also hidden that from me
ngo yik mun zyu ngo taai hap can

這麼 寂寞的戀愛算甚麼
What is this lonely love
ze mo zik mok dik lyun oi syun sam mo

用你指尖纏我 用熱吻逃避我
Your finger tips surround me you use kisses to avoid me
yung nei zi zim cin ngo yung yit man tou bei ngo

無言的親親親 侵襲我心
Wordless kiss melting my heart
mou yin dik can can can cam zaap ngo sam

I’d rather say you’re tired
ying ning yun can hau gong nei leoi dak han

If someone apart from me
yu ceoi ngo yi ngoi zoi nei sam

還多出一個人 你瞞住我
Is in your heart, You hidden it from me
waan do ceot yat go yan nei mun zyu ngo

我亦 瞞住我 太合襯
I also hidden that from me
ngo yik mun zyu ngo taai hap can

無言的親親親 侵襲我心
Wordless kiss melting my heart
mou yin dik can can can cam zaap ngo sam

I’d rather say you’re tired
ying ning yun can hau gong nei leoi dak han

If someone apart from me
yu ceoi ngo yi ngoi zoi nei sam

還多出一個人 你瞞住我
Is in your heart, You hidden it from me
waan do ceot yat go yan nei mun zyu ngo

我亦 瞞住我 太合襯
I also hidden that from me
ngo yik mun zyu ngo taai hap can